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We went home so late. I was happy to see Sipho happy. He was beyond drunk with Lizwe so one of the guards. Lizwe was sleeping on my lap and Sipho turned from the front and looked at me.
Sipho: Thank you again
I smiled at him
Sipho: His in love with you
Me: what makes you say this?
Sipho: Iv known him all my life and his and his never welcomed a woman into his world like how he has welcomed you.
Me: That not what Lindiwe says
Sipho: You know her type right? They will say anything to remain relevant thinking if you and your man fight they can get an opportunity to get in.
Me: You two really care about each other, here you are fighting his battles.
Sipho: He has done more for me than my own family.
Me: Am sorry
Sipho: its okay. I just pray that when you learn our differences you still love us as you do now.
I laughed at him as I brushed Lizwe head.
Me: The only time I can stop caring about you Sipho is if you stop treating me with the same love and respect that you have given me ever since iv been here. You could have easily hated me or make your brother choose between you and I
Sipho: Ill hold you to your word one day. I smiled at him and closed my eyes.
He laughed.
Me: What are you thinking?
Sipho: It was always us against the world but now we have you and somehow I feel lighter. Thank you.
Me: I smiled at him. We drove in the gate into the house and he dropped us at the door as we both held Lizwe up and walked. The minute we opened the door we found mom and dad and Avery and Dion standing there.
I smiled nervously. We placed Lizwe on the couch as he grabbed my waist in his sleep to make me sit on his lap. I whispered to him.
" babe behave your dad here" iv never seen a person get sober in a minute.
Lizwe: dad
Dad: You were out half the night. No text nothing if it wasn't for that instagram thing we wouldn't know were you were!!
Lizwe: calm down. We fine
Dad: will talk in the morning
Mom: had fun? She asked me and I nodded.
Mom: glad you did and thank you.
How did she know it was my idea? I smiled at her and looked down. They left and the minute they did we all busted out laughing.

I woke up alone and took a shower and went down stairs to find the family silent watching E news.
Anchor: marriage is the most sacred union ever and here is a woman that I think everyone should take note to be like her. If i was her i would have ripped off the other head.

I watched in horror as they played everything that happened at the hotel and when it was done they showed the part where i was in the bathroom praying and afterwards the comments where everyone was behind me supporting my reaction . Others even volunteering to be my back up if we go fight. I kept quiet
Anchor: I just want you to know a Lisabella that woman like you are rare and I think God have heard your prayers as you have the whole nation behind you.
The news ended and went to business and when it was done they switched off the tv. I looked down and next thing I heard a big bang and I looked up to find Lizwe stuck to the wall. I looked at him confused. Wasn't he standing by the entrance
Dad: Iv been with your mother for more than 20 years and not once have I ever disrespected her the way you have disrespected this young woman. Uwakuphi lo lindiwe esingamazi thina. I watched in horror as my husband moved out of the cracked wall without being hurt.
Lizwe: I can explain dad.
Dad: Explain what? That you took your wife to the same place your side dish was it
Sipho: dad
I watched in horror as my father in law eyes change and just as I was watching that I saw my mother in law hair change. I was confused.
Sipho: Guys.
He didn't finish his sentence as Lizwe was now flying in the air and thrown to the wall next thing big black wings came out of nowhere and he was flying. I stood there frozen to the spot watching this commotion.
I saw Dion run in and Avery at some point and just than my father in law changed into a big as wolf and howled so loud with my mother in law flying in the air. Sipho looking at me with so much fear on his face and I saw his face change as horns started growing out of them. I sat on that couch and I don't know what happened but everyone slowly turned and looked at me and just like that in a blink of an eye everyone went back to they normal self and the whole house was silent. I slowly closed my eyes for a second and counted to 10 and open them again. I watched as everyone looked at me with mix emotions and I slowly got up.
Lizwe had fear all over his face.
Lizwe: Lisa. He tried to move closer to me. I raised my hand stopping him to take a step closer.
I took a deep breath
Me: Please don't come any closer. I watched his face crumble.
Mom: we can explain.
Me: I know you can but right nowI need to go out. I need space. I need to think and I need that away from from you.
Dion: I can drive you. I looked at him. He looked normal. I saw his wife eyes change yellow.
Dion: am human like you. I looked at him and I looked at Sipho.
I really didn't trust anyone in this house. I looked at them and I saw a tear roll down on Lizwe face and I remembered him saying there are parts of him that Ill get to know soon. Is this it??.... Myths have just become a reality right in front of me....

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