Twenty-Four- Then There Were Three

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This was probably one of the only times Ruby hoped someone would run up behind her and wield her unconscious, C'mon Kaitlyn hit me with the title she thought but no one came out. The fans cheered, chanting

"Say yes!" Talk about pressure, she shakily lifted the mic to her mouth but before she could say anything Punk had torn the mic from Justin.

"You know I think its pretty selfish of you to make Ruby's victory all about you" he growled.

"Stay out of this Punk" glared Justin. "Why are you even here? We don't want you here, leave!"

"Oh really Tough Guy why don't you make me?" Dared Punk, shoving Justin, they began shoving each other.

"Now you're both making this about yourselves!" She yelled, they both looked at her, Punk shoving Justin just once more, before she stormed away, Justin shoved Punk before running after her, Punk following suit. She knew Vince would probably give her crap for not accepting to be Justin's girlfriend on air,she winced as she saw Vince behind the curtain, arms crossed.

"Hey Vince" she muttered

"Ruby, wonderful match" he nodded

"Uh thanks"

"Ruby!" Called Justin looking for her. Vince gave Ruby a nod,

"You know what you have to do" he told her. Justin found them, he was out of breath, the cameras were behind him too.

"Ruby! I'm...sorry for...ruining...your moment" he panted.

"Why are you so out of breath?" She asked

"" he panted sitting on a box, she laughed, he smiled as he pulled her into his lap. "Does that mean you're not mad at me?" He asked finally catching his breath. She wiggled trying to escape, she could see Vince from behind the camera men, she stopped

"No..." She groaned he looked at her afraid "I meant no I'm not mad at you" he sighed in relief, nuzzling her shoulder.

"So...I know you said you wanted to take things slow and everything and this is anything but, but I just want to know...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked again. Shit, shit, shit thought Ruby,

"Uh...Justin...I don't want to say no!" She ran her hand through his hair "but I'm not ready to say yes yet" he sighed pressing his forehead to hers

"At least it's not a no" he smiled "how about another date or 2 and we revisit the topic?" She nodded, at least he was understanding.

"Yeah sounds good" she gave him a peck on the lips, but he dipped her back kissing her more passionately. She could've sworn she felt the briefest of a flutter in her stomach. Maybe she could fall for Justin, he unlike SOME people was a nice guy, a gentleman, and didn't have the reputation that SOME people had. Speaking of some people, she heard a clearing of a throat. Justin looked up first rolling his eyes at who it was, Ruby had a good idea of who it was by Justin's reaction and kept her head buried in his neck.

"May we help you?" He growled, surprising Ruby with his aggressiveness, she liked it.

"I want to talk to Ruby" it was most likely Punk, although she had to admit hearing him call her by her full name gave her butterflies, she peeked out from Justin's neck, she could see that the cameras were still there.

"It seems like she doesn't want to talk to you" smirked Justin, oh when did that start happening? His smirk, She liked it.

"Last time I checked Rue here could speak for herself, and enjoys doing so" Punks expression unreadable. He was right. She untangled herself from Justin.

"Yes?" She asked looking him straight in the eye, he seemed...restless? She couldn't explain it. "You wanted to talk, talk" she crossed her arms, Justin hugging her from behind. Punk flinched as Justin kissed her cheek.

"In private" he managed to say through clenched teeth.

"Anything you want to say can be said in front of..." She smiled "my boyfriend" Justin beamed.

"Rue..." Punk sighed, chewing away at his cheek "please" he muttered. He had actually said Please? It had to be important. She sighed dropping her arms to her sides, turning to Justin.

" seems important...Justin, I uh...I'll call you after I'm done ok?" He looked at her bewildered as she said it. He blinked before nodding.

"Ok, but if you need anything..." He warned not quite telling her but looking to Punk as she said it.

"Justin you know I can handle myself right?" She asked, he nodded

"Yeah" before leaning in and kissing her, a little too possessively for her liking and leaving, Punk waving at him mockingly. Finally Ruby turned to him.

