Eighteen- Sacrifices

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It was Saturday night, the night before Phil would have to leave for London for Raw and she was glad he would be out of her hair. He had stayed at her house since Wednesday night.

"I hope you know you're sleeping on the couch" she told him pointing at the couch as he walked in with his bag. "And I know your bus isn't flooded" she glared at him, he gasped looking insulted

"Lie? Me? Little ole me? Now just why would I do that?" He smirked near her face as he dropped his bag on the couch "and the couch is fine, ive slept on plenty of couches" what did that mean? she wondered. "I'm sure you'll come out and try to trap me with you again, it sure looked like you enjoyed sleeping with me last night"

"You wish! You do know I hate you right?" she scoffed as she rolled her eyes

"Then we're just that much closer to love" he winked plopping down on the couch.

"Ugh!" She walked away angrily to the kitchen. She could kick him out, throw his things out and just give him money for a hotel but No that was too easy she though.  She managed to avoid him until now. Only coming out occasionally to eat and kick his ass in video games. He made the mistake of underestimating her Street Fighter and Mortal Combat skills. She had come out purposely then it had been a Friday night. She heard the commotion as they played, apparently Phil was dominating.  She slipped on an oversized slightly sheer cotton shirt that stopped a little above the knee it looked like it would belong to a guy, hopefully to Frank, over her lacy black bra and underwear and she slipped on her pig slippers (sexy right?) and sat down to put on lots of mascara and a little blush, she put on a lip stain , and fixed her hair. She felt odd dressing like this although she usually did when she was alone. She took a deep breath. It had to be done. She walked out, slowly unsurely over to the tv room where the guys were playing. Jorge, Justin, and Tim weren't there. Apparently they had gone somewhere else. She caught Phil's eye immediately his eyes flicking over her like a flame, she pretended not to notice. "You guys are playing without me?" She acted insulted, Frank looked up, a goofy smile on his face as he saw what she was wearing.

"Never!" He shook his head as he handed her the controller.

"I didn't think you'd want to get your ass handed to you, my apologies" smirked Phil as she walked around the couch, still not taking his eyes off of her. She sashayed over to them making it seem like she was gonna sit between them before plopping down on Franks lap, her legs draping over him. Phil couldn't stop looking. Frank seemed surprised considering their whole facade was over but he didn't say anything because he figured this had something to do with her discouraging Phil. She had explained that much. Plus he enjoyed the cuddles.

"Oh Philip you should learn never to underestimate me." She mocked, cuddling up to her best friend before selecting her character.

"Wouldn't dream of it Rue" he smirked finally tearing his eyes away from her as they began to play. Of course, as always, she won, beating him Ruthlessly.

"Another win for Ruby, what a surprise! Will I ever know the taste of defeat?" She gloated before getting up.

"It's not fair! How's anyone supposed to focus with" he stopped mid sentence as she stood with a hand on her hip, her pouty lips pressed together in curiosity of what he was gonna say. "Nevermind I lost fair and square..." She shrugged before returning to her room.

Then she had a light bulb moment. By this time it was Saturday though .But she figured she needed to fight fire with fire! Maybe if he saw her actually date someone else...as If someone had read her mind at that exact moment she got a call. It was an unknown number.

"Hello? Ruby speaking" She said

"Hey Ruby sorry to call so out of the blue..." the voice on the other sounded so familiar, that accent...

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