The Death of a Soulmate

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Your soul ached painfully. Gaara was in so much pain. You pushed through despite this, you could get there, you could end his suffering. You were nearly their... you could sense it, but you could also feel him... fading. "Gaara!" You summoned blasters to break through the rock but your fire only rebounded. "NO, NO, NO GAARA!" You winced at a new wave of pain in your soul, looking around desperately for some way to get past this barrier. Stars, was this felt like to be dying? It hurt so much. Why did it only seem to be increasing for you? You whimpered as you leaned against the rock. It couldn't be like this... it couldn't end like this... right..? Black dots started to appear in your vision as the pain you'd been shoving against finally overwhelmed you. Gaara needed you though... was it fate for things to end this way..?


Sans was hot on his daughter's trail. He could feel that she was in pain and it had him on the verge of complete ferality. Someone or something was hurting his little girl and he was gonna make sure they suffered for it. Kakashi, his team, and the Sand human wisely stayed a good distance behind Sans as he ran on all fours with his head low. "[Y/N]!!" She came into his view, next to a large boulder with some piece of paper on it. He darted to his daughter, picking her up. She was breathing, though it was labored. She was still in pain, he could see in on her features. There was unshed tears in her eyes. Her soul was erratic and hard for him to read. There wasn't a single mark on her to suggest she was hurt though. Sans looked at the boulder. "kakashi... how close is she to this... kazekage?" Sans asked suspiciously. Naruto rubbed his head. "They've always been unusually close to each other. Gaara was nicer to her than others." Naruto said before Kakashi could answer. Sans nodded looking down at her. It was the only explanation, but he never would have thought that she had met her other half before he found her. Sans remembered how painful it had been to lose her mother. He knew well what she was feeling. "we need to save him now." Sans finally said. "i'll take her away from here."


She whimpered in Sans arms as he took her away from the battle area. "shh, shh. i know... they will save him, i don't want you to go through this too. you're lucky, ya know. took me a lot longer to find your mom. i'm gonna tease the hell out of you when you and the kazekage boy are safe and sound." Sans muttered soft reassurances to his daughter while he carried her to the best of his ability away from the battlefield. She was shorter than most ninja and taller than him so there was some dragging involved. Mainly just her paws and tail though. Sans could hear the battle waging in the distance as he picked up his pace. He didn't want want the battle to spread out to them. Not in the state she was in now. She was a strong and talented young warrior, but if Gaara really was her soulmate and dying, she was in no shape for a battle. Sans was dangerous when he was protective and he'd been Hella protective since this mission started. Nothing was gonna touch [Y/N], not on his watch. He wasn't losing her again.


He had her resting with his hoodie as her pillow. He could feel ominous power at play, far from where they were. It seemed Sans had no need to fight. He brought them far enough. Didn't mean he wasn't still prepared for the worst. "I-it hurts.." Sans head snapped over to look at [Y/N]. It seemed she was awake. "hey... just breathe... they are working on saving him now." She whimpered, tears slipped down her face. "I-its already t-to late... I-I can't feel him..." She sobbed. Sans pulled her close. "i'm so sorry... i'm so sorry [Y/N]..." He whispered. She gripped tightly to Sans shirt as she buried her face into Sans. "I-it hurts- m-my soul-"
"it's gonna... he was your soulmate. your other half. it will dull over time..." Losing a soulmate... the pain never went away, but one could learn to live with it like Sans did. He had help, knowing their child was alive. That [Y/N] was alive. "G-Gaara...?" Sans noted that he couldn't hear the battle going on anymore. "I-I feel him! Gaara!" Just like that, she was gone, leaving Sans confused. Wasn't he just dead?!


You followed the pull to a field. You didn't bother with anyone else, you just zeroed in on your soulmate, or Sans had called him, standing and alive. "Gaara!" Gaara turned to look at you as you came running. [Y/N-mm!" All thought left you as you pulled him into a kiss, your soul finally easing up on you. He was safe, he was ok, and... You'd done nothing to help.. "I'm sorry I wasn't here..." Gaara sighed, wrapping his arms around you. "It's alright. You're here now, and that means the world to me..." You nuzzled into Gaara, just wanting to be closer after this scare. You were starting to become aware of everyone around you, the smug grins on Temari, Kankuro, Kakashi, and Naruto. You tried to ignore it, but you knew you were gonna get teased for this. At least now you knew it was a valid monster thing. "i wish phones existed in this world, this would be such an adorable picture! i could show it at your wedding!" You snapped around to look at Sans. "YOU SAID THIS IS A VALID MONSTER THING-"
"it is, don't mean i'm not gonna tease you 'bout it though~"
"S-SANS!!" You flushed bright yellow with embarrassment while Gaara turned red.

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