chapter 26 (the chess genius Vs the ace of study)

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Last time on impact rise! (Future card buddyfight X male oc):

Yuga: look garga, I pulled a new card for my deck.

Yuga: look garga, I pulled a new card for my deck

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Garga: "cyclone mode" huh? It's worth a shot!.

Zero pulls a really good card for the sun dragon deck.

Zero: hey garga, Yuga, check this card out!

Zero shows them the card he pulled.

Yuga: woah that's a really good card, zero! Bal will love it!

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Yuga: woah that's a really good card, zero! Bal will love it!

And now!

Zero, garga, Yuga, masato, goh, miko and Mel (who hasn't been seen since chapter 18) are watching a match between Subaru and seji, who were best friends prior to this match after learning that seji joined up with vile ranma!

Zero: who do think will win, guys?

Everyone looks at zero with a "really" look

Zero: what!?

Masato: you worked with vile ranma, I don't know if I can trust you!

Zero: I had a good reason why I did what I did!

Everyone looks at zero with a surprised look

Miko: what do you mean by that, zero?

Zero explains everything he knows to the rest because garga and Yuga already knows.

Mel: so the reason why you were working with vile ranma is to get close to him and get the information you need to pass back to the rest of us.

Zero: that was the plan. Shhh. The match is Starting.

After the match.

Zero walks over to Subaru.

Zero: you okay Subaru?

Subaru: why do you care?

Zero: your my friend, and I care!

Subaru looks shocked at zero

Zero: if you are going ask why I was with vile ranma it was just to get information back to Yuga!

Subaru: so, the whole oblivion knight thing was all because of the partnership with ranma?

Zero: yeah! Here's what you need to know!

Zero tells Subaru everything he knows about vile ranma's plan

Subaru: so, that match with seji?

Zero: all planned out by ranma. He's only using seji to get to you!

Next time: the return of the crystal bullet! Buddy............fight!

Impact Rise (future card buddyfight ace X male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now