Eight- Third Wheel.

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Punk went to the hotel closest to the arena and went to the front desk. The bottle blonde looked at him flirtaceously.

"May I help you?" She asked smiling, he resisted rolling his eyes.

"I'm looking for Ruby Redfox", her smile dropped. "

"Not this one too" she muttered under her breath before saying "I'm sorry sir that's classified information, we can't give that information away", he sighed and turned on the charm.

"Aw but I was hoping to see my girlfriend," he leaned forward to whisper "See I was planning on proposing and she doesn't know I'm here" her eyes lit up

"Aw that's so sweet!" Then her face dropped "wait then who was the other guy claiming to be her boyfriend?" She gasped covering her mouth, Punk couldn't stop his face from dropping. "I mean I uh...oh look there she is!" Said the girl embarrassed that she had released that information. Punk whirled around to see Rue walking out of the elevator arm in arm with a very familiar looking guy. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but he definitely knew this guy from somewhere. ...he muttered a

"Thanks for nothing" to the receptionist before walking over to the restaurant and watching them from afar for a while. She seems so at ease with him, so happy. Was he really her boyfriend? He watched as the waitress took their order and they seemed to have a bit of an argument. Then some people went and asked the guy for an autograph. That's when it hit him, it was Jeff Hardy. What the hell was she doing with him? Wasn't he married? But the way he was holding her hands and looking into her eyes it didn't seem like it. He felt a foreign feeling come over him, as he saw her, HER move toward Jeff as if she were gonna kiss him, she wasn't mistress material she should be someone's number one! He thought and that's when he walked as quickly as he could and interrupted them.
Ruby couldn't deny Punk looked incredibly attractive in his dark fitted jeans and plain black T-shirt, all black converse on his feet. He looked freshly showered, his wet hair slicked back, his beard freshly trimmed, not to mention he smelled amazing. But she didn't like that he interrupted her moment with Jeff. She crossed her arms and glared at him. He gave her a sly smile, enjoying the view of her breasts swelling as she crossed her arms. He took in her full body once again, her tight jeans and slightly revealing top making it that much easier, since her jacket was draped across the back of her chair. Even though it'd only been an hour since he last saw her could it possible she got more beautiful? Even with that scowl sprawled across her face, her deliciously pouty red mouth twisted in dislike she was still effortlessly beautiful. He found himself once again wondering what that mouth tasted like, what those piercings would feel like against his lips. His thoughts interrupted by Ruby speaking.

"What do you think you're doing here?" She asked, venom dripping from every word.

"Thought I'd come keep you company" he smiled at her as sweetly as he possibly could to counter her harsh tone.

"She has company" responded Jeff through clenched teeth. Punk hadn't even bothered to look at him. Jeff's eyes were blazing with anger, his fists clenched on the table.

"You can never have too much company" shrugged Punk, he didn't quite know Jeff's problem with him but he'd never quite had a problem with Jeff. Sure he had said all those nasty things about him during promos but that was just good tv, it was nothing personal, plus it wasn't his fault of any of it were true.

"Yeah well yours isn't wanted" she threw back, her dark eyes burning. Before he could respond the waitress came with their food. She looked surprised with his presence,

"Oh hello, will you be dining here tonight?" She asked confused but with a flirtatious smile, twirling her hair. See that's how he was used to girls reacting to him. Too bad she looked like the slutty type. Not his type at all. He certainly didn't like easy but he definitely didn't usually like girls as impossible as Ruby.

"Yes" Punk said smiling at the waitress

"No" said Jeff and Ruby at the same time, the waitress handed Punk a menu as he smiled in triumph causing Ruby to roll her eyes.

"I'll have a diet Pepsi and a salad" he told her not bothering to look at the menu.

"Right away" the waitress replied happily as she practically skipped away. Ruby shoved her plate away.

"All the sudden I lost my appetite" she tried not to sound whiny. Jeff shot her a what the hell is going on look, Ruby shrugged. Up until today, Punk hadn't even looked her way. Considering that she had been with WWE for almost a year it seemed odd to her that he would now. But there was that bet, but he never seemed the type to do those things. Maybe this was the male locker rooms attempt to send in the heavy artillery, which she thought they had done when she found John Cena in the locker room waiting for her with a bouquet of flowers. She didn't fight the scathing laugh that escaped her mouth when he had asked her to dinner, the whole Diva locker room had looked at her like she was psychotic. To them John Cena was as coveted as the Divas title, she honestly didn't see the appeal.

