Chapter 55

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                                        Chapter 55: "Oh, the weather outside is frightful!"

The students were seated at their house tables, murmuring to each other about which students hadn't returned from holiday and what they'd heard from their families while at home.   Slytherin was the only house with no missing members, except for Draco Malfoy.  It seemed it was mostly younger students and those who were known to be half-bloods, or Muggle born, who were absent.

Neville, Ginny and Luna knew which of those were actually in residence in the Room of Requirement, and they had already spread the word to the other members of the D.A.  

Silence fell over the Great Hall as Severus Snape entered, striding down the center aisle to take his place in the Headmaster's chair.  Without saying a word, he clapped his hands and dinner appeared on the tables.  Everyone proceeded to fill their plates and the rise in conversational buzz made it seem like Hogwarts was almost back to normal, but no-one really believed that for a minute.

As the dessert plates disappeared, Headmaster Snape stood to address the student body.  He took a moment or two to scan down the length of each house table, ending with the Slytherins, his blank expression giving no indication as to his mood.

"We seem to be missing a few students . . . for various reasons.  I assume those of you who have returned care about your education, so I expect no disruptions in your studies.  If we should have any more visits by . . . unauthorized persons, that breach of our security wards is to be reported to one of the staff . . . immediately.  The Ministry is prepared to send Aurors to patrol the halls . . .  around the clock . . . if necessary.  Anyone  found to be helping unwanted visitors to enter the grounds, or the school itself, will be arrested and dealt with . . . as an adult  . . . youth and stupidity are not valid excuses for harboring wanted criminals."

There was a bit of whispering about that announcement, but most of the older Slytherins just sat there and smirked at the other tables. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick exchanged looks, but otherwise, the staff did not react at all.  The Carrows sat at the end of the table, trying to not draw attention to themselves.

"Mister Longbottom, Miss Weasley . . .  I would like a word with you two.  The rest of you are dismissed."

Severus stood there, watching the students and teachers file out of the Great Hall, even as Neville and Ginny made their way to the dais where he was waiting for them.  When the last person exited, Severus waved his wand and the giant doors swung closed.  Turning to the two Gryffindors standing before him, he motioned them to sit at the nearest table, while he remained standing.

"Did everyone on that Ministry 'half-blood' list make it back?" Severus asked.

"Yes, sir," answered Neville. "Most of the younger members of the D.A. came through the Hog's Head, but some did "Disillusion Charms" and walked through the gates with those who rode the Express."

"Professor Flitwick knew they were there, of course, and let them pass, having done a charm so they wouldn't set off the intruder alarms.  The Carrows were standing, watching, so those sneaking in they had to be extra careful not to leave marks in the snow while getting past the checkpoint.  Then again, it was the Carrows," Ginny added with a shake of her head. "But they're all settled into the Room of Requirement."

"Good.  Speaking of the Carrows  . . . they are, indeed, idiots, but they have been tasked with something by the Dark Lord, for when the invasion begins.  I will try and ascertain exactly what they are to do, but if it's a 'Trigger-event' memory charm, they may be unaware they have a task, until the moment it's needed."  Severus frowned.  "It probably has to do with making sure the members of Slytherin House  are free to move about the castle. . . .perhaps they have been given specific jobs to do, to help from the inside of the school when the Death Eaters arrive.  We shall see."

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