chapter 5 : (It begins! ABC cup!!)

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A week after the preliminary round of ABC cup, zero, masato, Yuga and ranma were just curious on who else advanced to the tournament.

Third POV.

Zero: oh I am excited! It's finally time for the ABC cup!!
Yuga: your really excited, zero?
Zero: why couldn't I be, it's not everyday you get to see who's the best in the school!
Masato: zero's got a point, Yuga. Even though we don't know who we are going to be facing in the tournament.
Ranma: I am with masato on this one, Yuga.
Yuga: I know but we get to find out tomorrow the pairing's for the ABC cup.
Zero: that's true.

Timeskip to the next day

Ion: whenever there's a buddyfight, you will expect to see me, ion nanana! Today we're going to reveal the pairing's for the first round of the ABC cup.

First round pairings

Masato vs banjou
Yuga Vs ranma
Subaru Vs Mel
Zero vs light

Ion: today we, will have the first match between masato and banjou.

Timeskip to the match's end (because I don't want to write the entire fight)

Ion: game end! Winner is masato rikuo! The ace of sports advances in the tournament!

Masato: for Share!

Timeskip to after school.

Zero: that was a good match masato, I didn't know that you had an impact card though.
Masato: I got it in a pack before our match a couple of days ago.
Zero: that's fair.
Yuga: banjou was cool as well!
Zero: true, but I think we are beginning to see why players play the way they do, if you know what I mean?
Masato: I know, zero.

Next time: a battle between friends! Buddy.......fight!

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Impact Rise (future card buddyfight ace X male Oc) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin