Chapter 50

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                                          Chapter 50 : Suspicion Confirmed

"Bella . . . come in."  Voldemort sat back in his chair, as his 'most loyal' female Death Eater groveled at his feet.  "I am waiting to hear about my servant, Severus.  Any word?"

"Gregory Goyle owled his parents about Draco being taken by  . . . Harry Potter, Master, and described the accidental wounding of Snape by the Carrows.  He's said to be recovering, slowly, in the hospital wing.  Apparently, those fools' spells paralyzed him, temporarily, my Lord."

"I see . . . why wasn't he removed to St. Mungo's, I wonder . . . ah, well, no matter; I have more important things to occupy my time. . .  Bella," he said softly.

"Yes, my Lord?" she answered, daring to lift her eyes to meet his.

"I must leave for a short while  . . . " Voldemort started, but was interrupted by a gasp from Bella.  "Yes?"

"Mercy, Master . . .  but is that safe?  Do you wish me or maybe one of the others to accompany you, for protection?"

"I hardly think I need protection,  Bella, although your concern for my well being is noted.  No, I must undertake this little trip by myself . . . it will be short and I only need stop at two locations.  I will be back by this afternoon."

"Yes, Master," Bella replied, head bowed.  "I will anxiously await your safe return, my Lord."

"Perhaps . . . I can relieve some of your anxiety now, Bella, my sweet . . .  come here."

"Yes, Master."


Harry was sitting at the table in the common area of the Room of Requirement, his brows knit, rubbing his scar absently.  Ron looked over at Hermione, who shrugged.

"Headache, mate, or is old Tom up to something?" Ron inquired.

"I'm not sure, I'm getting little bits and pieces of some kind of rising concern on his part, but then, it fades away . . . it's sort of muffled . . . Oh MERLIN! " Harry gasped, looking absolutely stunned, then almost sick.  "Oh, you are NOT going to believe what he's doing . . .  EWWWW!"  Then Harry started laughing, and hitting himself on the side of his head as if he was trying to dislodge something out of his brain through his ear!!!!  "Oh, I hope I can forget THAT vision!  OUT! OUT!"  He laughed some more, while Ron and Hermione exchanged startled looks.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked, taking hold of Harry's arm to stop him from hitting his head again.

"Yeah, mate, what the bloody hell is happening."

"He's . . . he's shagging Bella!!!!"  Harry gasped and then started laughing at the shocked looks on his friends faces.  "Seriously!  I guess he accidentally dropped his mental wards during  . . . well . . . anyway . . . I think he suspects one of his Horcruxes was destroyed . . .  he's planning on going to check the ones he can . . . the Gaunt ring and the Locket . . . he thinks the Hufflepuff Cup is safe in Bella's vault, but he'll figure out that might be missing, too . . . which means Severus is in trouble . . . we'd better go talk to him."

"Shagging . . . seriously?"  Ron gasped.  "She'd not be my first choice."

"Ron! . . . all of that about checking the Horcruxes and your mind didn't get past him shagging . . . well, I guess that is pretty icky, come to think of it!" Hermione giggled, as the three rose and started toward the Hospital Wing under the cover of Harry's 'Invisibility Cloak".

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