Six- Lionheart & Surprises

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She sat in her hotel room contemplating whether she should watch CM Punks match on the TV. His words had wounded her ego, even if just slightly because she feared they might hold truth. Was she really holding herself back? Her thoughts were interrupted by Lionheart rubbing against her. She looked down and peered into his golden green eyes, his pupils dialated, he was in hunting mode.

"Hi baby, did you miss mommy?" She cooed as she pet him, rubbing his white belly. He purred loudly in response as he turned on his back allowing her to pet his orange back, she ran her hand along his stripes to the rings of darker orange on light orange fur on his tail. She kissed his pretty pink nose. "Mommy missed you too" she was glad tonight's show had been in the US, usually when it was she lugged Lionheart around with her, but when it was overseas she left him with her mother. It was nice to have a little piece of home with her at all times. She loved Lionheart in a way she imagined mothers loved their children. Lionheart had saved her life, he was there in her darkest hours and loved her unconditionally. "You know your Uncle Jeff called" she informed him as he continued to purr happily before snapping his teeth at her fingers. Part of the reason she named him Lionheart was how aggressive he was, and the way he carried himself with such grace as if he were the king of the savannah himself. He was truly a Lion at heart. She thought back to her phone call with Jeff. And yes she meant Jeff Hardy. He was not only her inspiration to become a wrestler and her trainer but one of her only friends. He had known her since she was 17, and was one of the people she actually cared about. She had been sitting with Punk talking about age, he was 34. He had time she told him he didn't know what she truly meant by that. Her father had died at 33. Making it to 34 to her was a milestone, a blessing. She continued the conversation as if nothing were wrong but the ever familiar sorrow had begun to fill her heart when she heard her phone ring.

"Hello?" She answered not having bothered to look at who it was

"Hey" replied the voice with the slight southern drawl she knew so well, causing her heart to involuntarily skip beats.

"Holy shit! Hey dude!" She tried not to sound too excited, she heard him chuckle softly on the other line.

"You didn't know who it was?" He asked in mock hurt

"No I didn't know it was you! I just answered, damn long time to no talk!" She laughed

"I know! I missed you" he laughed. He missed her, HE missed HER. Jeff Hardy missed Ruby Redfox.

"Yeah I missed you too!" she sighed happily

"I cant wait to see you" she could already imagine him smiling on the other line.

"Cant wait to see you either" she really couldn't, she could see punk looking at her, his head cocked to the side, eyebrows knitted together in curiosity She got up, motioning she'd be right back, after a slight argument he let her leave to finish her phone call.

"Who was that?" Asked Jeff, apparently she hadn't done too great a job of covering the phone.

"Oh no one" she bit her lip hoping he wouldn't ask anymore but of course he did.

"Didn't sound like no one" he pestered her "is it your new boyfriend?" He teased, oh Jeff if only you knew, the only one she wanted was him, she thought.

"No!" She groaned "anyway how's little Ruby?" She asked changing the subject wondering about his daughter, who no wasn't named after her but Jeff's deceased mother. She also happened to be little Ruby's godmother.

"Oh she's fine, learning to walk and talk and wrestle" he laughed

"That's my girl" Rue smiled, she cleared her throat "and Beth?" She asked, Beth was Jeff's wife and Ruby's mother, Rue couldn't deny Beth was a nice person and a great mother, if anything she kinda secretly wished she could find some sort of flaw to be able to have a reason not to like her.

"Oh she's fine too" Jeff answered, surprising Rue with an unusually short answer, usually he gushed about her and she had to discreetly ask him to shut up. "How's my little nephew Lionheart?" He asked

"Oh he's great, 12 pounds and going strong" she laughed

"Good to hear" he laughed "well anyway...Raw was in Dallas tonight huh?" He asked

"Yeah" she answered wondering why he was asking "why?"

"Oh no reason, so how'd your match go?"

"It was alright, I crushed AJ with the Nightmare but right before I hit her with Sweet Chin Music"

"Sweeeeet" Jeff laughed "so you're done for the night?"

"Yeah I was gonna stick around and watch the main match but-"

"Punks match?" He butt in


"Don't waste your time" Jeff scoffed, he wasn't too fond of Punk and his holier than thou attitude.

"Well I don't know...I mean-"

"You're really considering it?" He seemed mad

"Are you mad?" She asked

"No, I just don't see what you think watching his match could teach you that I haven't already"

"Ohhhhhh so that's what this is about?" She giggled, he was jealous of her getting another trainer

"Maybe. It's just you're my protégée I don't want anyone messing you up, plus he has a bad reputation with being a player and-"

"Whoooooa slow down there cowboy there's a big difference between taking some tips and taking his tip" she laughed at her pun, Jeff rolled his eyes on the other end "I'm not gonna sleep with him trust me, I'm not even gonna date him in fact" she gathered her bags "I'm heading straight to my hotel room" he laughed, letting out a sigh of relief

"Good, well I gotta go, call me later"

"No you call me" she laughed

"Yeah yeah" he said "bye" and he hung up not giving her the chance to say it back.

"Jerk" she muttered, she heard Punks music go on as left the building and walked to her hotel. She had the habit of always booking a room in the hotel closest to the venue no matter how expensive or sleazy, as long as it had a gym,luckily this one wasn't too bad. Now here she was thinking about Jeff and how his eyes reminded him of Lionheart's all green and yellow but then found herself thinking of Punks hazel green eyes, and that odd fluttering sensation in the pit of her stomach she felt whenever they met hers. She shook the thought from her head, stop it she silently told herself, the guy is a totally asshole, he doesn't care about any girls feelings, especially not yours, he just wants to fuck you like every other guy at WWE. Then she heard a soft knock at the door. She hadn't ordered anything from room service. Whoever it was, was covering the keyhole. She opened the door cautiously as to not let Lionheart out and her eyes met familiar greens eyes.

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