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I got to Johannesburg and after two days of trying to see Mr Musk I finally decided to just walk up to his office. I got there and I was shaking but I saw the lovely lady by the front desk and asked to see Mr Musk.
Lady: Do you have an appointment?
Me: No, Tell him Joshua is here. She nodded and Dailed the phone and spoke softly into it next thing 2 body guards came and showed me to a black room. There I found the mighty Siyabonga looking as hard core as ever standing there.
Me: am not here to fight you
Siyabonga: didn't think you were.
Me: am sorry I just popped up like this but my wife did a stupid thing and am trying to rectify it.
Siyabonga: 26 years later?
Me: I know but its my sons life we talking about.
Siyabonga: Your what? I looked down ashamed.
Siyabonga: You lost that opportunity when you and your wife wouldn't even hold him. Now here you are saying what exactly?
Me: she told researchers and the crew what he is.

I felt my head spinning. Can this family be any more cruel.
Me: what the fuck is wrong with you people?
I threw him against the wall and saw a picture falling.
Joshua: Am sorry. He tried to pick himself up and I  just left him there and walked out.

I was sitting by the lounge watching Tv laughing at my brother. I sent the food up to irritate him and I knew he will answer me after I knocked on the door.
Just then my phone rang and it was dad. I looked at it and then answered.
Me: dad?
Dad: can you come to the office for a minute please.
Me: sure. He sounded off and I didn't ask but got in the car just as the furniture guys drove in and I told the guard where to place they things. I drove off to the office got there and was directed to the boardroom. I quickly checked my phone to see if I missed any messages but there was none. I walked in and the minute I walked in a skinny man started crying. I looked at him closely and I knew he was my biological father.

I switched on to entertainment news.
Anchor: Just in today is The Musk family. According to a secret sauce there is a dashing new member to the family.
There was a tiny footage of Mrs Musk and two beautiful ladies. I know the other one wife the wife to the head security and a best friend to Mrs Musk but I didn't know the other lady. She was tall but not too tall and fair and had beautiful long braids and she was picking a rug up and the ladies were too focused then she threw herself on the couch exhausted.
Anchor: very clear that the young lady is exhausted from the day adventure. Who is she? And what is she to the Musk family? I sat there as pictures of them leaving the store were captured. Something about her elegance and quiet nature bugged me and am not sure why.
Pinky walked in and looked at me.
Me: What up?

I looked at her smiling with tears in her eyes, she been teary and smiling ever since. I have just given her the ring and she was in tears looking at it. I took a picture of her in my blue night gown sitting on the chair with Pizza slice and wine glass. The ring was visible there and I took another one with us holding hands and our rings visible and posted on instagram:
" I have found my peace after years of being restless... Meet Lisabella Musk... God created a partner for I in you❤️...Here you have it folks am a married man"
And tagged my family since they have a million followers and tagged her too since I created an account for her before posting.
In less than a minute I had a million likes and comments
Lisa: so do you know all these people
Me: some yes
Lisa: I see... so now I also have instagram?
Me: Yes. I switched to it since I posted a picture of myself that she took of me having a short of whiskey and pizza with my ring visible and One she took that I wasn't looking where I was resting my head on her thigh with eyes closed and she placed her had on the side of my face and took a picture.Her post read:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4‭-‬7
I have found what iv been searching for but mostly i have found everything in one place. My everything in one. A man that holds many titles in my life.
My Mr Musk... Its with great joy that I start this new journey"
I saw that in less than 5 minutes she already had 5 thousand followers and already had inbox of sponsors. That the joy of being influential you get sponsors who think if you wear they products or use them, your followers do too.
Me: remind me to order a phone for you too. You about to get busy. She nodded and sat on me. I like how free she started being with me.
Lisa: Today have been the best day of my life. Thank you.
Me: to many more
Lisa: many more. She kissed me.

She had her phone to her chest and just than my phone rang and whenI was about to take it she snatched it away.
Me: what wrong with you.
Pinky: Am sorry chommie. She gave me her phone and right there in his instagram was the same beautiful lady I saw with the Musk earlier. Now she was more beautiful wearing his gown. His name was on her right side and the huge diamond ring was flashing brighter than her smile. He tagged her and I saw she also posted him looking handsome as ever. No wonder he never wanted me to post him nor go out other than his club. He just got married!! When? I was with him every weekend!! I couldn't hold it as I cried like my life just ended

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