Fifteen- Bonding.

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Ruby regained her composure as she clutched her towel together.

"I'm pretty sure you crossed the line into stalkerism way too many times today. Now get OUT." She didn't give him an opportunity to respond as she shoved him out of her room and locked the door. She heard him laugh on the other side of the door, and then footsteps as he walked away. She sighed in frustration. Why couldn't he just leave her alone?! Why couldn't he take no for an answer?! Why was he even here? She heard laughter and realized he had probably been invited over by Frank. She walked to her closet quickly as she considered kicking him out. No he would expect that. She rummaged through her bathing suit drawer, selecting a turquoise 2 piece and a white vintage 1 piece. She decided on the white one, and pulled it on, threw on some shorts and grabbed a towel and a blanket. Maybe he would just leave if he thought she wasn't gonna come out? She opened her window and walked out to one of her many balconies. She was on the 3rd floor of a 5 story building, the jump down was pretty big, but she wasn't gonna jump, she expertly climbed over the edge and climbed down grabbing on to the wooden gate thing the flowers that grew on her building grew on, she climbed down slowly hoping no one would hear her. She continued to descend, regretting not putting shoes on as her feet touched the cool sand. She walked toward the sounds of the waves as she went to her pocket to check what time it was on her phone, realizing she had forgotten it in her room.

"Shit" she muttered, well if she had to guess it was around midnight. She would stay out all night if she had to, it wasn't too cold anyway... The breeze picked up, she hoped she wouldn't. She lay her things down and walked along the edge of the water, her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten and hadn't brought any money. How could she have forgotten to eat? She could bet Lionheart that tank had ordered pizza, her mouth watered as she fantasizes about meat lovers pizza with extra bacon and stuffed crust. She snapped out it as She sat where the water touched her feet but she stayed otherwise dry. Well this wasn't too bad, right? She was having a nice romantic herself. She looked at the stars, laying back. The sound of the waves relaxing her as she moved her arms and legs, giggling as she made a sand angel. Well this wasn't too bad. It was pretty warm out, as the cool sand felt amazing on her skin. She was pretty comfortable.

The pizza had arrived and Ruby still hadn't come out of her room. Punk was tempted to go get her but he figured she was waiting him out, too bad he didn't plan on leaving any time soon. So he hoped she had food and water in there. The guys were playing WWE '13, Phil was obviously playing as himself and Frank had his own custom character. Surprisingly Phil found himself losing because he was hoping that at any moment Ruby would walk out and he'd get another look at that tannish, smooth, sinewy skin, as he remembered the way the water droplets rolled down her skin, how the towel clung tightly to her every curve, but the towel seemed like it couldn't quite close, how he was tempted to do something, anything to make that towel drop to see what lay beneath-

"2, 3! In your face, I win!" Frank shouted jumping up and down wildly in celebration.

"What?" Phil snapped out his steamy fantasy.

"I won! I won!" He kept celebrating, greaaaat, Thought Punk rolling his eyes.

"Hey, where's your girlfriend?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh Ruby! Dunno. Definitely not sleeping, she stays up until like 9 am sometimes" Frank explained as he set up the game again.

"You're not...concerned?" Phil was trying to poke around

"Eh she'll come out if she wants" Frank shrugged as the other guys nodded in agreement, Phil handed the controller to Jim in defeat. Phil looked at his phone it was almost 2am and he was running out of reasons to stay...

"Does she eat?" Phil asked, remembering how Jeff urged her to eat as if she didn't do so often.

"Ruby? Hell yeah she stuffs herself!" Laughed Frank

"Yeah! Eats more than me" added Jimmy chuckling, Phil looked surprised, Jim was a pretty big guy.

"But he hasn't come out" noted Justin their guitarist.

"Yeah, usually the moment she smells the food she comes running out" shouted George the drummer from the kitchen where he was picking through the leftovers.

"Maybe she's dead" laughed Josh.

"I'll go check on her!" Volunteered Punk shooting up, they shrugged not caring that this stranger was so worried about their friend. He walked over to her room knocking.

"Rue" he sand as He knocked again. He put his ear to the door. There was no sound. He figured she was trying to keep quiet to make him think she was asleep. He knocked harder "Rue! I know you're not asleep!" He sat next to the door on the ground. "I can wait all night but I'm not leaving Til you one out!" He shouted. He sighed. She was so aggravating, all she had to do was say yes to a stupid date! And then be his puppet girlfriend and sleep with him, it's not like he was asking for her soul...geez. He realized what he just thought, wow that did seen pretty douchey...but it wasn't even really about that anymore. He was really determined to win her over. Damn what was this girl doing to him?! He threw his head back, hitting it on the wall. "Ow" he muttered, he heard a low

"Meow" and turned to see Lionheart sitting looking at him like he was an idiot.

"Don't look at me like that" Punk glared at him, the cat meowed again before rubbing against Punks leg purring. "Shoo!" He tried to shoo him but stopped when he looked at those large gold-green eyes. Well he was pretty cute...2 hours later he found himself drowsy, still outside Ruby's room, with Lionheart asleep on his lap, purring loudly. He had heard Frank, Jim, Josh, and George all go to bed around 3. He heard then asking where Phil went and they figured he went home. Phil had panicked thinking that Frank would come to sleep with his girlfriend and find him sitting there but instead saw him go in another room. Odd. Lionheart jerked awake and ran into Ruby's room through the cat door. "Traitor" muttered punk. Wait the cat door why hasn't he thought of that before?! He stuck his head through it and saw no one. The door pushed open. It had been open the whole time. he growled in frustration as he looked around again. Only to see an open sliding door that seemed to lead to a balcony. She had left and he never saw. He walked out groggily, wondering if he should go home or piss her off by going to sleep on her couch or better yet her bed...

The next morning

Half asleep Ruby tried to roll over but met resistance.

"Damn it Lionheart, you bed hog" she muttered, such a huge bed yet she always ended up cornered. She snuggled down in the warm covers, hoping to get a bit more sleep when sw heard a knock. She sleepily checked her phone, 9 am. She was surprised she had fallen asleep so early, she usually fell asleep at this hour. Who could t be she thought as she attempted to get out of bed. Her foot was caught on the sheet and she fell to the ground "ow" she muttered realizing she was still in her bathing suit. Wait...she didn't remember coming home...she shook her head she must've been half asleep she got up quickly running for the door. She opened it, to see a familiar petite Hispanic woman outside

"Mija! You look like a mess!" Her mom chuckled

"Moooom you know I like to sleep in" she whined feeling like a 5 year old. She held the door open for her mom to come in "so what's the occasion?" She asked her mom as she sat on the couch. But her mom wasn't looking at her but behind her.

"Mija" she whispered sounding alarmed "who is that man?" Ruby didn't bother to look

"Mama you know guys from the band..." She rolled her eyes, her mom still thought people with tattoos were criminals.

"Mija I know them...that's not them" she whispered

"Huh?" Ruby turned, "oh you've got to be fucking kidding me!" She groaned into her hands as she saw Phil standing there in just his boxers, waving awkwardly at her mom.

Another filler I'm sorry:( please comment vote and fan! :) I'll take suggestions or something idk

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