Twelve- Taking Considerations

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Gotta admit I cried a little when Punk lost tonight:(

Ruby walked away from the arena. Following her was a path of destruction. She was knocking things over, kicking things over. She was fuming and couldn't help but feel this was somehow Punks doing. She couldn't believe she had just quit. Making it to the top of the wrestling world had been her dream an she had been so close she could taste it. Had she made a mistake by letting her ego and temper get the best of her? It didn't matter now. What's done was done and now She had to get out of there before she got arrested for destruction of property or something. She burst into the locker room causing all the Divas inside to turn. They saw the look on her face and all immediately avoided eye contact. She ignored them as she stomped to her cubby and grabbed her bags angrily.

"Ruby where are you going?" Asked AJ her eyes wide

"Home. I quit." Ruby muttered, all the divas gasped.

"What why?" AJ gasped surprised but Ruby was already leaving when she heard the other Divas burst in to whispers. She was throwing her things into her car when she heard someone call her name.

"Ruby!" They called she didn't bother to look. "Hey!" Sounding closer. "You just getting here?" She turned, it was Randy.

"Oh hi. No I'm leaving" she muttered

"No match today?" He asked

"No. No match with this company ever"

"What?!" His face read utter surprise.

"I quit." She sighed. How many times would she have to say it?

"Why? Don't waste your talent!"

"This company isn't treating me with respect." She sighed, before getting in her car and driving back home. Once she finally got to her apartment she threw her bag down and sank to the ground. She felt that achy feeling in her chest again. She tried to fight it. She needed to talk to someone. Desperately. She picked up her phone and took a deep breath as she called Jeff. It rang a few times before he answered

"Hello?" Said the familiar southern accent on the other line. She felt her heart flutter again. "Ruby are you there? What's wrong? Are you ok?" She sighed

"I quit the WWE" her voice broke as she said it.

"What? Why'd you do that? I thought you were doing good? What happened?" He asked

"They wanted me to do some stupid storyline love triangle with Justin Gabriel which I don't really mind him..."

"And who else?" Asked Jeff sounding alarmed

"CM Punk" she sighed hearing Jeff curse under his breath on the other line.

"So you quit?" He asked

"Yeah. Do you think I was too brash?"

"I don't know Rube. I think you should just sleep on it if anything."

"I guess you're right" she sighed petting Lionheart as he rubbed against her knee.

"You gonna be alright kid?"

"I think so" she sniffled "Jeff?"


"Can we just put what happened last week behind us? I really need you as a friend"

"Of course Ruby I was going to say the same thing" he sighed "but Ruby I want you to know-" there was knock on the door.

"Hold on Jeff, someone's at the door" she groaned as she got up and opened the door. There stood Justin Gabriel looking nervous as hell. "Oh uh hey..." She felt her face flushed as he flashed her a small smile.

"Rube who is it?" Asked Jeff alarmed

"I'll call you back" she muttered before hanging up and turning to Justin "Uh hi! Come in" she stuttered nervously wondering what he was doing there as she led him into her living room.

"Thanks, uh I came to check if you were ok. You made quite the scene back there..." He scratched his head nervously as he stood awkwardly in the middle of her living room.

"Oh uh sit...if you'd like" she wasn't used to having company. He sat opposite of her on the couch. "And thanks...I'm ok, I've definitely calmed down."

"Good to hear...but are you really quitting?" He bit his lip almost nervously. Ruby sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Well I kind of already did."

"Does it have to do with..." He didn't know how to word it.

"Oh no! Trust me Justin it has nothing to do with you! If it were just you I wouldn't mind..." she stopped embarrassed, he gave her a charming smile.

"So it's Punk then?" He asked, Ruby nodded. "I mean I know he's not the most pleasant to be around and not the most pleasant to be bossed around by, I know from experience but...I don't think he's worth quitting over...I mean you're really talented!" Was he blushing?

"Thanks" she smiled knowing she was probably blushing too "but it's not just him. I just don't like the idea of only getting attention because of me having to play the whore. I want to get noticed because of my talent" he nodded sympathetically.

"But...if we don't work will I see you again?" He asked causing her to blush again. What was it about him?

"I don't know..." She looked down shyly. His phone went off. He looked at it,

"I should probably get back to Raw..." He stood up

"Oh...ok." She got up and walked him to the door, he turned in the hallway.

"You should really consider coming back..." He told her, his warm brown eyes seemed to be pleading.

"I will I promise...but if I do...will you take my side on the creative things?", he nodded

"Of course...and if you for whatever reason decide not to come back or even if you do...I'd love to take you out sometime..." He looked to the floor as he said it. His phone went off again.

"Sure" she smiled. "Just call" she quickly wrote her number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. He looked almost surprised as he nodded smiling again. Did he ever stop smiling? Not that she minded.

"Well I guess I should get going" he said reluctantly as he started to leave. "Bye" he waved and started walking toward the stairs

"Bye! And Justin..." He turned around and looked at her "thanks again! And good luck tonight!" He smiled again.

"Thanks" and then he was gone.

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