Chapter 37--It's always the quiet ones!

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Chapter 37- It's always the quiet ones....

(Pre-warning: Although this story is marked PG 13, this chapter contains scenes of intimacy that may offend. Please do not read it if you are likely to be offended--if you message me, I will send the chapter to you without the intimate scene. Thanks)


Destrodia: 08:00 hours (day 4 of the 'mumps quarantine')

Amicius was sleeping deeply; the pattern that they had developed regarding night-time on the first night had given comfort to them both, falling asleep close together and holding hands and so the first few tentative steps towards developing a relationship destined to be more than 'friends' were set in place.

Ethan loved the way Amicius treated him; he realised that his actions on Earth had been despicable, selfish and downright arrogant and therefore believed he belonged in Destrodia--kind of a penance, but with big rewards for more devious and nefarious actions.

He was becoming rather attached to Amicius; the way she treated him was gentle, with patience and putting up with him snapping at her when his bandages needed changing.

Ethan had worked damned hard, as Crux, to make a reputation and name for himself in Destrodia and now Amicius's treatment of him had come along and 'side-swiped' him.

He was so used to playing his big, arrogant and often crass persona, the persona he had worked on since Christian was born, that Amicius's tolerance level was incredible; she reprimanded him when he disrespected her, scolded him when he swore and even made sure he put clean clothes on everyday, despite being ill.

It seemed to him that for once in his life he almost had a 'Mother figure' and she was a year younger than he was!

Ethan enjoyed watching Amicius sleep; she worked so hard looking after him and tolerating his petulance, yet once her head hit the pillow she drifted fast asleep.

There had been no more mention of either of them having made a mistake in being there, but Ethan considered bringing up the subject again; there was much speculation around that Deus had 'escaped' from Destrodia, a rumour that was hastily quashed, with harsh punishment from the Senior staff if anyone even dare mention his name.

The 'Crux' side of Ethan wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to leave; he was popular, good at his role and lived pretty much without rules, but on the other side of things, he knew if he had a future with Amicius that it would't be here.

The mated women who lived here guarded their mates ferociously, did not tolerate newcomers and would rip her to shreds.

Sighing a huge breath of air, Ethan rested on his side, propped up on his elbow,his hand cupping his chin--one thing was certain, he sure had a lot of thinking to do.


Elsewhere in Destrodia:

On the upper levels of Destrodia, life was completely the opposite for Finn and Tash; having both achieved reputations for being tough and taking shit from nobody, they were revelling in their new lives.

Finn had proved himself to be an excellent Breaker, a job he gloatingly referred to as one where you "received payment for beating crap out of pansy lightsiders."

Most Breakers were merely content with doing their role of mentally breaking the light angels, but Finn took it one step further--he enjoyed inflicting pain on others, so took it out on the innocent victims he caught on Earth.

Furtunately, he had only managed to catch two Guardonians' and one of those was rescued by the lightsiders' crack team of 'extraction agents', trained to swoop in and save the victim, much to the chagrin of Finn.

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