The Chunin Exams

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You made it back home without incident, but both Sensei's decided it would be best for Team Eleven to stick to D rank missions, at least for now. It made you feel better, home was safe. "Hey, would you tell me what happened back there? You were pretty freaked out.." Your father and Hizuki Sensei had asked you the same thing as what Naruto had just asked you. You were about to give him the same response. "That redhead boy... he scared the absolute crap out of me.. he's killed a lot... without mercy. Don't ask me how I know... I just do." You pushed the swing you were on lightly as you thought about EXACTLY what you saw.

Gaara of the Sand

ATK: 690

DEF: 815

HP: 800

LV: 16

Only loves himself.

You didn't really know what it meant, but you knew it was bad. "But we are home and hopefully we won't cross paths again." You finished what you were saying as you smiled weakly at Naruto. He looked concerned for you, but smiled back. "You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you know that right? I won't let anything happen to any of my friends!" Your smile became a little more genuine. "I know, Naruto. Thank you."


"The Chunin Exams?" Kasai asked. "Already?" Your eyes flickered between the three others within your team. "Yes already. All three of you show great promise and carried your C rank mission out with success. Of course, the choice is yours though." She handed you all the forms. It seemed simple enough, registration forms. "So we can choose whether to participate or not?" Yoru asked. "Everything's a choice, Yoru." With that, the three of you were dismissed to think about it. It wasn't long before you were positive you were being followed. "Naruto's Academy teacher, why is he following me..?" You muttered to yourself, recognizing his scent. You felt kunai get flung in your direction and leapt out of the way, pivoting to face the direction that the kunai and scent was coming from. It seemed that Iruka had transformed himself into an enemy Grass Ninja. "So it's a test.." You concluded. You didn't know why he was testing you since you hadn't been his student, but you supposed it didn't matter anymore. He was attacking you now, you were going to have to fight back.


You tried not to give him time to fight back as he talked about the Chunin Exams. At least now you knew why you were being tested. He was trying to make you quit, give up on the idea of taking the Exams. Newsflash, that was not going to happen. You had to play your part, protect your home. The Leaf took you in, so you were going to protect it... even if it mean facing terrifying people like Gaara. So you would show Iruka what you were made of. You threw bones at him, diverting his attention as you got closer. You focused your levitation ability on him and threw him back into the tree. He was winded. You used bones to pin him there as you drew a kunai to his neck. "I'm taking the Chunin Exams, Iruka and no matter how many transformations you do, you're not going to stop me." You warned before tucking away the kunai and releasing him... after you were a safe distance away. You looked at the form in your hand. "I'm going to pay Konaha back for all that they've done. I will do this exam." You resolved.


Filled out form in hand, you met Kasai and Yoru outside where you were taking the Exams. "You're sure?" Kasai asked. "I've never been more sure." You confirmed. Yoru nodded and the three of them entered the building. "It's a Genjutsu." Yoru alerted you both immediately upon entering, knowing that Genjutsu was your weakness. You looked around, unable to tell, but trusting your teammate. It wasn't long before you found Naruto among other examinees. "Heya, what's up?" Naruto grew excited as he typically did upon seeing you, making you smile. "[Y/N]! You made it!" You propped your hands on your hips, tail wagging. "Well naturally, I wouldn't miss this for the world!" You chuckled as he hugged onto you. "Forgive me for asking, but what are you?" You blinked as you and Naruto looked at the bowl cut haired person who asked. "Don't know and I never will." You replied, same as always. "[Y/N], we should continue on we are still only on the second floor." Yoru called to you. "Oh boy, welp I gotta go Naruto, which means you have to let go." Naruto did so quickly. "Meet you up there, [Y/N]!"
"You as well, Naruto." You waved as you walked away.


"Welcome to the first trial, glad all three of you could make it." Hizuki Sensei wagged her tail as she waited outside the doors with your father. "I told you she'd come." Said parent whispered to your teacher to which you rolled your eyes. "I wasn't sure because of how she reacted towards him, she probably hasn't sensed him yet." She whispered back, confusing you. He? Oh boy, now you were feeling uneasy. They couldn't possibly be talking about- "Well, you're all here, so go ahead and go on through." Hizuki Sensei cut off your thoughts. "Good luck." Your father told you, giving you a thumbs up. You returned the gesture as you followed the other two inside. You went on alert immediately, not used to being around this many ninja. Worse still, they were from different lands meaning that he must've been here. Your instincts screamed for you to hide until he got to close, but you ignored them. You were doing this. You grunted as you felt the pulling in your chest again. "[Y/N]?!"
"Are you ok?" You looked around for whatever it was, getting sick of these random pulls. "I'm fine, I just need to.." You trailed off as you finally spotted what you believed to be the source.

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