"Now what was soooo important you had to go-" she was cut off my Punk throwing his arms around her, she had to admit it felt amazingly right.

"Congratulations on winning your match Rue" he sighed into her hair, happy to finally be able to hold her. It had been gnawing away at him, how he couldn't touch her the way Justin did, how he hadn't seen her for almost a full day.

"Uh thanks" she muttered, against his chest, she wrapped her arms around him slightly, she hated to admit it but she had kind of missed him, then she remembered the cameras and pushed him off. "Was that it? You couldn't say that in front of Justin?" She tried to sound angry but she was sort of giddy from the hug, he smiled at her.

"Can you blame me for wanting to spend some alone time with you?" Her heart skipped a beat, then she remembered she was mad at him.

"An 11 hour flight with you is enough Phil Brooks to last me a lifetime" she stuck her tongue out, he leaned in.

"I already told you, don't take that thing out unless you plan to use it." He whispered sending chills down her spine. He stepped back, "and I don't think I could ever have enough time with you" her heart started beating faster.

"Can't say it's mutual" she managed to stutter, she heard a clearing of a throat. She turned to see Justin still there, she narrowed her eyes at him, "I thought I told you I could handle this"

"I-" Justin started to say but was cut off by Ruby's phone going off, she grabbed it from his pocket, since she had made him hold it.


"Rube caught your match! Holy shit that was amazing! That whisper in the wind, BADASS!" Cheered Jeff from the other end, her eyes instantly lit up, she forgot about Justin and Phil.

"Really Jeff? It means so much coming from you!" She gushed walking off leaving them both there.

"Ruby-" called Justin about to follow her but he was stopped by Punk, Justin looked at him quizzically.

"It's not even worth the sweat" Punk shook his head

"What're you talking about?" Justin asked confused

"The competition between you and I never mattered because when it came down to it if she had the chance and the choice, she'd choose him" Punk muttered, how could he have forgotten Jeff?!

"Who?" Justin asked still confused

"Jeff Hardy" sighed Punk "she may be your 'girlfriend' and the girl I'm interested in" he did air quotes, "but at the end of the day her heart belongs to him..." He patted Justin's shoulder before leaving him standing there confused.

"Yeah holy shit! You're so ready for that title, you're gonna crush Kaitlyn like a grape!" Jeff said excitedly

"I just feel on top of the world right now Jeff! I wish you were here to with me to celebrate" she sighed

"Oh Rube I wish I was too! I'd squeeze the shit out of you!"

"I can imagine" she laughed

"But it doesn't seem to me that you're short on attention" he teased, her cheeks burned

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Oh don't be Coy with me Rube, what's up with you and that Justin kid? And Punk?"

"Justin and I have just been hanging out"

"Uh-huh" he teased

"As for Punk well he's just been pretty much stalking me..."

"That's what you get for being so pretty" he laughed, her heart involuntarily skipped a beat. Damn it she thought, she hated having these feelings for her best friend. She wished she could just stop them but they were there and everytime he heard his voice..."Rube you still there?" He asked interrupting her thoughts.

"Yeah sorry, just still caught up in the adrenaline of winning my match" she lied.

"Rube...You know you can't lie to me" he sighed "what's bothering you?"

"Nothing! I just won my biggest match in the WWE what else could be on my mind?!"


"Jeff!" She groaned.

"Does it have to do with Justin?" He asked "did he do something? Do I have to fly there and kick his ass?" He sounded seriously angry

"What? No calm down!" She laughed "it's nothing I swear" and the last thing I need is you to come here and make things more confusing for me, she thought.

"I'll get it out of you!" he teased "Anyway besides calling you to tell you how AMAZING your match was I also called to see if when you came back you'd like to spend some time down here in Cameron with us."

"Ohh and see my goddaughter Ruby? Of course! Especially since the next weeks Raw is Charlotte, saves me money on a hotel" she teased.

