Twenty-Eight- Confessions

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Punk found himself pinned beneath a half naked AJ, her lips pressed his as if she were trying suck out his soul. He was surprised by how fast she had gotten her clothes off. Wait what was he doing?! He thought as he shoved her off.

"What're you doing?!" He yelled as he got up and zipped his pants, he felt violated.

"C'mon Phil, when did you go and get morals?" She pouted as she tried to pull him back into the bed with her.

"I've always had them!" He yelled over his shoulder as he walked to the door,

"Ha right" she laughed as the door shut, he walked up the hallway and he caught a glimpse of who he could swear was Justin making out with Eve as they stumbled into a room. Shit. He knocked urgently, No answer, he pressed his ear to the door, it didn't sound like anyone was in there, he tried to look in through the peephole, but couldn't see anything. Then heard the ding of the elevator as it began to ascend. The lobby! He ran toward the stairs and ran down them, almost tripping as he reached the door, catching a glimpse of red as it left through the revolving doors, her bags in hand. He ran as he saw her, but by the time he reached the door all he was red as it went into the cab and sped away and he could do nothing but grasp his head in confusion. He just hoped he'd see her at the house shows, but when he didn't he couldn't help but worry. After the last house show he found himself in LA again, knocking at her door. When he didn't hear an answer he took the spare key out from under the ceramic pig and let himself in. It looked completely empty, like no one had been home in a while. He sat on the couch, he needed to find her. What could he do?! He couldn't call her or text her. He had tried she just ignored him. What could he do?! Lionheart! He thought if Lionheart was here she was too if he wasn't neither was she. But how could he get him to come? He remembered seeing Ruby shake the bag of food to make him come in, he ran to where she kept the food and walked over to the door shaking the bag like a mad man. Normally Lionheart came within seconds but after half an hour, there was nothing. Ok so she had come home he thought as he sat on the couch again, his hands running through his short hair nervously. He spotted the list of numbers on her fridge and ran over to it, the first one was Esmeralda's her mom. He pulled out his phone and dialed it and waited as it rang.

"C'mon, c'mon" he begged, finally he heard a familiar Hispanic accent on the other line.


"Yes? Hi! It's Phil" he tried not to sound panicky.

"Oh hello Philip, what's wrong?"

"I just you know where Ruby could be? I really need to talk to her"

"Oh is she not home?" She asked confused

"No...she's not"

"Oh!" She gasped as if she remembered something "the next show is in North Carolina, she's probably with that man...the one with the colorful hair" her mother said as if she were trying to remember.

"Jeff?" Punk winced

"Yes! Jeff that's his name!"

"Okay thank you Esmeralda! Can you please not tell her I called?"

"Why not?" She asked confused.

"Well she's kind of mad at me and doesn't want to see me...but I really need to apologize to her!"

"Oh yes I understand, well goodbye Phil!" Her mother chirped

"Bye", so he was headed to North Carolina he thought. This was quite possibly the worse thing that could've happened, she was in the lions den.





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