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I had one of my marks and I was milking him dry. This time around was going to save this money. Just then Dj's fill in the set and it was a night of fun and loads of drinking.

We were eating and they were drinking he introduced me to so many people. They were always by my side. We were having fun and he smiled the smile that I loved.
Sipho: Thank you
Me: For?
Sipho: You know. Thank you. I smiled and hugged him.
Lizwe: what you two on about
Me: Uthanda izindaba( you like news) he held his heart as if his heart broken. He handed me a can if something.
Lizwe: Try this
Me: I dont drink, iv never drank.
Lizwe: Try it. He opened up the can for me and then I tried it and I must say it was not bad.
Me: what is it?
Lizwe: Bernini blush.
Me: its not bad.
Lizwe: I knew you will like it. A few minutes later my favourite Dj came on set and I lost it. Did I mention that I can dance? I didn't know lizwe cab dance until I saw him and I dancing as if we have practice. The whole crowd was looking at us as we laughed and danced. When the song was done he picked me up and made sure I sit by his lap as a few friends came by while they drank and I sipped the one can I had. We ate and laughed till it was slow jams time.
Me: am going to the bathroom.
Lizwe: am coming with. i laughed.
Me: I go to females toilet remember?
Lizwe: Barman. One guy came and he whispered something and she left after a while he came back and lizwe picked me up and place me gently next to him and we walked to the bathroom. We passed a line of people and he stop outside.
Lizwe: Go on. I shyly went in with the ladies giving me an evil eye.

I stood there as the ladies stood waiting they turn.
Me:Sorry about the wait. They all mumbled something and I shyly waited after awhile she flushed and rinsed her hands than came out. We walked and she looked at me with twinkles in her eyes.
Lisa: Thank you
Lizwe: anything for my queen. I spanked her ass and she squealed and we walked back to the crowd and found Sipho with a bunch of ladies and we got there I sat down and has Lisa on my thigh while Sipho entertained his ladies. We ate and drank like there no tomorrow.

Who knew going out was this fun. I turned to find a girl who kept on staring at me from a distance and every time i looked back she will be at the back looking at me. I looked at her then looked at lizwe who was conversing with a friend. I shifted and he held on to me and I leaned back and whispered for him.
Me: Ill be back
Lizwe: where you going?
Me: trust me. I got up and he watched me walk.

I watched her walked right to Lindiwe and I felt my heart clench.
Sipho got sober within minutes.
Sipho: Why did you let her go
Me: I only saw now where she going.

I walked and I saw a bunch of girls around her. I know her type and I grew up with a cousin like her.
I got there as she stood up tall in her heels and pushed her long ass weave.
Me: Hi
Her: Hi
Me: You been staring at me for sometime hence I came closer .
Her: Am Lindiwe
Me: Lisabella
Lindiwe: You stole my man
I don't know where I got the courage to laugh butI did.
Me: how about we take this outside away from people. I turned to find Lizwe and Sipho looking like they saw a ghost. I smiled and waved at them as we walked to a more quiet place and less cameras.

I was packing up when I saw the New Musk family member walk out with the girl who was a fuck buddy of her husband and her friends. I hid by the bushes with my crew and rolled the mic and recorder.

I looked at the four people and smiled my calmest smile.
Me: So You say I stole your man.
Lindiwe: Yes
Me: how?
Lindiwe: don't play smart here. You just came out of nowhere then boom you married? When? How when iv been the one fucking him the whole year whenever he wanted it and wherever.
Me: And that makes him your man? She looked at me confused. Yes it hurts that iv been with him only when he was busy but then again I can't hold him accountable for his past before me.
Lindiwe: what else makes a man a woman man?
Me: I don't know, you labeled him as yours so i figured you know what you talking about.
Lindiwe: I can hit you right now.
Me: And will that make him yours again?
Friend: Asambe mngani you won't win with her.
Me: If I was you ill listen to your friend and go
Lindiwe: Or what??
I smiled. I don't know what got over me but i just had the courage.
Me: Let me tell you something that not even your friends or your mother will ever tell you. I grew up watching a cousin of mine who was just like you.i know your type. Am sure he showered you with gifts and money and at that time you spent it all without a care of tomorrow. I know that you invested in him when all he did was chow you and plan his future. I know you hate me and i would  hate me too if i was in your position too. But i never asked to marry him. I never asked him to leave you,i never knew you before he told me about you as his past. But hitting me or fighting me aint going to make him yours. If i was you i would move on and focus on myself and future. I would excel in everything that I do and be a better version of myself and right now you can hate me all you want but it will not change your situation. Am his wife. You his past. Deal with it and move on.
If looks could kill she would have killed me with it.
Lindiwe: I can have him again if I want too
Me: Then go right ahead and have him. But that wont change the fact that am his wife and you....
i looked at her." Well i dont know what to call you but you are you. And you do you but know one thing if you come at me, dont you think for a second ill watch you. Ill come at you harder"
Lindiwe: Am pregnant with his child. She grinned the most evil smile and somehow I didn't believe that.
Me: And you telling me this because?
Lindiwe: ill go to every newspaper and every television station.
Me: and be known as a girl that every man will want to stay clear off? I saw her quiver in her stand. And I knew she made that up. I smiled at her and her crew
Me: now that you have made your presence known, am I free to go or is there anything else you wish to talk to me about? She looked at me with so much hatred and her friend pulled her.
Friend: Asambe
Lindiwe: Your days are numbered
Me: Iv heard that a million times before yet here I am.
Lindiwe: You think you smart?
Me: Think or know?
I knew I was making her angry. People like her hated being patronised.
She moved closer and I stood my ground and looked at her right in her eyes and I saw she was shocked.
Me: Never under estimate your opponent. I turned and walked towards the bathroom. I was shaking and breathing hard. I remembered the ground floor will be full so I went to the first floor.

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