Nine- Run.

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As he went up in the elevator, Punk smiled thinking about the conversation he had with Rue. As difficult as she was he kinda liked her snarky remarks. He watched them from behind the plant listening to their conversation. So Jeff had picked up on his thing for Rue? Thought Punk. Wondering what it was Jeff really wanted from Rue. It was obvious to Punk that Rue loved Jeff, but he could also tell that Jeff didn't love her. He wanted something else, and for some reason that made his blood boil. Punk contemplated taking pictures of what he was witnessing, but couldn't help but wonder if Blackmail was the way to go. He silently took out his iPhone and snapped a few pictures, his hands shaking in anger. He couldn't even concentrate, he had to fight the urge to run over to them and pull them apart. What was this girl doing to him? Was this jealousy he felt? He wasn't used to it and He didn't like this feeling. At all. He didn't want to watch any longer but couldn't bring himself to look away. Finally to his relief they pulled away as her door opened revealing an orange and white furry animal come out of her room. It was a cat. She scooped him up, looking embarrassed, cursing under her breath. Jeff tilted her chin up causing Punks fists to involuntarily clench. He watched feeling almost helpless as Jeff leaned down again, kissing her once more, this time only a peck, before leaving her standing there looking as if she were going to burst into tears. Ruby went in her room slowly shutting the door, as she sank to the ground against the wall, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She wouldn't cry. Not for something this stupid. It was her fault anyway. She shouldn't have let it happen. She took a deep breath and wiped away the single tear that rolled down her cheek. She felt a lump forming in her throat, causing her chest to ache as her body begged for a release of feelings but she wouldn't allow it. She pushed herself up and opening her bag and taking out her workout clothes and changing into them. Punk stood outside her door, his fist in the air as he contemplated knocking. He wanted to make sure she was ok. But he thought of what would happen. She'd probably introduce her fist to his face. She didn't look the type to want to discus her feelings not that he was either, and not that he wanted to discuss some random girls feelings anyway. Then it hit him. What the hell was he doing? He wasn't supposed to care about this girl. This was strictly a challenge to be conquered, nothing more, nothing less. He sighed dropping his hand. He had to go on a run anyway. He turned. Walking back down toward the elevator he turned one last time before the elevator opened to look at her door. Sighing once more before getting on the elevator and going back to his bus.
She started out slowly, stretching. Then Ruby worked out aggressively. Lifting weights, doing crunches, push ups, planks, chin ups, until she felt her body go numb. This was good the more she concentrated was the less she thought about what had happened 2 hours ago. She continued until sweat poured from her body and her limbs begged her to stop. She knew it would hurt in the morning, but that would only make her even more distracted tomorrow. After 200 more squats she gave herself a break and shrugged off her head phones and drank heavily from her water bottle, when she heard someone working out near her. She didn't bother to look who it was. She screwed the cap back on her water and wiped the sweat off her forehead.
"Hey I know you" said a male voice. Great she thought as she turned to the source of the voice. He looked familiar. He stuck out his hand "Randy." She looked at him confused. "Randy Orton...we kinda work together"

"Oh hey!" She muttered as she shook his hand. He had been about to lift weights, and was wearing workout shoes and only shorts.

"Uh listen...Can I ask you a big favor?" He said. She had already been walking away, when she turned.

"What?" She asked trying not to sound rude.

"Can you spot me? I really rather not die today" he asked looking almost afraid to ask her. Was she really that much of a bitch that even Randy Orton was scared of asking her things? Damnit. She sighed as she nodded. "Thanks" he muttered as he laid down, she came up and stood above him, her hands hovering above him ready to lift the weights away from him at any moment. She tried to avoid looking at him because she hated when people stared at her when she worked out. "So...where you from kid?" He asked her trying to make small talk.

"LA. And you?" Maybe she could be nice to him. He was married so he couldn't be trying to get in her pants. But then again...she shook the thought of the kiss from her head.

"St. Louis" he grunted as he lifted the weights in a constant up and down motion. She watched as the muscles in his body flexed with each movement he made.

"Cool" she answered looking away again. "Um...what's it like there?" She asked trying to be nice and keep the small talk going. He looked up at her almost surprised, before answering

"Well it's in the south so hot!" He laughed, she laughed politely with him. They continued their small talk for a few minutes, before he finished. "I knew it" he said

"What?" She asked curiously

"That you weren't as bad as they say". He shrugged

"Oh. Well I don't know about that" she had to be honest she didn't know of she was it not. He sat up.

"I don't think you are." He told her as he got up and wiped down his workout area, then threw his towel over his shoulder. "It was a pleasure making your acquaintance" he smiled as he began to leave before turning and saying. "And Ruby"

"Yeah?" She looked up.

"If you ever need a friend...don't be afraid to come to me"

"Oh...thanks" she waved at him as he left. Well that was weird she thought as she put her headphones back on, she stretched a bit more before heading out. She needed a run. She loved to run. It made her feel strong. No spotter, no trainer. It was just her and the music. Even though she didn't really know her way around Dallas, she liked to explore. She began at a steady jog before gradually breaking into a full on sprint. "The First Punch" by Pierce the Veil pounding in her ears.

"And it's good enough to make me wanna fall in love.

So move a little bit closer, hear the sound of your voice.

We're screaming, "why can't we just be friends?

It's not that easy but it's half of the fun,
to see you throw the first punch."

No she thought, too close to home. She looked down to change the song when she smacked into something falling on her butt.

"Fuck!" She muttered. She looked up to see it wasn't something it was someone. Whoever it was was wearing a black hoodie and she couldn't make our their face in the nightlight. They pulled her to her feet. "Hey! I can do it myself!" She slapped away their tattooed hand.

"You crash into me and still bitch when I try to help you?" Groaned a male voice. A familiar one. They pulled off their hood along with their headphones.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Ruby groaned when she saw who it was.

"Hi to you too Rue" grunted Punk not quite forgiving her for what he saw. But she was already walking away cursing under her breath. He was getting really tired of her walking away from him. He walked after her "what's with you and walking away from me?!" He asked as he caught up to her.

"Look I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit Punk." She groaned walking faster, "I've got other things on my mind" he matched her pace.

"Like Jeff?" He asked, she stopped.

"What're you talking about?" She asked her voice alarmed

"I..." I really put my foot in my mouth this time he thought as he tried to think of what to say, she was already shoving him.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" She was shouting now.
Sorry for my lag. I was at Disneyland. Anyway sorry for the bad quality, kind of a filler. Comment and vote please:) better things coming I swear!

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