One- The Bet

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He looked her over, he had heard about her. The guys talked her up like she was a goddess of sorts and he couldn't say they were wrong. She was definitely any Guys wet dream. Her long toned tan legs seemed to go on for miles beneath her torn fishnets, her ring attire showed just the right amount of cleavage and ass, to make even a gay guys mouth water. Her wine colored hair fell in thick loose waves to her waist and she had a glittering headband with a red fox on it. Her eyes were such a dark brown that they looked almost black, but showed lighter tones against her thick black eyeliner and black eye shadow, her piercings glinted in the light, little studs in her bottom lips, a medusa on the top lip and a nose ring. The hair on the left ear was tucked back revealing glittering metal tunnels in stretched ears. Her tattoos covered her arms and back, he could make out an astronomical theme and a sunset tattoo, a human heart, amongst other things. So they were right about her attractiveness but were they right about the attitude? He looked at the hate in her eyes, just maybe. He remembered over hearing the guys talk about her when she first arrived.

"The name Fox is definitely right" Cody Rhodes had said peeking out the door as she walked by. Everyone and their mother seemed to be watching her.

"I'd hit that" Damien Sandow had added high fiving Cody.

"Such a shame that pretty face is gonna get wrecked by Natalya tonight" Daniel Bryan shook his head as he laced up his boots. Punk didn't bother to look at her or even watch her match, which to everyone's surprise she won in 3 minutes brutally getting the upper hand on Natalya as soon as the bell rang and hitting her with her finisher. To his knowledge she was undefeated, even beating Beth Phoenix and Kharma, viciously and quickly gaining her the nickname Ruthless, yet didn't have a title something about the WWE that also frustrated him when he first came here, maybe that was the reason behind her bad attitude. Apparently the whole male locker room now had this bet going, almost all tried to ask her out only to be either shut down immediately, punched in the face, or she had even given Dolph Ziggler the honor of being stood up in front of most of locker room. They all obsessed over her, talking about her constantly, Punk usually just shook his head and shrugged on his headphones and popped his gum. Until a week ago when Kofi, one of his few friends on the roster was telling him about how she had even turned down Cena.

"You know John has all the divas eating out of the palm of his hand and she laughed in his face and said no" he shook his head in disbelief, Wade Barrett sat near them lacing his boots,

"Word is she's fresh" he added what? What did that even mean? Wondered Punk

"In American Wade" Punk rolled his eyes at him

"A Virgin mate," he replied annoyed.

"Not for long!" Scoffed Dolph "I'm claiming that and the-how much money is the pool at?" Every time they failed the guys had to pay $200 dollars of which was then put in a shoe box which Kofi held since he was the most trustworthy, the winner kept the money and bragging rights.

"$20,000" Kofi replied looking at his notebook of calculations. Everyone looked at him astonished, Punk couldn't help but laugh.

"You're telling me that chick has rejected you guys 100 times?" He laughed, causing some glares.

"What're you laughing about? I bet she'd reject your punk ass too" Randy rolled his eyes.

"Not likely," Punk chuckled. "Guys I'm the best in the world" He held up his title. "Plus I'm a ladies man, need I make a list?" They looked at him some glaring, "in just the wrestling industry Tracy, Shannon, Maria, Mickie, AJ, Beth, Lita,-"

"Ok we get it" groaned Daniel.

"So no, I doubt she'd reject, all this" he laughed motioning at himself title and all, "right Kofi?"

"I don't know she's pretty bitchy, and arrogant and-" punk held up his hand

"Puh-lease I could tame her like that" he snapped his fingers.

"I doubt that" John said walking in from the showers. Others nodded in agreement "I mean she rejected me, ME!"

"John no offense but you look like a hairless gorilla" Punk laughed, Cena glared.

"If you get her to go out with you I'll double the amount in that box" he dared.

"John that's a lot of money..." Warned Randy Orton

"A $40,000 date? I say he has to not only get a date he has to get her to be his girlfriend, his puppet" suggested Cody

"And he has to seal the deal" added Alberto Del Rio.

"Easy, have fun losing that money" Punk shook his head arrogantly.
So now here he was introducing himself. He had watched her stretch, the way she moved so gracefully, so seductively, almost as if she was aware she was being watched, he couldn't help but take a sharp breath as she leaned forward and touched her toes, her lower back slightly exposed, showing smooth tan skin. He felt the blood in his body rush to...other places. As he got closer he could hear her humming as she got up and started bouncing up in down. He was mesmerized, he watched her for a moment before remembering his purpose. He tapped her shoulder, he could hear the music through her headphones as he cleared his throat. Whatever she was listening to was catchy but she was gonna go deaf that way, he tapped her again, she didn't bother to look and took a few steps forward as to discourage him. But Philip Brooks wasn't one to give up easily, he saw her iPod sticking out of her back pocket and fought the urge to do anything else aside from disconnect the headphones. She turned almost instantly her eyes throwing daggers, if looks could kill. He was slightly taken aback by her aggressiveness but introduced himself nonetheless. She stared at him but it felt like she was looking right through him.

"I know who you are" she rolled his eyes, did he really think she was that dumb.

"Ah good, that should make saying yes to a date-" he replied confidently, she looked at him as if he were psychotic before letting out a scathing laugh, causing him to flinch slightly.

"No." And with that she turned triumphantly on her heel, she liked the thrill of saying no. It made her feel powerful, before she knew it was pulled back, she glared back at him.

"You didn't let me finish"

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