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I watched in fear as my mom rolled her to the side and Jasmine saying some words to her and rubbing her tummy with some things. I watched in fear thinking that I might lose her.
After a while she stopped vomiting and mom made something for her and she kept drinking it. Her eyes light blue.
Jasmine: I need you all out.
I looked at my grandmother crazy green eyes.
Me: am not leaving
Jasmine: The next part of this is not going to be nice.
Me: What happening
Mom: Its the baby
Me: What wrong?
Mom: Its stronger then her
Me: Is it killing her?
Jasmine: No, its making her stronger for her to be able to carry him to full term. This is a process that her body is taking so it can carry her.
I felt the fear in my heart. Yes i know she said that its not killing her but making her stronger but i had to ask.
Me: Can she die from this? There was silence and I knew my answers but angels don't die pr do they. I walked closer to my wife and had her weak body half on me and kissed her on top of her head.
Me: Am here baby, we got this.
And I must say it was the longest night of my life. It was like she was giving birth from the screaming and crying. At some point i heard all her bones break and mom was saying they connecting being stronger. Her eyes was changing colours every hour and she was sweating .
I don't know when I dozed off but I woke up to find the whole room dozed off and Lisa next to me looking so beautiful and so radiant with light brown hair from her roots. She looked stunning. Her lashes were long and she looked so fair it was unbelievable.
Lisa: You staring at me.
She whispered with her eyes closed.
Me: how can you see when you suppose to be sleeping?
She opened her light blue eyes and I swear i just felt in love with my wife all over again.
Lisa: How can I sleep when you staring? I moved closer to her and I felt tears in my eyes.
Me: I want to thank you for carrying my child. I know it's tough but thank you.
Lisa: Tiger tiger.
I laughed at her. " tiger tiger"
My mom woke up and looked at us snuggled and walked to us.
Mom: Feeling better?
Lisa: Yebo ma
Mom: let me see. She lifted her top and placed her hands on her and closed her eyes and she smiled.
Me: What you see?
Mom: They okay.
Mom: The babies you carrying.
Me: Mom babies are plural. Baby is one. Which is it
Mom: ay ke sifundiswa, go to the doctor if you don't believe me
Dad: what are you two arguing about
Me: mom says Lisa is carrying babies. I saw my dad face light up and jump to his wife
Dad: How many? Two
Mom: You won't believe me if I told you
Lisa: Mom? She whispered with shock in here yes
Lisa: You saying am carrying twins
Mom: I never said that
Me: want to go bath?
Lisa: Yes
And we left with me picking her up and taking her to shower.

Siyabonga: How many are there
Me: It what we wanted for ourself. I watched as his face crumbled in a smile.
Siyabonga: Am going to be a grandfather
Me: Yes old man. Now help me go make breakfast for our guests. I woke my mom up and Sipho to follow me and we went to the kitchen to find Nokuthula already working her magic in the kitchen and I smiled. Sipho might not know it yet but she is the one for him. Its will get rocky but they will pull through.

We drove to the doctors with Sipho and 3 body guards.
Me: we could have waited you know
Sipho: You scared us yesterday.
One will think his the father the way he was panicking
Lizwe: Its not that I don't trust mom but she loves hanging news like sweets.
Me: I know.
Sipho: I think she just wants you guys to have a normal pregnancy.she big on us being normal.
Lizwe: Yeah
Sipho: am going to be a father.
He grinned like a baby.
Me: Guys I need you two to tone it down.
Lizwe what are you talking about?
I looked at him and looked at the hand that he has on my tummy.
Sipho laughed.
Sipho: Yeah you need to tone it down.
We got in the doctor and sat down while Lizwe was filling out the form. When he was done he came to sit with me. We waited in silence. I guess everyone was thinking what they were thinking and then they called us and yes i had Lizwe and Sipho go in with me.
Doctor: Hi
Me: Hi
I was kind of shy about this.
Doctor: How can I help?
Me: We know we pregnant we just need to find out  if everything is fine in there. He nodded.
Doctor: Let me run my own tests and we take it from there. Who the father?
Sipho: Am not leaving
Lizwe: His not asking you to leave bafo
Doctor: Is the father willing to run some test too so we can build up a profile for the child?
Lizwe: We just need a scan for now, ill do tests some other day.
He nodded and I started the whole process when done he placed me on the bed, spread cold gel on me and moved his scope. He adjusted the screen to us and he smiled.
Doctor: Child A here, B here.
Lizwe: twins?
Doctor: Hold on here is C and D and E. he moved it to the side. " oh here is child F"
Lizwe: 6 kids. The shock on his face as Sipho laughed.
Sipho: Am moving out when they born. You were a racket on your own imagine 6 kids.
Me: Can you give me a photo please. He moved it a bit and moved back in shock.
Doctor: Uhm i think I need to refer you to a specialist that deal with a multiple pregnancy
Me: why? What did you see?
Doctor: I Think there is 8 in there
Me: 8? As in 8 kids? Like number 8? The fear was on my throat.
Lizwe: Uhm. I think we will go. Thank you
Doctor: But this is a risky pregnancy. You need....
Lizwe: We okay. He picked me up and signalled to Sipho to do something I saw Sipho taking the file and ever paperwork with out names and walking to the doctor desk taking the surveillance video tape for the day and look at the doctor.
Sipho: Utter on word of this and I swear ill kill you. We left driving to the house in silence. So I might be carrying 8 kids? 8 full blown supernaturals. What did we just do???

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