Two- Sweet Chin Music

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He wasn't used to treatment like this from girls, it kinda pissed him off. But she didn't back down her eyes burned intensely as she pulled her arm from him, there was something in her that liked what was happening. For once she was being challenged, but another part of her, a bigger part hated him for daring to put a hand on her. He smirked as he rethought his plan, he let go.
"Good luck in your match, Rue" she rolled her eyes wearing a smirk of her own,

"Lucks for losers, I'm the best wrestler on this Roster, in this room, this company, I don't need your luck Phil" and with that she turned on her heel and headed for the ring. -




It took everything in her not to gag as she listened to AJ's ridiculous music play and she did her ridiculous skipping to the ring. She waited until her music hit "Hey Nightmare, Where Did You Get Them Teeth?" By A Skylit Drive.


For your life now,

Don't you see your princess is gone?

Pull your vengeance aside!

Lets make it rain blood tonight!" Lilian Garcia announced her

"Entering the ring, at 5'6, 130 pounds, from Los Angeles, California and undefeated, Ruby Redfox!"

Punk watched from behind the curtain as she made a run for the ring, her ring music surprised him, he half expected her to have something...girlier? She slid in under the bottom rope and hopped up on the turnbuckle, the crowd reaction was mixed half booed, half cheered. She dragged her thumb across her delicate looking throat menacingly at the crowd then at AJ as she hopped down on to the canvas. He cued to them to play his music as He walked down to the ring, Ruby's eyes widened in surprise as he made his way down the ramp, a smirk plastered on his face, her eyes quickly narrowed at him and shot daggers at him as they followed him to the commentary table.

"What're you doing out here Punk?" Asked Jerry Lawer surprised

"Oh you know I'm just here to enjoy the view" he answered, winking, as he put on a headset. The bell rang as the match began. Immediately Punk could see where the name Ruthless had come from. The instant the bell rang it's like everything else melted away from her. All she was saw AJ. She immediately started throwing punches before the ref pulled her off, then she went for AJ's knees causing her to yell out and buckle to the ground

"I don't see why you're out here this match is gonna be over in a minute, this girl is a powerhouse" Michael Cole said. Ruby began to stomp her foot in the corner. It was Shawn Michaels birthday and she was about to make a tribute, as she stood in her corner and waited for AJ to get up and charged her before hitting her with Sweet Chin Music.

"Oh there it is! Did you see that?! She remembered Shawn Michaels birthday! What a sweet little tribute by Redfox!" Jerry Lawler cried excitedly

"She's going for the Nightmare!" Michael Cole shouted as Ruby went to top rope and set up for the Nightmare she crouched and then hopped up arching her back as she went in the air. For both Punk and Ruby that moment seemed to last forever, he was mesmerized by how perfect she looked in the air almost as if she belonged there before hitting an already stunned AJ and getting the 3 count.

"What a surprise" droned Michael Cole "Redfox wins AGAIN"

"What a match! And in a record minute in a half" Jerry Lawler praised. Punk didn't say anything as he watched her go from completely focused and driven back to that nonchalant, devil may care attitude, he couldn't help but think she looked bored, even as the Reff held her hand up in triumph. He rose from his chair and grabbed a mic as he walked toward the ring.

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