Chapter 28

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                                                Chapter 28 : Old Home Week

As the door to the parlor opened, those gathered in the hallway turned as one, to face the returning travelers.  Sirius, being the closest to the door, spread his arms wide in greeting.

"Welcome back you lot! Welcome to my home!"  

He grabbed Emma in a bear hug, lifted her off her feet and spun around as she squealed in delight.  Dan and Harry flung their arms around each other in greeting, as did Ron and Rupert.  Hermione stopped Sirius spinning and rescued Emma from his clutches, only to wrap her own arms around the slightly dizzy young lady and hug her again.  Then Ginny took her turn giving her new friend a hug.  Tom and Draco shook hands and then laughed and joined in the hugging and backslapping that was happening all around them.

Everyone was talking at once, laughing and greeting each other.  Draco made his way over to Emma, smiled at her and gave her a chaste peck on her cheek and then a hug.

"Welcome back, Emma.  It's been a long wait, but worth it . . . you haven't changed a bit!" he teased.

"I should bloody well hope not, Draco!' she laughed, giving his arm a squeeze.

"Okay, everyone, before the rest descend upon us, let's sit down for a few minutes so we can give you a brief summary of what's happened since you were here last," Sirius suggested, as he led the way back into the parlor.

"We admit to being a bit curious," Dan answered, with a grin and wink at Harry, as they settled on the chairs and sofas.  "We did see Harry's family photo over there on the side table, so that eased my mind a bit," he remarked, pointing to the framed picture.

"Yes, Ginny and I have the same kids," Harry told them, his arm around his wife.

"And, we've got a lovely cottage in Godric's Hollow as our home, now," Ginny added.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Emma exclaimed. "Hermione, Ron, how about you two?" she asked, turning to the couple sitting next to her on the sofa.

"We've got the same two as before," Hermione replied, smiling.

"And Fred and Alicia have twins; Rupert and Thomas," announced Ron, laughing at the stunned looks on Rupert and Tom's faces.  "So you will be meeting your namesakes in a bit."

"Fred did survive, then!  Great!"  Rupert grinned.

"How about Albus?"  Tom asked.  "Did our fake Dumbledore work?"

"We'll let him tell you all about that,"  Harry said.  "Which in itself tells you he's still with us, doesn't it?"

Emma turned to Draco, eyebrow raised.  He gazed at her for a second and then shook his head ever so slightly, before clearing his throat.

"I, however, am not married to Astoria.  She and Gregory are happily married and have a son, Gaylord, to whom I am Godfather and a little girl, Anna.  I'm still single, much to my mother's despair."   He smiled, shrugging his shoulders.  Emma was studying her hands, clenched in her lap, but then she relaxed, took a deep breath and looked toward Harry, who had started speaking.

"Remus and Tonks are fine, too.  In fact, there were no casualties on our side, apart from a few victims of isolated Death Eater raids, way before the final battle."  Harry informed them.

"So, there was a battle?  At Hogwarts?"  Dan inquired, sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Yes, we managed to lure Voldemort there, when we were ready for him, not when he wanted to appear, in order to have the situation under our control.  The younger students were evacuated safely, structural damage was kept to a minimum, and it was over fairly quickly, truth be told," Ron replied.

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