The Ten Tails

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You had awoke to the battle of the beasts and watched the golden fox - a part of you was certain that it was your blonde packmate - attack the others in what seemed to be a winning battle. Your mate wasn't awake yet, but you didn't worry. He needed this rest badly. He needed to recuperate his strength. You could sense someone approaching. You weren't sure if they were friend or foes, but even as afraid and feral as you were, your mate was your top priority. You would fight for your lives or flee with him once more, depending on how strong these opponents were. You hovered over your mate protectively and growled in warning when you felt they were near enough to hear you. To your satisfaction, they did stop for a while. You took the time to get in a more protective position above Gaara, and you were ready for them to try getting closer again. You didn't expect your luna, though, nor your spike haired and no eyed packmates. What were they doing here..? What did they want..? "Hey [Y/N], things must be pretty scary for you right now, huh?" The spike haired packmate crouched down. "But we need you to come back to us..."


Hizuki had been surprised with how easy it was to find you. All the scents, all the noise. She thought it would be harder. She was also surprised to find you so far from the battle. But when she heard your warning... things clicked into place. "Everyone stop for a moment!" Hizuki ordered. Yuri and Kasai were quick to come to a halt, looking to their mentor. "She's just ahead, but she's feral. The Lord Kazekage is there as well, unconscious. She will be dangerous if we aren't careful, so tread with caution..." The warning out there, they continued forward more slowly. You looked prepared to pounce, your slit eyes darting from person to person until Kasai got close, getting down to your level and talking to you in a calming and soft voice. Yuri stopped not far from them. "We know you are scared, but Naruto is going to need all the help he can get..." Hizuki quietly made her way over to pet you, and you rumbled softly. "... I know you're scared... you know we will protect you..." You could almost hear Sans' voice in your head... "it's time to come back, [Y/N]..."


It was already getting dark as you 'woke up' from your feral state. Madara Uchiha was someone you never wanted to face again. You couldn't light a candle to him... just as you couldn't make a dent on the statue that Naruto and the octopus beast were trying to battle. At least, that's what your instincts were screaming. You wanted nothing more but to listen, but instead, you shoved them aside and gathered up your determination. "What can we do..?" you finally asked, vaguely aware of the soft pets you were receiving. "Anything we can... we aren't Naruto, but anything we can do to slow it down or capture it, we will do." Hizuki Okasan replied readily. You swallowed down more fear and looked to Gaara. "We can protect him." Yuri reassured. "I will bring him to a medical tent and rejoin you in the battle." You nodded to your grey haired teammate. "Thank you, Yuri, I appreciate it." Yuri nodded and picked up your mate before they were off. It was about time you did the same. It was time to make up for running away.


You didn't dare look back at the explosion happening behind you. If you did, you'd probably flee again. If you did, you would have to accept that the Allied Shinobi Forces had just lost their HQ. You tried to think that they survived the attack. There was nothing else for you to worry about in regards to them because they were ok. You knew you were lying to yourself. When you got back to the battlefield, everyone turned to fight the creature they were calling Ten Tails. They were trying to sever it from the two Uchiha's on it. The Madara's, if you remembered correctly. That... you could do that. It meant facing that beast of a man, though. Once more, you had to shove back your instincts and gather your determination before taking a shortcut. All it took on your end was a well placed blaster and blended with the rest of the Allies attack plan the two were detached from the Ten Tails. You were back on the ground before they could register you had been up there with them. "[Y/N]! You're here!" Naruto was relieved you were ok, but - "[Y/N], look out!" Everything went white.


You coughed, stunned with whatever just happened. Everything around you had been destroyed, but you yourself were ok. You could feel a foreign Chakra coating you as Naruto's hand withdrew from your shoulder. "W-wha-" There wasn't much more you could say as Sakura moved to heal your exhausted friend. "Th-that thing is going to fire again..." Someone whispered. You looked up to see it was indeed charging another one of those attacks. It wasn't really doing good things to your Ferality, but you shoved it away again. You had to focus and do something! You had a lot of magic, but none of your attacks were built for something like this. Your best friend at the moment was your teleportation abilities. Could you actually drag something that big away, though? Did you have enough magic for that? There was only one way to find out. "Take care of him, Sakura!" You teleported up to the giant purple ball and touched your hand to it. It burned, and the sheer energy was almost too much. But you just couldn't give up a second time. Just as you were about to jump, you felt him, and your eyes met blue ones.

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