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My heart was pounding so fast as we drove in to the most beautiful house iv ever laid my eyes on. It was huge and beautiful. Iv never seen such in my whole life. He parked right on the front door and I jumped off as the driver open the car door for me.
Me: Thank you. I slowly walked in with my pack back. I have no idea where he went with my suit case.

I was at one of the clubs that I own and my phone was ringing none stop. It was my mom. I kept disconnecting it every time she called just then Lindiwe the girl who I been fucking with came by. Yes am half wolf but am not like my dad. I can sleep with other woman without hurting them. Yes I don't let go completely as I fear I might do damage and I have been cautious using condoms like crazy so I don't father a child that a person will have no idea how to raise.
Lindiwe: You looking stressed,come let me help you release some tension.
Me: Nah am cool
Lindiwe: well an not I want you in me
Me: not today Lindiwe. She pouted her eyes like she hurt I open my wallet and took out a couple of hundreds she loves money that am aware of and gave her. I took the last sip of my drink.
Lindiwe: you leaving so soon
Me: If I don't my dad might just kill me for stressing his wife. Later. She dragged her leg around me and kissed me. But nothing happened in my jeans.
Lindiwe: are you sure?
Me: yep. Goodnight. She really looked disappointed and I untangled myself and left driving home in a speed.

The house was tense. I was introduced to the shy big brother Sipho who had amazing weird looking birth marks on his forehead. The father Iv seen a couple of times in the news and so did the wife. I know this family is filthy rich with the clothes they wearing and this beautiful mansion.
Me: The food is amazing Thank you. I nibbled a bit I was too nervous to eat
Mrs Musk: Glad you enjoying. The door opened and closed and I heard footsteps after a while the most handsome man Iv ever seen stood there looking like a dream. I don't know where to start. Am not sure if I should speak about how tall he was and buffed up but not to much or to little. He was brown in colour. Not to light skinned nor to dark. Perfect thin line lips and his beautiful grey eyes. He looked like Hrithick Roshan that Indian actor.  Eyes to the body and I felt my heart do a mini dance while we stared at each other without blinking. Its like the world disappeared and only me and him existed.

In all the time that iv been born and all the woman that I have been with iv never seen such a woman. I felt my whole body vibrate as if all my senses are awaken. Felt my heart beat faster and do a flip flop kind of a thing. Felt my mind explode into a million pieces. I felt her in my sense. Her beautiful fair face. She wasn't fair but just okay. Her eyes were light brown and had very kissable lips. I found myself only seeing her and the little guy in my pants reacted in a way Iv never  seen him react. I closed my eyes and looked at her again wow. I cleared my throat and she looked down turning pink in embarrassment.
Me: Sorry am late, was at the club sorting out some stuff. I lied and I knew they know but she doesn't, she human right!
Mom: Your food in the oven.
Me: Thanks mom. I walked in kissed mom cheek and sat in front of Lisabella who I couldn't keep my eyes off.
Dad: Does your phone have a problem son?i took it out seeing the messages and calls they have sent.
Me: Sorry. I looked down as Lisabella smiled and nibbled on her plate.
Sipho grunted. I knew he wanted to laugh.
Mom: Lizwe meet Lisabella and dear that Lizwe. She looked up and smiled in acknowledgement and gosh that smile. I swear I think the love at first sight thing has just happened to me. I now get it when they say connect in mind and soul. We still need to figure the body part.

I think ill embarrass myself with lack of knowledge in men. Let me scratch that handsome men that looks like a million bucks. I understood his parents were disappointed in him and they never hid it but wow give my liar a break please finding out you married is a hard pillow to swallow he was just blowing off steam.
Lizwe: I like your head wrap. I found my cheeks turning red.
Me: Thank you.

I like your head wrap out of all the things I could say that what I said? Lord kill me now please poor girl might think am cheesy. Why am I worried about what she thinks?

I looked at the two and I stopped feeling guilty in trying to create a loving environment for my son. Being who he is alone is hard. You need that strength and reassurance that you are perfect the way you are from a person that you hold dear to heart and by the looks of things looks like his head over heals in love with her,he might not see it but we do and that brings so much joy in my heart. Head wrap did he really just complimented iduko lakhe. Wow.