"Rube you gotta eat!" Jeff told her his eyes pleading. She wasn't anorexic or anything she just didn't enjoy eating after wrestling any other day she would've stuffed her face.

"Yeah c'mon Rue, there's starving kids in Africa" Punk added mocking Jeff's concerned tone. She glared at him.

"It's Ruby to you." , he held up his hands

"If you don't want to eat, don't. Just saying" maybe Reverse psychology will work he thought

"I'll do what I want"

"Don't you always?",be responded the waitress brought over his salad and Pepsi. Ruby waited until she was gone.

"Don't you have a bus or something? Why are you even here?" She asked not bothering to hide her annoyance as she cut into her steak. It worked thought Punk in triumph.

"Yeah but I just thought I'd pay my buddy Rue a visit" he informed her as he started eating his salad. Jeff sat looking irritated, his hand on his chin as he fought the urge to tell Punk off. He knew Ruby liked to fight her own battles.

"We're NOT friends. We've had like one conversation" she growled, surprising Punk with her fierce tone. Considering she was holding a knife he didn't want to push it.

"Fine we're not friends" he muttered as he continued to eat, Jeff couldn't help but smile in amusement. Ruby hoped that Punk would take the hint and leave, but instead he swallowed what was in his mouth and asked "so how do you two know each other?"

"I'm her mentor and trainer, taught her everything she knows" answered Jeff proudly "she's my Protégée"

"That explains a lot" muttered Punk.

"Excuse you?" Asked Ruby.

"Nothing, uh that's cool, so you guys sleeping together?" Punk asked bluntly causing Both Ruby and Jeff to choke on their drinks.

"No!" Ruby managed to choke out as Punk patted her in the back, she slapped his hand away.

"Ok then, well we're done here" Jeff answered getting up, Ruby did he same throwing on her jacket and pushing in her chair as Jeff slapped money on the table. Punk smirked, well that was entertaining he thought as He wiped his mouth as he also slapped some money on the table. He waited until he saw them get into the elevator before getting up and running to see what floor they got off on and pressing the button to go to the same floor. He followed behind closely listening to their conversation, hiding behind a plant as they stopped in front of what he assumed was her room.

"What the hell was that about?" Asked Jeff as they neared her room.

"I don't even know" she sighed not wanting him to know about the bet.

"Seems like Punk has a thing for you" he teased.

"Oh god don't even say that" she groaned knowing it wasn't true.

"So no guy interests you?" He asked out of no where.

"Not really." She couldn't say he interested her, she wasn't stupid. He nodded in comprehension.

"I don't like the way he looks at you" Jeff added out of the blue.

"Who?" Asked Ruby confused as they stopped outside of her door.


"How does he look at me?" She asked curiously as she cocked her head to the side. He thought she looked so cute. Jeff looked down.

"He looks at you like...like...I look at you" he said finally barely above a whisper, as he looked into her deep brown eyes, getting lost in the abyss of darkness that lay in them.

"Wha-?" She began to ask before feeling his lips come crashing down on hers as he tangled a hand in her hair, his other arm wrapping around her waist, clutching her to him as he pressed her against the door she had been unlocking. She wanted desperately to kiss back, finally giving in as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her hungrily as if his life depended on it, his tongue begging for entrance. She gave it to him, letting a soft moan escape her lips as their tongues mingled together, she hated that his mouth tasted of beer, he moaned as she bit on his lip. She leaned back causing the door to open They stumbled slightly as they pulled apart, her lipstick smeared on his lips, she could only imagine what she looked like, as they realized what they had just done."Shit" she muttered, looking down embarrassed, her cheeks feeling hot as Lionheart peeked out, she picked him ip hugging him to her chest, as she concentrated on the spot beside Lionhearts perfect pink nose. Jeff tilted her chin up sweetly, sighing in agony as he looked at how beautiful she was, smeared lipstick and all. He leaned down and pecked her lips, feather soft.

"I think I should go" he whispered, tearing his eyes away from hers.

"Yeah I think you should" she whispered, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, as she felt him walk away. That kiss was something she'd wanted since she was 17, so why did she feel so horrible? She felt as if she had ruined everything...

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