Chapter 61

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                                        Chapter 61 : Departures and details

Seamus, Dean and Neville entered the Great Hall with the four Slytherin captives in tow.

"Now, what should we do with this lot?" Dean asked, draping his arm over Theo's shoulder.

"Well," Ginny wandered over, looking at the four tethered and subdued students with a wry grin.   "Why don't we just tie them to the lamp-posts on the bridge and let old Tom decide when he arrives."

"Nah, they could be out there for hours . . .days even," Seamus replied. "How about we send them to Kings Cross . . . the hard way."

The Slytherins turned and looked at him, with identical looks of apprehension on their faces.  Theo and Blaise were muttering, while Daphne started to cry.  Pansy, on the other hand, tried to kick Seamus in the shin, which earned her another smack on the butt from Dean.

"Behave, young lady . . . well, bad girl," Dean chided her.

"That settles it, then," Neville announced. "Professor Flitwick?!  Could you come here for just a moment, please?"

"Certainly, Neville, how can I be of service?" the diminutive Charms Professor inquired.

"We need to get these four to Kings Cross, and we thought a 'Portkey' would be the easiest method, considering the circumstances," Neville replied.

"Excellent! Also, I think a bit of a nap might not be a bad idea, until the Express arrives, at least."  Filius was rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

More muffled protests from the Slytherins were waved aside by Professor Flitwick as he pulled out his wand and looked around for something to use as a 'Portkey'.

"This should work, Professor," said Seamus, as he produced a large metal ring which had been the pull on the door that had been blasted apart.  "We'll just tie the rope to it and then they'll arrive together, safe and sound."

"Oh, that's an excellent idea, Mister Finnegan!"  Flitwick nodded.  "Now, let me think of the right charm to awaken them and we'll get started."

Before the Slytherins could protest, they had one hand duct taped to the ring and were standing, facing each other, wondering how they could have messed up so badly.

About then, Draco and Sirius arrived with Peter floating between them, but they passed right by, heading to the front of the Hall.

"Ah, I see Minerva was successful," commented Filius, who then turned and raised his wand to do the charms.  "You all will be asleep until the Express arrives, then you are free to undo the ropes and  . . . what is the silver material you used on their hands and mouths, Neville?"

"That is duct tape . . . Muggle invention; seals things nicely, don't you agree?"

"Indeed, well, here we go," Professor Flitwick raised his wand.

"Oh, wait, Professor, their wands," Seamus said, pulling the wands from his back pocket.  "Hey, there's only three."

"OY! Seamus . . . catch!" shouted Draco, as he tossed Pansy's wand to the Irish Gryffindor, who grinned as he caught it deftly.

"Thanks mate," Seamus returned.

"Well, if we're going to return their wands, I'd better go along and make sure they're comfortable and napping before we give them back, eh?"  Flitwick took Pansy's wand and put it in an interior pocket of his robes with the others.  "I shan't be too long."

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