The Boy from the Desert

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You had been enjoying talking to Shikamaru, then Naruto when he woke up, but with the sudden presence of Gaara, you just knew nothing good was going to to come out of it. You disappeared out the door and followed your senses down the hall and to what you found out was Lee's hospital room. "What are you doing?!" You growled out the demand. Shikamaru and Naruto came in after you, the former dropping to catch Gaara in his jutsu. "Leave him alone!" You stopped your friend from running at Gaara as the two of you locked gazes yet again. You narrowed your eyes in a quiet demand of what he was doing in here. Gaara caved in pretty easily, answering the question out loud. "... I was going to kill him." Before you could comment, Shikamaru spoke up, obviously shaken. "W-what? Why?"
"What's your problem?!" Naruto barked out. Do you have a grudge or something?!"
"I hold no grudge, I merely want to kill him." Gaara replied, eyes never leaving yours. He believed what he was saying.. "Merely?!" Shikamaru gaped. "Are you sick in the head or something?!" Naruto demanded. "Naruto." You growled in warning.


The rest of that conversation had left a painful feeling in your chest, the end of the conversation before Guy had come echoing in your head.

"Demon shmeemon!" Naruto scoffed. "I got the real thing inside of me!"
"My demon is as real as yours." Gaara stated. "To make sure I became one of the strongest ninja, my father cast a jutsu upon my unborn self and sealed a sand spirit inside of me. I destroyed the life of my own mother and I was born a monster." You growled at Gaara, making him freeze and look away. "That's creepy man, your dad must have really loved you."
"Love?" Gaara questioned. "Love and family... the only ties I have with them are ones I want to wrap around their necks. Ties of hate."
"Then how about friendship?" You offered your hand. Naruto quickly grabbed your hand. "[Y/N], are you nuts?!" Gaara sent you the coldest glare he'd ever given you. "I don't need your friendship! I need nobody.."

After that he'd attacked the three of you with his sand, or tried to, but Guy had come. When he left, he looked like he was in as much pain as you were.


"Gaara!" The three shinobi whipped around on you, surprised that you'd found them. Before words could be said though, you were using levitation to pull him to you and disappeared via teleportion to a more secluded spot. Gaara staggered as soon as you appeared in the training grounds, not used to being taken for a spin. "Oh crap, sorry.. I just wanted to talk to you privately." He tried to throw up his emotionless demeanor despite the obvious affects on them. "Why..? What... what about?" He asked monotonously. "You seem to have troubles distinguishing between yourself and the demon. I'm wondering why." Gaara looked up at you. ".... people treated me like a monster, so I became one." Gaara replied. "..." You didn't know what to say, so you let your actions speak louder. You hugged him (apparently with regard to your own safety but you wanted, no needed to make him feel better about himself) and nestled your head into the crook of his neck. The redhead tensed in your arms and that's how you stayed for a good few seconds. Finally you released your hold, grabbing his shoulders. "I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Gaara Yuzawa, you are not the same as your demon. I hope in time, you'll know what I mean."


In a moment Gaara felt that same feeling as he was pulled into the dark and back to where the others were staying. While they were uselessly panicking, he was frozen in shock. That girl... knew his last name. He never gave anyone his last name so how?! Was she like Yashamaru? Was she going to try and kill him too? He couldn't trust her, the woman that his heart longed for. He didn't know why, he wasn't sure that he wanted to know. He just knew that he was a monster. "Shut up, all of you." Gaara barked, choosing to ignore the hurt in his chest as he had so many times before. "Before I kill you.." He stated ominously. They looked surprised for a spit second, then they looked afraid. They were always afraid... everyone was always afraid. Except her- no. Don't trust her. That's right boy, never trust humans. He wasn't even sure she was human though. She certainly wasn't a monster. Gaara decided to head out since Shikaku was starting to act out.


"Somethings on your mind?" You didn't bother to look at your father as you stared out at the night sky. "Jinchuriki... like Naruto... like Gaara... they remind me of the stars. "Wait Gaara's-" He sighed. "Nevermind. Why is that?" You blinked and turned to Kakashi. "From this perspective it looks like they have everyone they could go to, but in reality they are millions of miles apart. They are both... so alone. I want to help Gaara like I've been helping Naruto, but I can't reach him." You looked back at the sky. "He's too far away.." The Jonin sighed. "That's not true." Your eyes flicked back to him. "You'll find a way to reach him. It's possible you may have already. I've noticed... that there's something between you two. Something I can't place my finger on. If anyone can get through to him though, it's you." You felt a smile tug at your lips as your tail started to wag. "Or Naruto. Let's face the facts, that boy's got a way with people." Your father laughed. "Well, you're definitely not wrong about that!" You took one more look at the stars before heading in for the night.

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