Chapter 58-The end....and the beginning.

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Chapter 58-The end....and the beginning.

The log cabin:

Awaiting his brother and Tash, Crux paced the tiny cabin, hoping upon hope that they were both alright; unable to wait much longer, he headed towards the front door, when Amicius gently pulled him back, whispering " It's not safe, please don't", as she encouraged him to stay put.

Seeing these new friends in turmoil, and knowing that his appearance on the field would not even warrant a quick glance, he patted Crux on his arm, gesturing that he, Finlay, was going out to see if he could discover the hold-up.

Sneaking out of the cabin, he was dismayed to see a blood-covered Tash, struggling with all her being, to pull along Mundati, by his shoulders, trailing a bloody track as she did.

Finlay approached the sobbing, hysterical figure, gently prising her hands away from Mundati; it was clear that there was nothing he or anyone else ccould do to help him, he was past that point. As harsh as it seemed, to leave him where he was would mean that the Guardonians would discover him and take his body back with them, to dispose of in their manner.

Placing his arm delicately around Tash's shaking shoulders, he gently whispered words of encouragement, as he ushered the hysterical figure into the lof cabin, trying to mute her cries as much as possible.

Entering the cabin, Crux took one look at her and fell to his knees, as if the very essence of him was drained instantly from his body. Trying to avoid the hands of his friends, as they prevented him exiting the cabin, it took the brute force of Grant to stop him from doing so.

"" he stated, in his booming voice, although muted by the protection Amicius had put on the cabin; should anyone walk nearby, they would not see or hear inside, or even see the cabins' existence.

Crux shakily rose from the ground, as Grant whispered quietly into his ear.

" These people are counting on you, mate. I understand that you feel as if you have lost one of your limbs and I know it will be tough, HAVE to be strong, have to be there for them. These folks rely on you; you are their leader. You can grieve when you get there, sob your heart out and remember all you need to about him, but until then, I suggest you just have to man up!" he finished, giving his best friend a huge hug.

Crux looked around decidedly; Grant was right, these people needed him to be their leader, so lead he must.

Pasting a resolute look on his face, he told the others that he had lost his brother, but that they could discuss the matter further once they reached their destination.

Sitting cross-legged on the rug-covered wooden floor, he encouraged the others to rest for now and Amicius took Tash in her arms, holding her sobbing blood-covered body, as Finlay set off to intercept whoever he could and replace Tash's clothes for her to change into.


Guardonian base: 11.15hours

All was silent in the Guardonian HQ, as the friends prepared to transport to Guardonia, for the last ever time.

Deus had loved the name, 'Áeterno' , meaning éternal for the new world they would be living in; he couldn't wait to show Lacerta, Mundati and all the others his own creation. He still couldn't quite believe that he had created this mecca, but if it saved his friends and baby from future grief, he could'nt wait to get there.

Taking a final glance around their temporary HQ, he watched as Lacerta, Catelyn and Saggitta, protected by Adriano and Star, prepared to transport to Guardonia's Great Hall.

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