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This wasn't the first time her and Frank kissed. They had kissed before but realized it felt too much like kissing a sibling or something well at least to her it did. She peeked while kissing Frank to see Tim looking surprised as hell, kinda like he was going to laugh. But Punk was giving her the death glare, his fists balled up In his pockets. He was jealous and it gave her butterflies. She felt like this was some sort of game. It was exhilarating because she knew at this very moment, she was in the lead, she was winning. She pulled away, putting Frank upright as he looked dazed, with a kinda goofy smile on his face. She held Frank's hand in hers and smiled at Phil triumphantly.

"No lies here" she sang wearing a smirk of her own. He held in the in the urge to grab her and throw her in his car and spanking her like a disobeying child, amongst doing other things to her. CM Punk did NOT like being played with. He cleared his throat as he composed himself.

"Sure I'll go take a tour of LA with Frank and Jim, seems fun," he managed through clenched teeth, before clearing his throat again "and then maybe we can head back to your place and hang out some more", he saw her twitch, she hasn't expected him to say yes. He knew he had taken the lead again. Her plan had backfired. Frank processed what Punk had said.

"Shit this is amazing!" Frank practically squealed as he grabbed Phil and dragged him along. This is gonna be a looooong night thought Phil, looking back to see Ruby biting her lip to hold back a smile. Ruby couldn't help but smile, well at least Frank and Jim got to be happy and Phil had to deal with their fangirling. She just hoped Frank wouldn't slip up and reveal they weren't actually dating. She shook her head giggling as he saw how Frank was hanging off of Phil like a little kid. He probably regretted that now, she thought as she walked to her car and drove home. She stood at her front door and shook the bag of cat food and Lionheart jumped off of the roof of the building across the street and walked over to her. She picked him up

"Guessss whooos coming to visit?" She sang to him. She looked around. "Geez I'm such a cat lady!" She muttered to herself. Lionheart looked up at her.

"Meow" well at least he talked back? She shook her head.

"Your uncle Frank! Uh well today he's your dad..." She explained to him, oh geez she was doing it again.

"Meow" he clawed at the bag of food. Of course that's all he cared about. She measured out his food and put fresh water in his bowl, in his room. All the rooms in her apartment where cat accessible, with cat doors. She really was a cat lady. She went around cleaning all the litter boxes and started setting up all the rooms for Frank and Jim and the rest of the band. Even though it was an apartment it was pretty spacious considering she had bought out the entire floor she lived on and remodeled it be one big apartment. It consisted of 6 rooms with walk in closets, each with their own bathroom, a den, a living room, a home gym, a tv room, a big stainless steel kitchen, and a giant balcony facing the beach, perfect for when she watched sunsets. She only occupied one and Lionheart another, although he pretty stayed with her all the time. 4 of the rooms would be occupied tonight, aside from hers, and her home would be full for once, she thought as she made the bed in the last room. She finished finally and decided to dye her hair. She didn't want to stray too far from her staple red hair but her current shade was too Lita-esque for her liking. She wanted something all her own. She dug through her numerous tubes and bottles of dye before picking the lightest, brightest red she had and separating her hair in sections and grabbing the applicator brush and mixing the contents of the tube with the developer. She quickly expertly applied it to her hair that was already dyed since it was darker than what she planned to have. She waited the appropriate time before applying it to her roots. She checked the time it was 11 pm. She didn't exactly know what time Frank and the boys would be home and she might be in the shower when they came and wouldn't be able to open the door. She shot Frank a text.

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