Chapter 60

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                                        Chapter 60 : I smell a rat.

The students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had left for the train station, accompanied by the D.A. members making the trip to Kings Cross and some of the defenders.  That left the Slytherin table to be dealt with, which Harry and Lucius were about to do.

"All right . . . Slytherin House," Harry began.  "You all are heading home and you will be in a separate coach on the train, in order to make sure none of you try and send any word ahead as to what happened here this morning; which means your owls are being kept under lock and key in the baggage car."

"What about our baggage," asked Tracy Davis. "I've not finished packing yet!"

"Your packing was finished by the House Elves and your things are already on board," replied Harry. 

"Shouldn't put off packing until the last minute! Makes everyone have to wait for you and that's inconsiderate," added Luna.

Pansy opened her mouth to tell Luna where to 'pack it', but thought better when she saw Lucius step forward.

"I would like to tell those of you whose parents are followers of the Dark Lord that it will end badly for them, if they come here with him, to do battle.  If I were you, I'd tell them to resist his call and put their time to better use, such as protecting their family, perhaps, so you may return to finish your education without the taint of having your mother or father dead or serving time in Azkaban for being in league with Voldemort,"  Lucius advised them, even as some gasped at him using the Dark Lord's name.  "My family and I are firmly behind Harry and will be here to fight with him against Voldemort and your parents, if they are foolish enough to come with him. We will not spare them for 'old time sake'.  Please give them that message from me; it will be their only warning."

Most of the Slytherins looked stunned that Lucius would actually speak such blasphemy, but they could see the determination in his, Draco and Narcissa's eyes and demeanor, standing proud and defiant next to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Well, on that note, let's get you all to the station and onboard the Express, shall we," called Arthur Weasley from the doorway, motioning the students to rise and follow him.  The younger ones practically scrambled over one another to get out of the Great Hall, but the older students just stood and then sauntered over to the door, past Draco, pointedly ignoring him, except Pansy, who leaned over and hissed something in his ear.  Draco eyes flew open and then he threw back his head and roared with laughter, which made Pansy turn red in the face and stomp out.

"What did she say, dearest?" Narcissa asked.

When Draco stopped laughing he looked at his Mother and shook his head.

"Oh, just words to the effect that my 'wand' work wasn't up to her standards, Mother, and let it go at that, okay?" Draco sputtered, causing Ron to snort and Harry to grin.

Narcissa took a second to grasp what her son meant, then she scowled and turned to go after Pansy, but Draco grabbed her arm.

"Let her go, Mother.  If that was the best insult she came throw at me, well, consider the source, eh?"  Draco smiled.

"Little tramp," muttered Cissa.  She looked thoughtful for a moment, and then reached over to gave Draco a kiss on the cheek. "You're right, dearest, we'll give her the benefit of the doubt . . .after all, with so many examples to try to remember and compare, she probably has you confused with someone else."

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