Chapter 36- New homes and fresh starts

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Chapter 36- New homes and fresh starts.

Guardonia-07:00 hours

The two boys that were bonding like the brothers' they truly were, decided to speak privately later that day as some things were better discussed once they were alone.

It was clear from the radiant glows emanating from them, along with Jakes' inability to control his comparitively new wings as they reflected his emotions, that both him and Deus were delighted to see each other and had clearly missed each other terribly.

Most of the angels' who had witnessed the reunion either had lumps in their throats or in the girls cases, were openly crying tears of joy, as they watched the brothers reunite.

Leon hastily cleared his throat, as much in an attempt to keep his own emotions in check, as to gain Deus's attention.

"Huhumm, " he interrupted, placing a brotherly hand on Deus's shoulder,

"I don't mean to separate the two of you, in fact you are welcome to tag along Jake. We both have a surprise for our beautiful soul-mates," he announced, leading to Naomi pulling on his arm, trying to get him to whisper the surprise to her, whilst jumping around like a bouncy ball that no-one could catch.

Flinging his arm around Lacertas' shoulder, Deus arranged to meet Jake in a couple of hours, then joined Leon and Naomi as they left the lounge.

Naomi was so excited that she jabbered on to Leon all of the walk, whilst Lacerta, being a little older and more reserved, was content to just be walking in the arms of the one she loved.

Deus met Leons eyes over the top of Naomis' head and mouthed to him, "Good luck spending a lifetime trying to keep up with her energy!", in a good natured way, causing Leon to chuckle and shoulder Deus with a huge grin, as Naomi looked from one to the other inquisitively and shrugged at Lacerta, as if to say "Boys! Huh!"

The four friends finally stopped outside of a large, iron gate; its' scrolls were decorated with ornate carvings and all types of flowers possible grew over the arched top.

Extracting a key from his pocket, Deus unlocked the door and ushered his friends in.

The girls' looked around wide-eyed; the luscious, plump green grass was stripped, flowerbeds were scattered over many parts of the garden and over by the pathway, stood a shining, white marble water fountain. This was ornately carved into angels, who walked in pairs around the base of the sculpture, whilst one large, beautiful angel, Ginella, held a large, sculped vase that tipped downwards, causing the most incredible waterfall effect.

Butterflies, colourful birds and even rabbits and some deer roamed the grounds, causing the girls eyes to open wider and wider.

The boys' stood by watching; they too were mesmerised by the beautiful, serene and tranquil setting, but this wasn't their biggest surprise by far.

Dragging the two reluctant girls across to the path, crossing over a small bridge that led them over a quietly bubbling brook, Leon stopped and pointed in front of them; there stood a one-storey, L-shaped bungalow, with two doors next to each other, one pink and one purple.

For the first time in the day, Naomi was silent; standing and looking at the timber-built dwelling, all that could be heard was the gentle flow of water, birds singing and the odd rustle of a tree or bush where an animal foraged or nested.

Drawing two keys out of his pocket, Leon handed the purple one to Lacerta and the pink one to Naomi.

He drew in a deep breath, looking over at Deus for confirmation that he was just as apprehensive; Deus's body language confirmed this, as his slightly trembling hands were shoved in his pockets to stop them giving him away.

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