Chapter 3: Lavender and Combat Boots

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I woke up extra early the next day, unable to get back to sleep even though my alarm was set for another hour. I ended up listening to New Kids on the Block through my headphones connected to my cd player. I loved their slower songs the best, whether it was from their '88 album or '90 one. Any decade they sounded amazing to me. I glanced out my window into the blueish morning, catching sight of Leo taking out the trash. He lit a cigarette directly after, just blowing smoke beside his garage as I found myself daydreaming about him again. Baby, I Believe in You lyrics were filling my ears as I adored how exciting/mysterious the music sounded before becoming more mellow. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks when Leo caught me staring, since the lamp beside me illuminated my window. I shyly lifted my hand for a small wave, him merely raising his hand in response with his lips pressed together. I closed my curtains as I felt dizzy and my heart was pounding, yet I had never felt more alive and happy. I went ahead and switched the music to my stereo system, keeping it quiet so I wouldn't wake the whole house. I started rummaging through my closet as I tilted my head, picking out one of the new outfits I got recently at the mall. It was a lavender shirt with a matching, short jacket, along with a skirt with small, ovals all over it in a darker shade that made a cute pattern. I then finally pulled out my bright, purple combat boots, pairing those with yellow ankle socks. I almost squealed from how cute the ensemble turned out, feeling excited to show it off today in front of Leo. Since I had extra time I even curled my hair before pinning my side bangs straight up to the back of my head. I kept twirling in my skirt as I felt light as air, stopping when I realized I still needed to eat breakfast, then pick my choice of colored lip gloss. After settling for a natural looking red shade I headed out, grinning from ear to ear when I saw Clementine had her car back, waiting for me out front.

"Hey," I beamed.

"Hey," she reacted, giving me a knowing smile after I got on the passenger's side. "You do know you've only said 'hi' to Leo, right?"

"I know, but I wanted to impress him and I woke up early anyway, so I thought why not go all out?"

"You look amazing, Alyssa. I can't believe you're finally wearing those shoes. You're always so insistent on sticking to your old sneakers."

"What can I say? My sneakers are super comfy, but these go perfectly with this outfit."

In a matter of minutes were parking in front of the school, me seeing Leo another row of cars down getting out of his own vehicle.

"Come on, you wanted him to see you, didn't you," Clementine asked, linking her arm with mine to rush me towards the entrance. I gave Leo a small smile when he caught sight of me, him almost looking me up and down before a group of teenagers blocked us from each other.

"That felt good. I mean, I think he finds me attractive too," I gushed as we stepped through the halls.

"Well, of course he does. I mean, you're gorgeous, Alyssa, only a blind guy couldn't see that."

"Thanks. And thanks for always supporting me through my crushes. I know I go overboard every time. I mean, I curled my hair for a whole month for Dalton last year."

"I get it. Having crushes are fun, and they make everyone a little crazy. You should talk to Leo at his locker. We still have ten minutes before class." She checked her watch before giving me a nudge in the right direction.

"Hi," I said to him, keeping my hands joined behind my back as I tried standing up straight.

"Hi," he responded, looking at me from his side vision as he kept messing with books on his shelves.

"So... we're neighbors." I was horrible at small conversation, almost rocking on my heels.

"Yeah, I saw you this morning. What were you listening to?"

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