Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Hail! Hail! The gang's all here!

"All right, then, let's get back to business; there's just three more we need to round up.  Draco, his Mum and Tonks.  Remus, we'll leave you to fetch Tonks," Dan said, looking at the werewolf and smiling.  "You two make a cute couple, you know?"

Remus blushed as he turned toward the fireplace, stopped and looked back at Dan with his brow furrowed.  He started to say something, then thought better of it and threw in a handful of 'Floo Powder'.

"Ted Tonks house."



"Yes, Mr. Rupert, sir."

"This is what we need you to do. Oh . . . Sirius, do you have that note for Narcissa?"

"Right here."  Sirius handed it to Rupert.

"Dobby, we need you to pop into Malfoy Manor and deliver this note to Narcissa Malfoy. Tell her that Sirius wanted just Draco and her to see its contents and read it together.  Do not tell them what you are going to do . . . do not explain anything, just stand there and wait until they are concentrating on the note.  As they are reading it, take hold of both of their hands and bring them here.  Don't let Lucius or anyone else, that may be in the Manor, see you.  If you have to wait a bit for a good opportunity, that's fine, just hide and wait.

"Yes, Mr. Rupert, sir.  Dobby understands.  Missy Cissa and Dobby likes each other, so she will be happy to show the note to Master Draco.  It be Master Draco Dobby be worried about."

"Well, just as long as you get both of them here, you can use your imagination and 'wing it' as we Muggles say," Tom told him. "In other words, do whatever it takes, even if it is a bit sneaky."

"Ooo, Dobby likes sneaky, Mr. Tom, sir." Dobby grinned, then snapping his fingers, he disappeared

"As we're going to be showing you all our version of Harry's life, or at least the good bits, perhaps we should go up to the big parlor and get comfortable." Dan suggested.

"Excellent!  We're going to see the movies, are we?"  Ron asked.

"Yes, we'll look at one and then we'll fill in with passages from the books." Rupert answered.  "They had to leave out a lot, some stuff didn't really matter all that much to the story, as a whole, some scenes would have been way too long and boring to watch, so . . . you'll see."

"For instance, you don't see all of what went on this morning, you just see Mr. Weasley arriving here from St. Mungo's,  so only if you've read the books does Mr. Bode even get mentioned. "

"And Dolores?" asked Minerva, peering over the rims of her glasses.

"Oh, you will love how you handle her, or rather, how Maggie handles her.  I think you'll say she does you very well," giggled Emma, as she pulled Severus Snape up from his chair, hooked her arm in his and led the way upstairs.

 * * * *

"Are all Muggles as bold as you, Miss Watson?" Severus asked, when they all were settling down in some comfy sofas and chairs Albus provided with a swish of his wand. "I usually frighten young girls half to death, turning them into hysterical, crying wrecks just by looking at them."

"Ah, but I know all about you, Professor, thus I have an advantage . . . you don't scare me a bit, magic or not; so call me Emma, please.  And don't feel you have to reciprocate the favor, I'm fine with calling you Professor."

"Thank you . .  . Emma.   Perhaps after we all get used to this situation."  He bent over and whispered to her, "Will they know everything?"  If it was possible for Severus Snape to look anxious to the point of panic, that's what Emma saw in his expression as she tried to frame her answer.

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