Chapter 40

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                                                Chapter 40 : Wedding bells and warnings

"Anyhow," Arthur Weasley continued, as he stood and walked forward. "Bill and Fleur's wedding rolled around and although we did have the advantage of knowing the Death Eaters would be 'crashing the party', so to speak, we tried to have a joyful celebration.  That also gave the Aurors, who were there as security, a better chance to give us an extra moment or two to get our guests to safety.  Hermione, of course, had her bag ready and Ron, Harry and she knew where they needed to 'Apparate' this time, so at least that was one less worry for everyone . . . we knew they would be safe.

* * *

Kingsley Shacklebolt's 'Patronus' arrived in the middle of the dance floor.  There was instant silence, as all eyes and ears focused on the ghostly lynx standing there, calmly informing them that the Ministry had fallen, that Rufus Scrimgeour had escaped, but Death Eaters were coming.  There were a few gasps and shrieks of fear, as Witches and Wizards started gathering their things and 'Apparating' away to safety. Suddenly, Death Eaters started arriving; spells were flying left and right, shouts and screams echoing.  The Aurors on duty, plus Arthur, Bill, Charlie and Remus Lupin fought back, while Fred and George hustled their Mother, Ginny and Fleur into The Burrow before returning to join in the dueling, grim looks on their faces, but a gleam in their eyes.

* * *

"All I could think was that they looked so much like Fabian and Gideon," sighed Molly, remembering her brothers. 

Minerva patted her arm. "In more ways than one, Molly," she whispered, which put a smile back on Mrs. Weasley's face.  "Your brothers were quite a handful, if I remember correctly . . . and I do!"

"That's how I knew what to expect when Fred and George came along," Molly replied, out of the side of her mouth, causing  Professor McGonagall to snort and hide a giggle behind her hand.

* * *

Harry, Hermione and Ron had been keeping each other in sight throughout the party, so getting together in all of the chaos wasn't too much of a problem.  They 'Apparated' straight to Hogsmeade, into the tiny alleyway that ran behind the Hog's Head Tavern.  No one was about, so they made their way to the side entrance and knocked.  Aberforth Dumbledore opened the heavy wooden door and stood back to let them in.  Quickly checking the alley, he then closed the door, slid home the bolt and turned to lead the trio down the stairs to the basement storage room.

Ariana's portrait was watching them serenely and even gave them a small smile and little wave. Hermione waved back.

"Please let Albus know he has visitors," Aberforth requested of her.  With a nod, she turned and walked away, fading into the background of her painting.

"How's everything here in Hogsmeade, Aberforth?" asked Hermione.  "Any Death Eaters arrived yet?"

"Not so's you'd notice, but they've been skulking around, every couple of days of late," he informed them. "They don't bother with me, just buy a Fire Whiskey and leave, which suits me fine."

"Well, they took over the Ministry today, so they'll be around a lot more from now on," Ron told him.

"I don't doubt 'ya a bit, lad," chuckled the bearded bartender. "Let's hope they're in a good mood and talk a little too freely, once they think they've cowed the village into submission. I'll let you know if I hear anything interesting."

"Thanks, Aberforth.  That could prove a big help, if you pick up any stray information about what Voldemort has planned, as far as Hogsmeade and Hogwarts are concerned."  Harry smiled at Albus' brother, then turned toward the portrait on the wall, as they could see Adriana returning, with someone right behind her.

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