The Separation of Team Seven

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You grit your teeth as you and Naruto ran after Sasuke. This had to be because Itachi had been here. Sasuke was going after power to defeat and kill Itachi and now he was trying to go to Orochimaru. The snake man's goons had already been stopped by the rest of the team consisting of Shikamaru, Kiba and Akamaru, Choji, and Neji. Now it was just you and Naruto and if your senses were correct, it would soon just be Naruto chasing Sasuke. "Naru, you've got this, ok? You're going to have to solo the rest of the way." Naruto blinked. "What are you talking about?" You picked up your pace. "Just bring Sasuke back, I believe in you!" You barked in reply before jumping at your opponent. A bone came out of his skin, blocking your own bone attack. The male, Kimimaro, looked at you with surprise as you looked at him with focus. "You use bones too. I thought that was only unique to my clan.." You summoned another bone attack to your hand. "Guess not anymore." You replied before the two of you ran at each other.


Bone collided with bone as you fought with each other, you jumped away as he literally shot his phalanges at you. His ribs were out of his skin, protecting his front, many radius and ulna surrounded his fists making his hits harder. You were going to stop playing around with him and take the fight seriously. Honestly you'd been a bit curious about his Kekkei Genkai, so you'd only been using bones, but this was going to have to end eventually. "You're strong man, but I gotta be honest. I'm not even using half my power."
"Wha-" Blaster fire cut him off. He jumped away from the animal skull, eyes wide as the skull growled and readjusted to fire again. He tried to evade again, only to find that he couldn't move. You'd caught him in your levitation ability. The Blaster fired at him as you tried to end it quickly to catch up with Naruto. But it didn't do him in. You stepped back growling uneasily as the bone that was protecting him retreated back into his skin. "You are very powerful, I'll admit." Kimimaro's skin started to turn grey as he spoke. "I will have to kill you using the seal..."


Lucky for you as he went to attack again, you felt a familiar pull. Gaara was near. You teleported out of his reach, appearing beside the red head. "Heya buddy, come to help with that guy?" The look in his eyes said yes, though you didn't really have much time for your usual staring contest. "Yes, you look as if you could use some assistance." Your tail wagged a little, happy that he no longer seemed to be upset about the last time he'd been in Konaha. In fact... something about him seemed to have changed, and not in a bad way. You threw up bones to block the spine that Kimimaro had ripped out of himself to use a staff. Sand rushed at the bone user, trying to envelope and capture him. You summoned a couple blasters. "Gaara, his condition isn't good. While I don't think we can break through his bone armor, if we can weaken him, his body might give out on its own." Gaara gave a calm nod. "I understand." Between the two of you, he never stood a chance. You and Gaara were highly OP and you both knew it. In one last desperate attempt, Kimimaro created a forest of bone to impale you both, but Gaara's sand aided you both in escaping the devastation and as you thought, his body gave out in that final attack.


Gaara's directive had been to bring you back, so you reluctantly followed him, even if you wanted to chase after Naruto and Sasuke. "How long are you staying this time?" You asked Gaara. "Just until tomorrow. I have a village to tend to. The people are looking for a new Kazekage and I decided that... I will aim for that position." You quirked a brow. "Oh really? Good luck then... Lord Kazekage." You jested. He gave a small, barely preceivable smile. "Thank you. Before I do that though, I have to work on myself as a person and show my people I'm more than just a weapon."
"You can do it Gaara, I know you can." You reassured the Sand ninja. "How you have so much confidence in me is beyond my knowledge, I am thankful for it though." You gave him an award winning smile. "We should celebrate our victory with an outing, you and I. What do you think Gaara?" When he didn't answer, you turned to him, a pink hue tinting his cheeks. Weird.


That didn't end up happening though. Nearly everyone but yourself, Shikamaru, and the Sand Siblings ended up life threateningly injured. You ended up staying at the hospital with Shikamaru, waiting for results on the others. Gaara left the next day, much to your disappointment, but he had goals to complete so it's not like you weren't too upset. They all ended up stabilizing as well. "[Y/N]." You turned to the Hokage. "Yes Lady Tsunade?"
"I have a mission for you, regarding what we had discussed when I first got here. Your Sensei will be taking Sakura in your place while you are gone on this mission. I will also be training the girl. Naruto will be leaving with Jiraiya as soon as he's healed." You didn't know why she was telling you all this. "What is the mission?"
"I want you to find Sans and bring him here. I don't know how long this will take or where he is now. Orochimaru and the Akatsuki can't have a power source like you or him, so you both would be better protected here. Understood?" You were going to... "Yes Tsunade, I'll prepare to leave immediately."

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