Chapter 51

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                                          Chapter 51 : Christmas Holiday Work Party

As the whistle of the departing Hogwarts Express echoed down the valley from Hogsmeade Station, the holiday residents of Hogwarts gathered in the Great Hall.  Minerva called for attention and looked at the teachers and students gathered before her.

"First off, let me say, I am honored to be your temporary Headmistress, but our Headmaster is perfectly capable of resuming his duties, so . . . "  She motioned toward the doors, which opened to reveal Albus Dumbledore standing there.  Pomona Sprout, Madam Pince and Sybil Trelawney let out little shrieks, but the others stood and applauded as Albus came down the center of the room to the huge round communal table used during holiday meals.

"Greetings all, I hope I'm not late?"  Dumbledore smiled, coming round to take his place at the head chair.

"Headmaster!" Professor Sprout was totally at a loss for words, just waving her hand at Albus, brows knit and eyes wide.

"Ah, Pomona, Irma, Sybil . . . I'm afraid you've been kept in the dark, for your own safety, I might add, until today.  My 'death' was a giant ruse to throw Voldemort off track and let him get overconfident as to his 'control' of Hogwarts.  And . . .we will continue that deception after the holiday concludes;  I will go back into hiding and only those gathered here, plus a few select students who went home, know the real story.  I will, of course, make my presence known to all, at the proper time."

The three stunned faculty members looked at each other, then shaking their heads, looked back at the man standing before them.

"But what about Severus Snape," asked Irma Pince.  "He obviously didn't kill you, so why would he put himself in such a bad light, literally ruining his reputation?"

"I've been asking myself that very question, Madam Pince," stated Severus Snape, as Healer Treiber pushed his wheelchair to an open space at the table and then took her seat beside him.  "Greetings, everyone." 

There were hellos from the other members of the group seated around the table, with Madam Pince, Pomona Sprout and Sybil Trelawney waving silently, stunned.

Turning his head to look at the school librarian, he answered her question.  "I will not lie; it was a gut wrenching decision, 'killing' my best friend, but things are not always what they seem. In this case, we used a mannequin fitted to look like the Headmaster and, as evidenced by your statement, got away with murder."

" 'Got away with murder'! Oh, I say, Severus, that was a good one!" giggled Filius Flitwick, as the others joined in the laughter, thereby defusing the tense atmosphere at the table.

"Well, I, for one, am heartily glad to see you, Albus," breathed Sybil Trelawney, hand over her heart.  "I was beginning to doubt my own 'Inner Eye' . . . I could not see you dead, Headmaster and Professor Snape just didn't seem to have an evil aura around him . . . I just didn't believe he could murder you!!"

"Oh, I could," Severus smiled at her. "If the circumstances called for it, but fortunately, that wasn't necessary."

"What?" Trelawney looked at Severus in disbelief but then sat back, catching her breath.  "I really think you mean that, Professor . . . let's hope it never comes to that point."

"I'll second that!" laughed Dumbledore.  "Let's eat, shall we . . . I'm feeling a bit peckish!"

Just then, the Malfoys entered the Great Hall, with Draco in tow.  Narcissa was obviously fussing with him about something, but stopped and turned to greet the others.

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