Seven- Predictability

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Punk sat on the bench in the locker room, rubbing his face in frustration. Why did he even care? Maybe because he'd never had a woman reject him before let alone leave him hanging like that. Maybe because he secretly like that finally someone was a challenge. Wait why was he even still thinking about her? He shook her from his mind and headed for the showers. Just before he reached them he was stopped by Dolph Ziggler.

"You're not gonna win this bet!" He poked Punk in the chest.

"I know, that you know, that I will" Punk smirked "I know what you saw, and that was just within a few hours, give it a little more time and you'll find out why I'm the best in the world" Dolph glared at him.

"Not if I can help it." He threatened

"But see the thing is, we both know you can't" Punk mocked.

"We'll see about that" Dolph laughed "I'll gonna go to her hotel room, I'll ask Vince for a storyline, I'll do anything to win. Anything to get a piece of that sweet as-" before Punk knew what he was doing he had Dolph by the shirt, pinning him against the wall, lifting him a few inches off the ground.

"Stay away from her." He warned before dropping him, as Dolph tried to walk away Punk pulled him back "tell me what hotel she's staying at." Dolph shook his head in defiance "NOW" punk demanded. "Or I knock your teeth down your throat", he drew his fist back menacingly. Dolph swallowed hard before finally saying.

"The one closest to the arena, she always does! No matter how sleazy or expensive!" He muttered before shoving Punk off and dusting himself off. He stalked off angrily, Punk laughed,

"He's so easy" he muttered under his breath as he walked into the showers.
Ruby opened the door.

"Holy shit Jeff! What're you doing here?!" She shrieked excitedly as she saw the Rainbow Haired warrior, the Charismatic Enigma, stood there outside her room looking as handsome as ever with his hair pulled back in it's usual bun, a flannel and jeans. She couldn't stop staring at him until she felt Lionheart rub against her leg as he popped his head out of the door.

"Well if it isn't Ruby Redfox" he smiled

"In the flesh" she laughed

"I can see that" he replied as he eyed her revealing bustier, since she was no longer wearing her jacket. She felt herself blush

"What're you doing here?" She asked not meaning to sound so blunt

"Well nice to see you too" he laughed at her harsh tone that he was used to as he crouched and Lionheart kept into his arms, he got up cradling Lionheart like a baby. She couldn't contain herself any longer from throwing her arms around his neck and breathing in that oh familiar scent. She felt his arms slowly make their around her waist as Lionheart meowed between them. She hoped he couldn't hear how loudly her heart was beating in her chest as she wished they could stay like this forever. But of course Lionheart was clawing at their chests trying to escape suffocation. They pulled away reluctantly. She sighed happily as Lionheart perched on Jeff's shoulder.

"So seriously what're you doing here?" She asked beaming.

"Well Impact is filming around here too, so I decided to stop by. By the way you are just way too easy to find" he teased as Lionheart rubbed his head happily against Jeff's.

"Not even!" She gasped pretending to be hurt.

"Yes even! You're so predictable! Always getting the room with the view and a balcony on the floor directly in the middle of the hotel"

"I like the view!" She laughed "I'm surprised you know all those things about me Mr. Hardy" he groaned

"Don't call me that! It makes me feel old!" He leaned in, hands in his pockets, and whispered "And I know more about you than you think" sending shivers down her spine. She couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that

"Oh" was all she managed to say. She felt so stupid. He loved the effect he had on her. He smiled a crooked smile

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Uh not yet, I wasn't really planning-" he arched an eyebrow at her before cutting her off

"Rube you gotta eat. Come on, my treat" she shifted uncomfortably, looking at the ground

"You know I don't like to eat after I wrestle"

"Not even for me? With me?" He asked tilting her chin up softly She sighed in defeat.

"Ok, but you're paying!", he laughed

"Wouldn't have it any other way" he handed her Lionheart as she stepped, into her room and laid him on the bed as she grabbed her jacket and hotel room key. "Mommy will be back in a while" she told Lionheart as she gave him several kisses "I love you" she told him before giving him one last kiss and shut the door behind her. She saw Jeff in shaking his head in laughter, "what?"

"You and that cat man.", she punched him in the arm

"So where do you wanna eat?" She asked as they walked side by side to the elevator.

"Wherever you want" he answered smiling as he nudged her shoulder in the elevator.

"You're paying you choose" she said nudging him back.

"We Always do this!" He groaned causing her to laugh.

"And you always end up choosing so just choose!"

"Lets just eat at the hotels restaurant" he sighed in defeat as the doors dinged open, he held out his arm "Miss. Redfox" he said as he bowed extravagantly, motioning toward his arm. She giggled and hooked her arm through his. They were seated at a table near the window.

"Oh how perfect I still get to watch the sunset" she smiled as she sat down across from Jeff. Remember this isn't a date, you've done this hundreds times with Jeff, she had to silently remind herself

"You still do that thing where you sit on the balcony, Indian style, blasting your music at a deafening volume through your headphones, while you watch the sunset?" He said as he flipped through the menu

"Pretty much" she laughed looking at her hands on the table.

"Figures." He said before fake coughing "predictable!", she kicked him under the table

"Whatever!" Before he could say anything the waitress came,

"Hello may I take your orders?" She asked beaming at Jeff. Ruby tried not to glare at her. Yes she knew Jeff was attractive but he was taken! Maybe not by her but he was. Jeff ordered some sort of pork.

"Uh I'll have a steak, well done" Jeff looked at her surprised "what you know I'm a carnivore"

"And drinks?" The waitress asked politely, her eyes still on Jeff.

"I'll have a beer" he said,

"I'll take a raspberry iced tea" Jeff looked at her again

"C'mon get a real drink"

"You know I don't drink"

"Still?" She shot him a drop it look, he held up his hands as if to say ok.

"Ok then, I'll bring you your food in a few minutes" smiled the waitress at Jeff who wasn't even looking at her, before walking away. It was awkwardly quiet until some fans came and asked Jeff for an autograph. Then when they noticed her they asked her too. Once they were gone Jeff sighed

"Look I'm sorry or bringing up the drinking thing again. I just don't understand why you don't. You aren't straightedge so I don't get it"

"I don't see why it matters, plus you don't HAVE to be straightedge to not drink" she twiddled with thumbs hoping to keep her temper under control.

"I know" he sighed again leaning forward "I guess its just because I'm from a different time. Back in my day drinking was the thing to do."

"I know and it still is I guess but, it's not MY thing"

"Yeah, I guess that's what I like about you, your "this is me, take it or leave" Attitude"

"Right or wrong, I stand in my own 2 feet" she added smiling again. "That's from a song"

"Oh really?" He seemed relieved that he got her to smile.

"Yeah an A Day To Remember song, 'this is me, you can take it or leave, right or wrong I'll stand on my own two feet'"

"Well it fits you exactly" he smiled as he leaned forward and took her hands in his "you're not like other girls dying to fit in, like some of the divas, you're your own person, and I love that" her heart skipped a beat as he squeezed her hands sweetly. Did he just use the "L" word?! She felt herself being involuntarily pulled forward, she wanted desperately to kiss him, he seemed to be moving forward too but it was all interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Ahem, am I interrupting something?" Sounded Punk from where he stood next to their table, his voice filled with relief at they pulled away from each other, Jeff letting go of her hands instantaneously. Before he could chicken out Punk pulled up a chair and plopped down. Things just got weird.
Please share! Can't believe I already passed the 100 reads mark! Love you all or that one person who read 100 times haha<3

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