chapter 9 (the semi finals of the ABC cup have arrived!)

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Timeskip to the next day

Third POV

Ion: it's time for the semi finals of the ABC cup! Here are the pairings!

Semi final pairings

Yuga Vs Subaru
Zero Vs Masato

Ion: the first match of the semi finals is between Yuga and Subaru

Timeskip after the fight

Subaru: well fought Yuga!
Yuga: thanks Subaru! Let's see who wins between zero and masato.
Subaru: yeah.

Later that day after zero, Haru and Yuga got home from school and the card shop, zero went to his room to think of a strategy to beat masato.

Zero: damnit, there's nothing I can do to stop king agito from entering the field.
Haru: are you just over thinking it, big brother zero?
Zero: maybe I am, you saw how masato beat banjou, what if I end up the same way he did!
Haru: have faith in yourself and your deck!
Zero: yeah you're right, thanks Haru!

Next time: the rematch! Ace of sports Vs the crystal hero! Buddy........Fight!

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