chapter 3 (ace of sports and study)

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Meanwhile in aibou academy library, we see the ace of study, Subaru hoshigomi watching the latest ranga channel video featuring zero ozora.

Third POV.

Subaru: hmmm.
Cross: what's troubling you, Subaru?
Subaru: it's just that new kid in our class, zero ozora.
Cross: what about him?
Subaru: his playstyle is kinda similar to the no damages fighter Kanata ozora.
Cross: perhaps that zero is Kanata 's son.
Subaru: that's a possibility.

Meanwhile at the same time on the school track, masato rikuo was watching the same thing as Subaru.

Masato: for share! This zero ozora is a good buddyfighter!
Agito: you think he's good?
Masato: yeah. Plus he's the son of the famous no damages fighter Kanata ozora.
Agito: we should challenge him to a practice match before the ABC cup?
Masato: yeah, that's a good idea, agito!!

Timeskip to end of school

Zero, ranma and Yuga are walking back home but masato and Subaru.

Yuga: masato, Subaru, how's things going?
Masato: it's going alright thanks for asking Yuga!
Subaru: I only came because I wanted to meet zero.
Masato: I kinda agree with Subaru.
Zero: like I said to ranma yesterday, I don't like to be the centre of attention because if it concerns me and my father!
Masato: I wasn't going ask about that but I know Subaru was going to because he's the ace of study after all. I was going ask if you wanted to have a buddyfight?
Zero: sure, I don't back down from a challenge! But first, could we go to the card shop because I want to update my deck, if that's alright with you, masato?
Masato: For Share! That sounds like a good idea!

Next time: ace of sports Vs the crystal hero!

Next time: ace of sports Vs the crystal hero!

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