Chapter 6

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                                                    Chapter 6: Putting their heads together

After talking at length with Minerva and Albus, the group of young adventurers returned to Grimmauld Place, where it was decided to pair off with their 'twin' and go over and finalize what specific information needed to be given to the 'younger' versions of themselves.

Harry and Dan were soon in a deep discussion about how to handle, not only Sirius and his scattershot energy and frustrations, but to show Albus how misguided his thoughts were, about 'protecting' Harry from some of the more vital information he'd need to fight Voldemort.  If they could give Albus a heads up, he would, in turn, tell Harry what he needed to know.

They also devised a plan for getting a bit of overdue justice against Wormtail.

Ron and Rupert were planning how and when to collect the Horcruxes, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup being the one that would be the hardest to retrieve; was it already in Bella's vault at Gringott's or was it elsewhere?  Perhaps they could enlist Narcissa to find out its location. Could she retrieve it?

Emma and Hermione were marking passages in the last three books that would give greater depth and meaning to some of the scenes in the movies; Dumbledore and Harry talking in his office after Sirius dies, the confrontations on the Astronomy Tower and the King's Cross Scene from the final film.   Vital clues and hidden meanings were scattered throughout the books and some had, unfortunately, been left out of the scripts.  Hopefully, their younger selves would also have some additional input as to what they had experienced, that even Jo Rowling hadn't captured in print.  And an early understanding and retrieving of the Horcruxes was vital.

Draco and Tom were going over what the Death Eaters had done and where certain members of that group had hidden during the year after Voldemort's sighting at the Ministry.  Draco was positive that his mother would help, as she was not a true follower of Voldemort, but had been a victim of circumstance more than anything.  Lucius?  Well, Draco was torn about telling his father too much, as he really was the weak link; he would break under the 'Cruciatus' curse before Narcissa, so the less he knew, the better, was the final consensus.

Then the discussion turned to Severus Snape and they all decided that he would be told the background of everything that would happen and how he could be spared that awful death.  Also, and Harry was adamant about this bit; Sirius and Severus would be forced to bury the hatchet, as both were vital to the outcome of this adventure.  Harry was sick and tired of their snide remarks and both were totally wrong about each other and this time, he was going to make sure they realized the true story!  Dan promised to crack some skulls together, if necessary, to make them listen, much to Harry's delight. 

Then Harry, Ron, Rupert and Dan discussed the possibility of changing the Battle at the Ministry to include Severus instead of Sirius but with something that Sirius could be doing while everyone's attention was diverted by the action at the Ministry.

Draco was instructing Tom about the working of the Time Turners, but both were half listening to the plotting taking place across the room.

"Again, tactics by Ron 'Chess King' Weasley," Draco whispered to Tom, who nodded. 

Hermione and Emma had come to the conclusion that an 'Extension Charm' on Emma's tote was, indeed, needed when they realized, roomy as it was, there was no way to fit everything in without some Magical help. Hermione shrank Harry's flat screen and DVD player, wrapped them in a couple of tea towels and stowed them securely for the trip.  Notebooks, DVDs, books, extension cords and personal letters to themselves and notes for the others were all added. 

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