Chapter 13

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                                                      Chapter 13 : Popcorn!  We need popcorn!

"The movie is only about two and a half hours, but it goes quickly,"  Emma informed them.

"Wait a minute!" Tom looked around. "We're missing something."

"What?  Everyone has their stuff for making notes," asked Rupert.

"Popcorn! We need Popcorn!  No self respecting Muggle watches a movie without a bucket of popcorn to munch on during the show!"

"Oh for heaven sakes, Tom!  This is serious!  We don't have time for popcorn!" Emma scolded.

"No, no, no!  I'm sorry! I refuse to sit through a movie without popcorn, woman!  It's against the Muggle movie code!"

"There's no such thing and you know it, Tom Felton!  Stop being foolish!"

"Foolish?!?! FOOLISH!!! "  Tom looked around and saw Draco watching this exchange between his look-alike and the double of Granger.  "Hey, back me up, here, Draco!  Don't you want something to munch on while you watch your life unfold!?!?!?!"

"What's popcorn?" Draco looked puzzled.

"What's pop . . .? . . . great . . . something else to explain!  I give up, start the movie!"  Tom flopped down on the sofa next to Emma and covered his face with his hands, pretending to sob.  Emma shook her head and patted him on his thigh.

"There, there. . . it'll be okay, Tom  . . .  you'll get over the shock . . . think of the fun you'll have explaining it all later,"  Emma whispered, as Rupert inserted the DVD.  "We'll make some for watching the other movies, although I think they'll be too engrossed to remember to munch on it, come to that."

"You're probably right, but I still want some," Tom moped, then grinned at Emma, who shook her head.

"Emma has given each of you a notebook and pen, so you can write down any questions you have and we will answer them afterward.  We will also discuss what wasn't in the movie and what was changed for the movie. Remember, you've already lived through the first half, so ignore those inconsistencies and concentrate on the second half!"  Dan  advised everyone, as the movie started.  "Sirius, could you put out the lights, please?" Dan concluded, sitting down in an armchair next to Tom and Emma.

* * * *

"I just thought of something."  Hermione spoke up, breaking the silence in the living room. "Ginny is right, if Sirius survives, this is going to be his home . . . we'll have to stand out in the hall to avoid winding up stuck in the middle of a table or something, won't we ?. . . unless  . . since we know this is going on, we could rearrange his furniture to the exact position that this furniture is located, then we can just relax . . . but then, where will Sirius be?   Here with us or somewhere else?"

"Sirius . . . miss something this exciting???? Think Hermione, he will be right here with us!  And we'll have a few minutes to get everything positioned for the return of the 'Time Travelers'.  I gave us about 5 minutes advance warning of their return, when our new memories will kick in," Draco informed her.  "SO, when that happens, things might start changing around here, but we'll be able to prepare for their return."

"Was I over thinking again?"  Hermione blushed.

"A bit," Ron replied.

"But doesn't she always?  I worry when she doesn't go over the details at least two, three . . . four times," Draco replied.  "That's not a bad thing, just occasionally annoying," he added, ducking a pillow aimed at his head.

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