The Instinct

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The Leaf village was getting hectic. With the Akatsuki after Naruto and others like him, they were mobilizing, preparing to take the organization out before they could get Naruto. You were stuck with Sans while Kakashi and Yamato did training stuff with Naruto. It was fine since you wanted to have as much time as possible with him before... "What do you want to do. Other than nap-" Sans closed his mouth and held his hands up in surrender. "carry me?" You sweatdropped. "You can walk." He whined. "let me be laaaaazzzzzyyyyyyy!" You grabbed him by the hood and hauled him up. "Nope! Let's go walk!" You dragged your lazy father out of his place of living and into the streets. "Ever get the urge to howl? When you're alone or after you win a fight?" Sans snorted. "all the time. it's your instincts acting up. you're feral so they are constantly nagging in the back of your mind." You tilted your head. "Oh?"
"Do you ever... give in? Just a little? Or is that dangerous?" You asked in genuine curiosity. "it's been awhile, but yeah. it's a good stress reliever. not recommended around humans." You smirked. "Then let's get away from humans."


You went way out into the woods outside the village to let loose? Yeah, you supposed that's exactly what it was. Only... "How do I...?" Sans chuckled. "stop thinking. act on whatever pops into your mind." As if to demonstrate, Sans lunged at a falling leaf and pinned it to the ground with the rest of the leaf litter. It seemed completely pointless, but his tail wagged as he kicked up more leaf litter and started running around like an excited ninkin. You started to giggle at his behavior. He rolled onto his back, staring at you as a blue tongue lolled out of his mouth. He was waiting. For you. Right. You had to de-ninja for a bit. That meant doing something your instincts wanted to do like chasing your tail or something. It seemed so stupidly simple though, does that really work- "Ah!" You hell onto the forest floor as Sans weight suddenly left you. He growled and tugged at your Hitai-ate, pulling it off. "Sans wait-" He took off running on all fours with it. You growled. "I need that dad!" You ran after him.


You hadn't even realized you'd slipped. It had just been you trying to get the forehead protector back, then you had to drop on all fours to keep up, and by the time you had pounced on him, it was forgotten. You growled playfully as you pinned Sans and grabbed one end of the Hitai-ate in your mouth. It was suddenly a tug toy as Sans pushed you off and pulled the other end. You both growled and struggled to get it from Sans. He eventually just flopped to the floor, letting you drag him around. THAT LAZYBONES!!! You let go and pounced on Sans with a growl. He yelped as he scrambled to his hands and paws again. You playbowed, letting your tail wag in wide, happy circles. Sans jumped at you and you skittered a small ways away before play bowing again. Sans huffed and scampered after you. You ran away as another game of chase started. You were having fun. He was having fun. This is what you both had needed.


You and Sans panted as you leaned against each other. Sans was chewing on a leaf for some reason but you didn't mind. Your tail thumped on the forest floor as you and your father rested from your play. Sans scanned the surrounding area and let the leaf fall out of his mouth. He sat up and howled mournfully, calling for someone you both knew wasn't there. After a few minutes he howled again, knowing it was pointless but wanting her so come anyway. You huffed and sat up yourself, letting your howl join his as you both called for your dead mother, the woman you'd never meet. You raised your voices one more time before Sans quit, whimpering in pain and sorrow. You nuzzled into him, sensing his pain. It was a lot harder for you to hurt since you never met her but he loved her. Sans nuzzled back, trying to focus his breathing for some reason. "[Y/N]..." You tilted your head at the foreign yet familiar sound. "that's enough, come back now." You didn't understand, what did he mean? You were here. "keep thinking kiddo, we had enough fun for one day." Enough fun? All you did was run around and tackle each other- "Where's my Hitai-ate?"


You and Sans found it on your way back. You had to admit, it had been fun, losing yourself for awhile. Got depressing in the end, but you and Sans had fun for the most part. Maybe you could do it again sometime? "[Y/N]!" Kotetsu was running over. "Did you hear the news yet?"
"What news?" You questioned. What had you missed being out those few hours? "Sarutobi Asuma is dead, killed by the Akatsuki." What...? "How's his team holding up?" You'd never really been close with them, but they were still Konaha Shinobi stars dammit. "Not too good... the funeral is tomorrow." You nodded. "Thank you Kotetsu." You looked at Sans who seemed to read your mind. "i'll be there." He took a shortcut, presumably to his house, giving you the time and space to think and prepare for tomorrow's proceedings. Maybe you and Naruto could finally talk, it felt like it's been forever... who were you kidding, it has been forever. He was a hell of a lot busier than you and he was a Genin. "Hopefully tomorrow..." You took a shortcut home.

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