Chapter 41

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  • Dedicated to panda_lover_xox

                                           Chapter 41: Gringott's and Goblins

Severus, Draco and Narcissa arrived at Gringott's just as it was opening for business the next morning.  The security guard at the door did a sweep with his wand and they nodded as he stood aside to allow them to enter.  The marble floors gleamed, as did the crystal chandeliers, but the beauty of the place was offset by the uniformly ugly Goblins sitting at their desks, scratching away in the accounts books.

Severus strode down the center of the room to the main desk, Narcissa following along, as she removed her gloves and put them into her purse, Draco walking, bored expression on his face, beside her.

Griphook looked up from his paperwork and slowly put his quill down.  He was slightly surprised to see Severus Snape walking about freely, but then, Griphook knew before him stood the newly appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts.  He gave a mental shrug; as long as there was business to conduct, he didn't care about their personal lives.

"Good morning, Headmaster Snape, Madam Malfoy, Master Malfoy.  How may I help you?"

"Good morning, Griphook.  I am here to place something into the vault of Rudolphus and Bella Lestrange, for safe keeping.  Here is a letter from Rudolphus to that effect." Severus produced the letter and handed it to Griphook.

"I see," Griphook muttered, as he opened and read the letter.  He passed his hand over the writing and seemed satisfied it was genuine. "And Madam Malfoy is here as her sister's representative?"  Griphook shifted his focus.

"Yes, and  I will vouch for the validity of Severus' mission, as I was present when he and Rudolphus made the arrangements. Rudolphus is a bit . . . under the weather and Bella wanted to stay by his side, so Severus is here in their stead.  As it happened I had been planning on coming here today to make a withdrawal from our vault, for a bit of shopping before the school term starts."  Narcissa turned and patted Draco on the arm.  He rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "It was my pleasure to accompany our new Headmaster ," Narcissa smiled at Severus. "As the vaults are almost next to each other and accomplish both at one time."

'Sucking up to the new Headmaster is more likely,' thought Griphook, wickedly.  "Very well, I'll have Nagnok accompany you, if you'll be so kind as to wait over by that door," he instructed, pointing one long, boney finger to the side of the room.

"Certainly.  Thank you for your prompt service, Griphook," Severus politely replied, following the expected protocol and niceties. "Narcissa, Draco."  He held out his arm, allowing Narcissa to go first and then he fell into step with Draco. "So, Draco, how do you think the Slytherin Quidditch team is shaping up this year; any standouts among the younger players?"

Overhearing those last remarks, Griphook grimaced slightly, which was about as close to a smile as he could manage, thinking, " Ha, I was right; playing favorites already."

* * *

"I loathe these bloody carts!" Narcissa hissed, as they waited by the door.

"I love them!" Draco countered.  "They've got speed, you can see where you're going, although it's out of your control . . . quite a rush.  Really, Mother . . .try and enjoy it!"

"I don't think I'll ever 'enjoy' it, dear . . . if they were just a little slower," she sighed.

"That's not an option, unfortunately, Narcissa, as there are only two speeds; fast and dead stop," explained Severus, with a smirk.

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