Chapter 57

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                                       Chapter 57 : The quiet before the storm

Severus' eyes rose from the parchment on his desk to see Theo Nott's excited face.

"I beg your pardon?" drawled Snape.  "You saw . . .what . . . in the dungeon hallway?"

"The ghost of Headmaster Dumbledore, sir!  He was just walking along, humming and then vanished into the wall!"  Theo told him, almost bouncing up and down in his excitement.

"When was this?"

"Last night . . .well, actually early this morning, sir.  I was doing my patrol and was heading through the dungeon to go past the storage rooms and  . . . there he was!   I came to tell you as soon as I thought you'd be here in your office."

"And he didn't speak to you?"

"He didn't see me, sir," Theo replied.  "He was reading a parchment and walking along, then he disappeared.  I checked that stretch of wall and there are no openings . . . he just went through, like all the ghosts do."  Theo shrugged.

"I see . . .it was inevitable, I suppose.  Well, thank you for your report, Mister Nott.  If I run into Albus on my way to the loo, I won't lift an eyebrow," Severus drawled, causing Theo to snicker. Severus smirked. "Dismissed."

"Yes, sir," replied Theo, smiling, feeling a bit special that the Headmaster had shared a 'joke' with him.  As he left Severus' office Theo was feeling very good about himself;  he wasn't too surprised that the Headmaster wasn't upset about the newest Hogwarts ghost, and was happy to be thanked for reporting so promptly.  His father would be glad to hear he was in good favor with the Headmaster . . . Draco wasn't the only one who knew how to play that game!

After Severus was sure Theo had descended the staircase, he called for Tykey and sent a message to Albus.  This could prove to be quite tricky; the Dark Lord would want to know if it really was Albus' ghost or if the old man had pulled a fast one.  Which meant Severus would have to be doubly convincing about Albus' death.  He sat back and started mentally reconstructing and reinforcing his 'memories' of that whole 'battle' and how Albus had died.


"Ah, Severus . . .my faithful servant . . . come . . . sit." Voldemort waved Severus to a chair to his left, as Snape entered the dining room and came around the table.

"Master." Severus bowed before he sat, noting that Nott had taken over Lucius' seat opposite him, next to Bella.  She, of course, was glaring at him. "Bella."

"Snape," she rudely shot back.

Voldemort looked at Severus as if waiting for him to speak, but Severus said nothing, waiting for the Dark Lord to control the conversational topics.

"I understand," Voldemort began, after a minute's silence. "That the ghost of that old fool, Dumbledore, is walking the halls of our school, Severus."

"That is, indeed, what has been reported to me, Master," Severus replied, casting a glance at Nott.  "Theo Nott saw him the other morning, in the dungeon corridor, while doing his patrolling.  He reported to me immediately, and it has been ordered that any other sign of his ghost be noted - time and location.  But no other sightings have occurred . . . yet."

"Do you think it is his ghost, Severus?"  Voldemort asked, silkily.

"It would hard to mistake him for anyone else, Master."  Severus frowned.

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