Chapter 41- Life must go on

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Chapter 41--Life must go on.


Guardonia--the day after the Memorial.

Deus awoke early; he and Lacerta had stayed awake for hours, talking about Jake, with Deus reminiscing and telling his wife amusing anecdotes of Jakes' childhood, finally slipping into an uneasy, restless sleep at 4 am.

He felt ridiculously happy to awaken wrapped in Lacerta's loving arms, then instantly guilty for the snap of pleasure he experienced before remembering the torrid events of the last two days.

Despite being given ten days of leisure, both felt that they should assist the Magisters and mentors in any way they possibly could.

Giving Lacerta a gentle kiss on her forehead, he slid from the bed and pulled some pyjama bottoms on; Deus intended to bring Lacerta a tray of breakfast this morning, for as much as Star had tainted their day, as well as the subsequent one, they were blissfully happy to be joined and as hard as it was, life must go on else Star had won.

Reaching the kitchen, Deus turned the oven on, then slipped some croissants in to warm, alongside some pain au chocolat--that was one thing that Deus would never understand about women, their ability to eat chocolate no matter what time of day!

Snapping his fingers to produce two hot lattes the easy way, he added these to the tray, along with a white long-stemmed rose, snipped from the bush growing under the kitchen window.

Along with this, he added ramekin dishes of butter, honey and jam and two glasses of fresh orange juice and plating up the pastries, headed back to their bedroom.

Witnessing the sight of Lacerta lying on her white embroidered pillow, curls tumbling around her beautiful face, Deus was struck by a tsunami of emotion as he realised once again just how lucky he was.

As if sensing his presence in the doorway, Lacerta stirred, peeking out from under her long, thick lashes and smiling a sweet, yet timid smile.

She was, like Deus, struck by his beauty and his strikingly handsome, angular face framing his deep, yet velvety green eyes.

"Morning beautiful," Deus greeted his bride of two days. "We said Goodbye to Jake yesterday with his Memorial," he choked out, managing to control his emotions, "and whilst he will never be forgotten and never leave our hearts, we must be strong for the younger ones here that need us. I have to start work in some capacity today if you are in agreement, so we can help Guardonia recover quicker. I know we will still grieve but lets try and do it in private, okay?" he finished, looking at her for approval, only relaxing when she agreed, with a nod and a smile.

Sitting side by side on the bed, they fed each other pieces of pastries, although Deus drew the line at pain au chocolat dipped in honey!

Once breakfast was over, they showered and made their way to the main buildings to see how the rest of the community were coping.


Guardonia-- Christians' Dorm.

Christian had failed to get any sleep whatsoever; with Leon moved out with Naomi, the room seemed empty and desolate with just himself and Nathan present.

He had been so poisonous to Nathan late last night that he had fled, probably to Casey's open arms, he thought bitterly.

When recruited, ironically by Star to the Guardian Angel School of Protection or GASP as they liked to refer to it, he had been promised a new life, a life without bullies, without feelings of despondency and a place where he could trust his fellow angel; clearly he had bought into the whole dream with clouded vision, as in the last 48 hours he had lost his Mentor to the dark-side, one of his best friends to Death and almost worst of all, the only girl he had ever loved, to another 'so-called' friend.

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