Ten- Kiss?

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"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Ruby continued to shout at Punk as she took him by the front hoodie and brought him down to her eye level. He was after all 8 inches taller than her.

"Hey! Relax!" He told her as he tried to break free of her grip which was surprisingly strong. "I'll be honest...I saw when you guys exchanged some spit. And let me tell you, you could do so much bett-" he managed to explain before he felt a pain in his jaw as she punched him, once again surprising him with her strength. He rubbed at his jaw, trying to keep his anger under control. But it was bubbling inside him.

"You asshole! How dare you follow me and invade my privacy like that?!" She swung at him again, but this time he caught her arm seconds before she hit him.

"Relax!" He growled, but she swung at him with her left fist, just below the eye. She couldn't explain to herself how it had happened but she found herself pinned between the wall and punk, he had his full weight against her, pinning her legs down and both her arms pinned over her head in one of his hands. She could feel his warm minty breath on her face as he breathed heavily from the intensity of the situation. she realized her breath was equally as heavy and that at this proximity she could see the muscles in his jaw flex as he chewed his gum. He pressed his forehead to hers,

"Relax" he ordered again as he began tracing the shape of her lips with his free hand and she had to fight the urge to go toward his touch instead of away. She couldn't explain the magnetization between them. She'd never felt that before.

"Such a pretty mouth" he whispered his voice husky with desire, sending shivers down her spine. She tried to free herself but he only held her tighter. She did the only thing she could think to do, she spit in his face. He wiped it away with his free hand, not loosening his grip on her. "Rude, very naughty" he whispered, she felt a foreign tingling sensation below her navel. "but I think I know how to stop you from doing that again" that annoying smirk that always seemed to be on his face surfacing again, as he leaned in, her breath sped up as he came closer and closer to her mouth, but in the moment their lips brushed he made the mistake of dropping both of his hands to her Lower back clutching her against him, his hips grinding against hers. She could feel something on her hip. She took the opportunity to slap his face away from hers, her hand stinging. Since he had let his guard down he stumbled a few steps, clutching his cheek that now felt enflamed. she continued her vicious assault, kneeing him in the stomach. He collapsed to his knees as she slapped his other cheek, now both of his cheeks felt like they were on fire as he watched her once again walk away from him. He let out a growl in frustration. She turned to look at him and in the weak streetlight he could swear he saw her smiling before she vanished around the corner. She got to her hotel room, Lionheart was waiting for her sleepily on the bed.

"Hi baby" she whispered as she scratched his head. "Sorry I took so long. Had a bit of run in with someone unpleasant..." She dug out his food and poured some out for him, she made sure he still had water before peeling off her work out clothes. She turned on the water to the shower as she dug out her toiletries. The bathroom was already steamy by the time she stepped in the hot water letting it pour over her soon to be sore body. As she washed her hair Phil popped into her mind. She thought of that momentary brush of their lips. The exhilaration that shot through her body, as if she had stuck her finger in an electric socket. She wondered if Phil felt it too. She definitely didn't feel that with anyone else, did she? She cleared her thoughts. It didn't matter she was going home tomorrow anyway and she wouldn't have to deal with him for at least a few more days.






The next Raw was in her hometown of LA before it was headed overseas. The thought of a more than 5 hour flight was unsettling. As much as she hated to admit it she hated flying it made her uneasy. She usually got a prescription of anxiety pills or something to get her to fall asleep for most of the flight, but she hated being dependent on pills. She had spent the past few days with her mother and family in LA and then going back to her apartment in Hermosa beach. As much as she loved her mom and family she liked her own space more. Lionheart enjoyed his time at home playing with other cats, and climbing in his cat condo. Jeff hadn't called her and she couldn't build up the courage to call him though she had tried. It was few minutes before she absolutely had to be in the arena and she was checking that her ring gear was all there, as she sat in her car. Her head against the steering wheel as she thought about Jeff. She regretted that kiss so much now! And then she thought about Phil and that feeling he gave her. Why was this so complicated? She shook her head. It wasn't. Jeff was married and Phil well he was Phil. He had no real interest in her...did he? She sighed it didn't matter. She would have nothing to do with either of them she decided as she opened her car door and bent over to get her bag from the passenger seat, she accidentally caused her door to open wider than it was and heard a thump. She quickly grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder as she saw what her door had hit. On the ground was sprawled a dark haired bearded guy. But it wasn't Phil. This guy seemed nicer, sweeter.

"Crap did I hit you with my door?" She asked as she kneeled to make sure they were ok. He looked up revealing warm brown eyes, he was rubbing his head as he smiled warmly. She couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm quite alright, I think" he replied on an almost British like accent.

"Are you sure?" She asked "I'm so sorry"

"It's alright my fault for sneaking up on you, I was checking if you were ok, since I saw you looking quite distressed in your car" he nodded explaining himself

"Oh I'm fine but thanks uh...I'm sorry I didn't quite get your name. I'm Ruby" Ruby smiled again.

"Oh my names Paul" he held out his hand. She shook his hand, it was soft and warm "But I wrestle under the name Justin Gabriel"

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