"I'm hurt all you care about is Ruby and saving money?!"

"Pretty much" she laughed

"What about seeing your best friend in the whole world?!" He asked

"Uh, Lionheart doesn't live in Cameron?" She teased he Gasped "just kidding" she laughed

"You just about broke my heart" he whined

"Oh stop it you know I love you", she immediately regretted saying that.

"Ohhhhh reallllly?" He said on the other line,

"Oh god Hardy don't let it get your head now"

"Too late, hey world, Ruby Redfox loves me!" He shouted

"Hey fucker shut up" she laughed

"Ok ok" he laughed

"You know usually when someone says they love you it's common courtesy to say it back..."

"Ruby, you know I love you, I thought that was made clear a long time ago." He replied as if it were obvious, its not as if he meant it in the way she did, ad even of he did then what? Even then he was still married, he had a kid. It was impossible, yet somehow it made her want him more.

"Yeah yeah well listen I gotta go shower because for the first time since I came here, I actually broke a sweat" she laughed

"Alright, bye, love you" well that was new, she smiled

"Bye Nero, love you too" she hung up

"Who do you love?" Asked a voice behind her, she turned to Justin looking hurt.

"Justin it's not what you think..." well actually it kind of was

"Is this why you don't want to be my girlfriend?!"


"Were you just stringing me along?!" He looked more sad than angry.

"Justin...I would never..." She tried to touch his shoulder he pushed her hand away.

"Do you love him?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter he's married and I'm with you, I wouldn't be with you if I didn't want to be" she sighed, trying again to stroke his face,

"I think we need time apart" he said

"Time apart? We just got that what you really want?"

"Ruby, I'm fully in this, I care about you a lot already, and I don't want this to go any further unless you're fully in this too. I don't want half of your heart or just a piece, I know what I want, I think it's you who needs to figure out what they want" he kissed her softly on the lips, before leaving her there stunned. She sat down to think when Punk came in.

"Really? This isn't what I need right now" she sighed, not as bitchy as she usually would.

"So I have to admit I probably caused what just happened... "he sat beside her, she shoved him away.

"Why would you do that?!"

"He had the right to know Rue, you can't just go around stringing guys along like that"

"I'm not!"

"This isn't what I came here to talk about" he groaned

"Then what?!" She yelled her mind was in too many places for this.

"Nevermind" he groaned getting up.

"I hate that you know, I really hate that! When guys act like they want to tell you something and then expect you to bother them until they have to tell them."

"I just can't tell you" he sighed

"Fine then leave!" She didn't need him fucking with her thoughts more, he was half way out the door when he turned. "What is it?!" She asked looking into those hazel eyes,

"I want to tell you that I like you. But I can't tell you that, can I? I want to tell you to forget about Justin and Jeff, They're great guys, nice and chivalrous and everything, Justin could probably give you the white picket fence and the chocolate lab, shit I probably can't give you, and Jeff he's probably your twin soul or something, and you'd be good together with either of them but I still want to tell you to tell them to fuck off and to be with me. I want to tell you that since the moment I met you I can't even get your face out of my mind, But I can't tell you that, that all I want right now in the world is to take you away with me. No them, no here, no this. Just us. If just for a while You know? But I can't tell you that. I mean, you can't make me. I mean, what kind of person would I be if I went and told you something like that?" He was pacing waving his arms frantically, she was looking at him wide eyed. He ran a frustrated hand over his face. "And uh...I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone what I didn't say..."

"Uh of course considering you didn't say it..." She managed to stutter as she watched him leave, completely exasperated.

Ok I loooooooved writing Punks confession! I was totally inspired by the Movie Dakota Skye, anyway hope you love it, please comment, vote, and fan:) I'll try to update again later today ! I'm guessing everyone wants Ruby to end up with Punk but if she couldn't who's your second choice? This will be important later I promise so you should totally say,



PS please check out my new CM Punk story My Savior and tell me if I should continue it!

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