Chapter 53

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                                          Chapter 53 - "It's Giant Season!"

Dan, Rupert and Emma swung their gaze toward Tom, who jumped, then tried to look innocent, failing miserably.  He threw up his hands in defeat.

"How'd you know ?" he asked.

"Well, I didn't suggest anything to the twins," Rupert answered, turning to Emma and Dan.  "Did either of you?"

"Well, you know I didn't," Emma huffed.

"And who's the outdoorsman in this group?  Not I!  I'm a city boy!"  Dan cocked his head as he looked at his friend Tom.  "Out with it!"

"Well . . .  after thinking about what little they had to combat the giants . . " Tom started.

"Nothing!"  Ron said, as the others nodded.

"Exactly!" Tom continued.  "I thought . . . is there was any way of neutralizing or taking them completely out of the equation? So I thought, let's go for it!  I made a few 'out of the box' suggestions, on the side, to Fred and George, as to some Muggle equipment that they could procure and use in the defense plans," he concluded with a shrug.

"And those suggestions were . . . " Emma waved her hand, so he'd keep going with his explanation.

"High-powered hunting rifle, like they use on safari to bring down elephants and . . . an Army surplus flame thrower. . . a couple of other things."  Tom winced, waiting for the outburst to come.  

After a second or two he opened his eyes and looked at the other three.  Emma was sitting with her hand over her mouth, Dan's eyes were wide open and Rupert was grinning like a fool!

"That was bloody BRILLIANT!" exclaimed Rupert, as Dan started to laugh.  Emma sat there, shaking her head, even as a list of questions was forming in her brain.

Harry stood, facing his Muggle friends.  "Hold the questions  until later, Emma," even as she looked at him, mouth half open.  "I know the signs, dear . . . but, you see, Fred and George obtained all of this equipment legally, with some of my money, and they were very good at following the safety rules and regulations for owning the rifle . . . at least in the United States."

Rupert turned to the twins.  "You two traveled to America to get this stuff?"

"Easier to apply for and buy . . . too many restrictions here in England.  And we couldn't just knick one, we wanted to do it properly.  Sporting chance and all that." George replied, cheekily.

"There's an outstanding hunting equipment supplier over there, called Cabela's . . . it's a bloody marvel!  We spent hours just wandering around looking at all of the merchandise; it's become our favorite store!"  Fred added, enthusiastically.

"Oh, now I have to hear more about this bit!" Dan exclaimed.

Emma held up her hand. "Wait . . . one . . . minute!  I need to know that it was only the giants and the Inferi that were thwarted with this equipment, or I'm going to be a bit upset with you lot!"

"Have no fear, Emma," Draco reassured her.  "We used our weapons on those two groups only , but then we had other things to worry about;  Dementors . . . bloody big spiders . . . my crazy Auntie Bella . . . "

"Oh. . . dear.  Well, in that case, let's hear it, then." She settled back to listen to the next part of the tale.


"Draco, do you know what a rifle is?" Fred asked, as George opened a long case that was resting on the head table.

"I think it's some kind of Muggle weapon . . . like a . . . gun?"  Draco answered.

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