The family spoke on basic things here and there and I listened in on the love they mother had for them and the respect they addressed each other with.
Sipho: Ever heard of vampires. There was silence as he looked right in my eyes and I swear I saw them change colour for a second.
Me: Yep in books. Read about them. Fictional stuff I must say.
Lizwe: why?

This reminded me of my first time i was in the Musk family and it was a test. I hope she passes.

Me: Ill believe it when I see it but vampires are overrated in my opinion. So you suck blood and then???
They all looked at me and Sipho laughed. I got easy and relaxed.
Lizwe: what about fairies
Me: Another myth. Life will be so cool if we had those. A little bit of dust here and there and life will be in place. They kind of fixers and we all know the world needs a lot of fixing.
Mrs Musk: Its not that easy
Me: I know for a tiny person with wings and so much power. I saw Mr Musk trying so hard to hold his laughter but he couldn't and he bursted out laughing and I swear the table was shaking.
Mrs Musk: What your take on werewolf's?
Me: Hmmm tricky. Protective, kind, loving and the most peaceful loyal creatures ever. Would be nice having one as a friend that will always be there for you high or low. Another myth its not genetically possible for your bones to shift and transform. The pain you will go through. Plus wolfs are stronger to lock down they preys. You will have to be one tough human to be able to transform into one.
Lizwe: if these were true and you find out people close to you are those creatures. What would you do?
Me: Tough question. Let me think.
I looked around the table and everyone was silent waiting for my answer like they life deepens on it.
Me: It will depend how close they are.
Sipho: Husband and his family.
I felt the room tense up and I smiled.
Me: Like you guys?? They looked at me weird.
First let see. If Mrs Musk could be anything she would be a fairy. You have a kind soul and they do too. Mr musk is definitely a were wolf.
I smiled shyly.
Sipho: and me?
Me: I would put you as a vampire. You too cool yet shy.
Lizwe: And me?
Me: Whatever you get when you put a fairy and wolf together.
They all in unison uttered one word " Warlock". Mrs Musk laughed nervously.
Me: what a warlock? I mean what powers they have or what do they eat?
Lizwe: pretty much all the powers that a supernatural have.
Me: You guys are really into mythical creatures. Well if I ever had to find out that Iv been living with such ill faint.
Mr Musk : Faint???
He asked confused.
Me: Yep
Lizwe: why?
Me: why shouldn't I. It too much to wrap my head around it. Imagine being surrounded by people who could have had you for dinner and just like that you disappear from the face of the earth like you never existed .
Lizwe: Fairies don't eat humans
Me: but they can cook. The whole room erupted with laughter. It was really nice having dinner and having a family that indulges you even if it just talking about mythical things that don't exist but that bond we shared. I really like them.
Mr Musk: You one funny lady. I smiled and blushed.
Lizwe: after fainting what are going to do?
Me: ask who ever told me the news if they kidding if not ill just pray that my husband not a vampire.
Sipho: what wrong with vampires?
Me: me nothing but the thought of almost being dinner any time of the day just freaks me out. He smiled knowingly.
Me: Overall i wish these creatures existed. For some excitement. Imagine giving birth to such glory? Giving birth alone is a miracle then you find out your child is unique. That feeling must be great.
Mrs Musk: best feeling ever.
Me: Biggest flex ever. Other parents flexing about they kids being able to read they ABC and you like my Adam is flying or my Adam just teleported from one room to another or you wake up to check the crib and Adam not there but his bottle is flying in the air. Creepy but fun.
They all looked at me with so much care in they eyes like they were happy about something.
Me: sorry. I tend to lose focus in reality sometimes
Lizwe: Its fine
Sipho: I just liked you more little sister
Me: Thanks. Never had a big brother before.
Sipho: They suppose to be fun, ill try my best.
Mrs Musk: You are a wonderful delight. Thank you for blessing us with your presence. I thought you would run away
Me: I considered it a million times on my way here.
They all kept quiet
Me:but now am just leaving everything in Gods hand.
Mrs Musk: Ameen
We all laughed at her. This was nice. Am at peace for the first time in a long time. I looked at lizwe and he smiled at me and I blushed and looked away...

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