Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to Another_Lost_Soul

                                                   Chapter 25:  Arthur's return


Green smoke belched from the fireplace as Harry stepped into the kitchen at Grimmauld Place.

"Harry, dear," exclaimed Molly. "You're just in time for dinner."

"Oh, good, I'm not late, then,"  Harry smiled, as he made his way down the table to an open spot next to Sirius. 

"How did your Occlumency lessons go, Harry?"  Sirius looked at his Godson , eyebrow arched.

"Really well, actually.  Professor Snape and I worked out a good method for me to use for detecting  if Voldemort is 'snooping around' in my brain and I'm also practicing on only showing things I want him to see.  But we're just starting and it'll be an ongoing learning curve."

"So he didn't assault your mind like we saw in the films?" Remus asked, as he passed a basket of rolls.

"No, it was very much a mutual give and take session.  Knowing Voldemort can see what's in my head and I in his, because of being linked to him as one of his bloody Horcruxes, makes it easier to control, as it's not true Legilimency that he's using on me."

"Sounds complicated . . . better you than me," teased Dan, giving Harry a wink and a smile from across the table.

"Very amusing, Dan," Harry growled back, but then laughed, as did the others.  Turning to Mrs. Weasley, Harry asked, "All ready for Mr. Weasley's arrival tomorrow?"

"Oh, yes; we brought all of his Christmas gifts here, as he refused to open them in St. Mungo's, said, 'it just didn't feel like Christmas' . . . so we're doing it all when he gets here."

"Should we start looking for a huge box in which to hide Dan, Emma, Rupert and Tom, as THE big surprise?" questioned Sirius, gleam in his eye.

"No, that won't be necessary; he knows all about what's been happening," replied Molly, cutting her chicken. Lifting her fork to her mouth she froze, having finally noticed the dead silence that had fallen on the whole group.  "What?"

"I thought you weren't going to tell him!"  Ginny gasped, then covered her mouth as she started to giggle, looking at Hermione and Emma, who both buried their faces in their napkins, shoulders shaking.

"Well . . . . he could see I was anxious about something and he wheedled it out of me!"  Molly explained, shrugging her shoulders.  "I did make him promise, Wizard's oath practically, that he would not attempt to get up and come here, thus sparing the staff the sight of his backside."  She calmly continued to eat as the whole table exploded in laughter.

 * * *


Arthur  and Molly Weasley emerged from the Floo flames and looked around the kitchen.  Kreacher came forward with a steaming cup of tea.

"Kreacher welcomes Mr. Weasley to the Noble House of Black," handing over the cup and saucer.

"Thank you, Kreacher. I have been craving a decent cup of tea this whole week! You're too kind," replied Arthur, bowing slightly.  "Have my family been behaving themselves as your houseguests?"

"Master Sirius is having houseguests, Sir, not Kreacher.  Kreacher is only here to serve."

Arthur, having taken a sip of tea, rolled his eyes.  "Well, you are worth your weight in Galleons, Kreacher; this is excellent tea!"

"Kreacher thanks you," the old Elf was blushing at all of the praise and looked to Molly.  "Does Mrs. Weasley wish for a cup of tea?"

"No, thank you, Kreacher.  Maybe a bit later, though.  Where is everyone?"

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