Chapter 40-- The fallout begins...

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Chapter 40- The fall-out begins.


Guardonia-The aftermath:

Christian stood, his entire body erect, as if he had been turned to stone, staring at the place where his dear friend, Jake had been found in a state of demise.

His brain knew Jake had gone but his heart was finding it hard to process the fact--he didn't or rather, couldn't accept the fact that he would never see him again....good, kind, gentle Jake, who would give anyone the shirt off his back, who would give someone his last meal rather than see another starve; Christian mentally checked himself--or rather he wouldn't have, had he still been alive.

It really didn't help that Christian had lost the love of his life; suddenly his life was empty, a dull void of negative emotion and sadness.

Equally as difficult as accepting Jakes' passing, was the loss of Kirsty. He was certain, without a single doubt in his mind, that she was the one for him, yet his heart felt as if it had been ripped out with a dull instrument, torn kicking and screaming from his body as Kirsty had been 'joined' with Josh.

Even worse was the fact that she seemed to be happy about the fact; he had watched as she had begun the process of getting to know her new beau, giggling up at him as he complimented her, blushing as he gazed at her and peering up at him, underneath her long eyelashes.

Christian was shocked at her behaviour; clearly Ginella didn't want the two of them to be together, but he would have at least expected Kirsty to come and talk to him about the shock joining or even to check he was alright, but she had not even spoken to him since the ceremony; he could see that she tried to refrain her interaction with Josh when near him, but that was the only compromise and part of her old personality that he could see.

It was clear to him that he needn't find a new group of friends to spend his time with; Nathan, Casey, Laura, Angel and Harry were equally disgusted in her behaviour and even Tom, his brother, was appalled at his lack of empathy towards Christian.

Josh had his own group of friends that Kirsty was introduced to and, as if it was a simple transition, just like that Kirsty had chosen to disappear from not only Christians' life, but her friends also.

Casey, being the outspoken member of their group was being constantly restrained by Nathan; emotions were running high with Jakes' death and nobody had anything to gain by a shouting match developing, especially not as it was Jakes' Memorial service at dusk.

The two couples from the Joining ceremony had made a valiant attempt at continuing their day, as Adriano had advised them to, but everybody knew it was a slightly fake and flaky attempt at enjoyment.

Deus had made an attempt at a speech, but the strain of the day was just too much for him. As he fell to his knees, begging Ginella for forgiveness, he swore he would not rest until Star was caught and punished for his heinous crime, Lacerta had encased him in her arms and helped him onto his chair, leading to Leon making an equally valiant attempt at thanking everybody for their support.

Toasts were drank half-heartedly, cakes cut with little excitement and food eaten because it was there; eventually, Pictor decided to put everyone out of their misery and stood a little in front of the top table, where he made a speech, ending the celebrations of the day and promising they would rehold the celebration party once Guardonia was healed from the hurt and traitorous behaviour of Star.

The party had broken up then, presents left unopened on the side table where they had been placed; this was a decision taken by both couples, who felt it would be disloyal to Jake and offensive to those who had chosen the gifts to open them.

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