Twenty- In the Air

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Sorry of its lame and there's more mistakes than usual, I'm still kinda sick, but uh yeah enjoy!

Ruby walked into the airport her suitcase in tow, she hadn't packed much, fearing that Vince would laugh her out of his office. Which was why she had so reluctantly packed her ring gear. She walked up to the desk.

"Uh I need a ticket for the flight leaving soonest for London." She told the lady.

"Ok well we have one leaving in about 20 minutes is that fine?" She typed away at her computer

"Sure that's fine." Sighed Ruby, her heart beating in her chest wildly. 11 hours suspended in the air, she wasn't afraid of flying but 11 hours was a lot, especially for her.

"And we only have first class tickets" informed the lady not bothering to look up from her computer.

"Of course there's only 1st class tickets left" muttered Ruby

"What was that?" Asked the woman.

"I said that's fine" she groaned handing the woman her card. Now Ruby couldn't help thinking about how if a plane crashes or were to fall, the safest place was in the tail of the plane otherwise known as coach. It really had nothing to do with the price. The woman continued to type,

"Ok window or aisle?"

"Uh actually can I get a middle seat?" Stupid OCD thought Ruby. The woman raised an eyebrow, but continued typing nonetheless. Ruby checked her watch. Geez this woman took forever. Finally she printed her ticket.

"Ok here you are Miss. Rojo" she Handed her the ticket. "Please check in your bag and proceed to gate 4B"

"Thanks" muttered Ruby as she hoisted her carry on bag on her shoulder and rolling her suitcase behind her as she walked as quickly as she could without running to get her bag checked. Please let the flight be delayed she thought as got to the bag check area. Thankfully there was no line, her bag was quickly checked as she ran to the metal detectors, she removed her boots and put them in a bin along with her carry on, was she wearing anything metal? Luckily she was wearing her favorite oversized green flannel, a few buttons undone to make sure people still new she was female, and black leggings, Nope nothing metal, she thought, hoping her piercings and tunnels wouldn't set the metal detector off. She walked through successfully waiting anxiously as her bag and boots slowly came through. She got the all clear sign as she pulled on her boots as hoisted her bag on her shoulder as she walked toward gate 4B

"Last call for Flight 237, leaving for London" announced the person on the speaker. Shit shit shit thought Ruby. She picked up her pace, finally reaching the gate slightly out of breath, as she handed the flight attendant her ticket. The woman checked it.

"Ok please board" she nodded handing her her ticket as Ruby hurriedly walked up the ramp and into the plane. A flight attendant led her to her seat. The row was otherwise empty aside from a single man, in the window seat. She couldn't see his face as she placed her bag in the overhead compartment, taking out only her book, her iPod and headphones and her medicine pouch.

Phil sat in his window seat, buckled in , headphones on to avoid any conversation with anyone, reading his comic book. He still couldn't figure out why he was so upset over Ruby kissing Justin. Ugh there she was again, clouding his thoughts. He still remembered how relieved he felt when he finally heard her voice outside the door when she had come home. He was no longer worrying, she was home, she was safe, but then he heard another voice it was Justin. He went to the window to watch, Geez why'd he do that? He regretted doing that so much now. He watched how she let him hold her hand. Why did that even bother him? Because she didn't fight his touch? Justin leaned in, his forehead touching hers, she was nodding, he said something, Phil held his breath as he hoped that Ruby would push Justin away, reject him somehow like she did with him. But instead she stood there, still as a statue and let him kiss her, well ok Phil had thought at least she's not kissing back, but he saw how her hand was on his shoulder, he could tell she had allowed Justin into her mouth, just like she had with Jeff and Frank. Everyone but him it seemed and it hurt, although he'd never admit it. That was why he had grabbed his bag and left. He wouldn't be able to stand being around her. It was like a part of him had began to hate her. And as much as he hated to admit it, he had lost. Now he had to face the locker room and pay up. He'd never be able to live it down. He checked his phone the flight was already 15 minutes behind, he hated when things didn't go as they were supposed to. He looked around, everyone seems to be there, what was the problem, he sat back. He heard a noise as he saw what appeared to be girl putting her bag in the overhead compartment, she seemed to be rummaging through her things. Geez hurry up he thought, he couldn't see her face but from what he saw she had an amazing body. Well this was perfect this was exactly what he needed, a distraction. He took off his headphones ready to turn on the charm. He just needed to see her face. She looked distracted as she continued to rummage, he saw a flash of red hair. No, no it couldn't be, she collapsed next to him, buckling herself in, headphones in her ears, it was. The one, the only, Ruby Redfox. Just my fucking luck thought Punk. He turned his face away for her, maybe she wouldn't notice him. Hell she barely did when she knew he was there, so why would she when she didn't know he was? He put his headphones on. He continued to read him comic book, then the safety video came on. They both had to take their headphones out, their elbows bumping into each other. She looked, yup she noticed him now. Her eyes looked wide in surprise, she turned her attention back to the video. Shit Phil! thought Ruby she hadn't had time to think about him. After he left she began to pack, worrying about getting her job back and up until now she had honestly kind of forgotten he existed. The video ended. Ruby cleared her throat.

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