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Its been 3 months since iv embarked on the journey of finding out about my in laws and lord I never expected what I found.
The facts are:
My father in law: his a werewolf that feeds on the power of his wife. His the strongest and most loyal one in the whole family and most importantly his the alpha of all werewolf's and of cause has more the 30 powers

My mother in law: God bless this woman soul. The kindest witch fairy ever. Has more than 30 powers one of them being the power of sight and healing. She is nature bonded and has the kindest heart ever

Sipho( my brother in law): He is a varko vampire. The kind of vampire you get when genetic mutations happen. His kind and sweet and is loyal to his family and has a heart of gold. His only power is strength and being the fastest vampire in the whole world.

Than we get my husband the beast of all supernatural beings half human and half werewolf with a blood of a fairy in him. He has over 50 powers and one of them is being invisible and teleporting. His the smartest individual and the most intuitive person ever. Hard to love but when the love they love with they all. He can kill a person without thinking it in the heat of a moment. Yes he can be a werewolf too when angry but he always result in having his wings that with one clap can cause a building to crumble.

Than there was me. One of the fallen angels. My faith is unknown yes am a fallen angel but not as the disobedient angel. Am one of a few that were just innocent by standers when lucifer rebelled against God. The funny part is that I had mind powers. I have the ability to control individuals and what I want them to do. I can fry your brains by a single touch and oh I have wings so the book says  and believe me i have tried a million times with all the pets that Lizwe been buying and all the things that the book says I can do. Iv never exceeded in any of them. Lizwe has tried teaching me activating my wings but to no extent. The only thing iv mastered is driving.

Me: Maybe this is not me. Mybe your parent's got it wrong am not a fallen angel.
Lizwe: explain why you immune to all our powers. You pain resistance and no power thrown at you can hurt you. We can't even read your mind. Dad tried throwing you against the wall and he couldn't. My father the strongest man on earth couldn't lift you up.
Me: how come you can pick me up?
Lizwe: that because am your husband and you allow me too.
Me: I still can't believe am an angel. No wonder i pray all the time. Maybe I dont have powers because God thinks am one of lucifer friends.
Lizwe: you an Archangel. You falling with the fallen angels was not a punishment but you falling with them to help guide them back home. You are the voice of reason between the mortals and the immortals. The humans beings and supernatural beings. You are the highest rank of the Malaika. By a clap of hands you can kill a whole nation. Fuck baby you even more powerful than any of us.
I laughed at him and looked into his eyes.
Me: do you really think so? I cant even light a single fire with my hands yet alone spread my wings. All i can do is pray.
Lizwe: when I first saw you, i was blinded by you beauty the noor( light) on your face that was the light of God. His favour onto you now don't you doubt yourself for a second.
I looked at him and smiled and he hugged me.
Me: today am going to the library to get a book.
Lizwe: what time?
Me: after breakfast.
Lizwe: I have back to back meetings today will you be okay alone?
Me: yep, ill take one of the guards. Yes you dad has place a lid on the researchers but i dont think that fight is over yet and plus the crew too haven't shown themselves.
Lizwe: alright. You can ask Sipho to come too his been listening to your findings and practising like crazy.
Me: ill ask him. I put on my sneakers and helped him with his shoes.
Me: I still can't believe a powerful person like you don't know how to tie his shoes. I laughed as he made a face and when I was done I looked at him.
Lizwe: no stress okay. I nodded and he kissed my forehead and left. I took my bag and walked out of our house to the main house and found it a buzz the whole family was here.
Mom: I thought I had to wake you up.
Me: I slept late
Dad: You know this studying And researching is too much. You need to take a break.
Me: I will when I get to the bottom of this. He gave me a light squeeze. My father in law was a father to me. He cared about me and my well being like how a father should. Actually the whole family was amazing.
Mom: They just passing through. Am driving them to the airport after lunch, want to come with?
Me: I have to go to the library
Mrs Musk Senior: where my grandson?
Me: early meeting. Left via the right wing.
Mrs Musk Senior: bummer.
Sipho: Can I drive you please. Or mom will ask me to tag along and I have no meetings todays.
I nodded as the family was going on and on laughing than when they were gone i helped clean the kitchen with Sipho help and then we left.
Sipho: How are you with everything?
Me: am good and you?
Sipho: Good
Me: what is it?
Sipho: nothing
Me: oh we hide things from each other now
Sipho: You my baby sister.
Me: Oh now am your baby sister
Sipho: Fine. I meet a girl. I got so excited that I squealed.
Me: Lizwe never said anything to me. He looked at me
Me: his my husband we talk about everything.
Sipho: Well I asked him not to tell anyone.
Me: Tell me about the girl!!
Sipho: its nothing really am telling you now because she works as a librarian.
Me: wait a minute? Which one?
Sipho: well not the library you usually go to but the one at central.
Me: than we going there
Sipho: you hate going to Johannesburg CBD
Me: well am going to see my potential sister in law so i can stomach it. We drove in silence for awhile.
Me: Tell me about her

I looked at her smiling and told her.
Me: She is amazing. Talk, not to dark or light. Got some shape nyana and a little crazy. I like her for wittiness and craziness.
Lisa: You in love
Me: She makes me feel good about myself and she love the birth mark
Lisa: does she know?
Me: She reads a lot and the books I was getting for you were not really hiding it. She kinda knows but we never spoke about it.
Lisa: at least you two dont have secrets
Me: we sorry about that
Lisa: we over it. We finally got there and we walked in and she went to look for her books while I walked to her office.
Me: Hey
Thenjiwe: Hi. She gave me the brightest smile ever.
Me:I brought my sister in law with to see you
Thenjiwe: why did you say? She touched her hair.
Thenjiwe: I look a mess
Me: A hot mess. I pushed her gently to the book of shelves and kissed her madly.
Thenjiwe: behave

I checked out the books and asked one of the assistant who greeted us earlier to show me where my brother went and he pointed to the office on the left and I walked there and lightly knocked and open the door.
Me: Sipho
And just than I watched as the girl eyes changed to dark black and she sprinted to me and My neck. Out of shock I raised my hand and she froze mid air. Sipho looked at me with so much shock.
Me: Am so sorry
Sipho: Your wings. I looked at myself and the most beautiful white wings were visible. There were fluffy and beyond cute. I shrieked in excitement.
Me: I have wings!!!!!!......

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